
Heart Failure Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"You're in heart failure. Your ejection fraction, which should be around 55-60, you're at 30."
"Weight loss is one of the most powerful things you can do to help someone in heart failure."
"If you’re at risk for heart failure, think you might be having heart failure, get it checked out."
"He died March 30th of heart failure at the age of 81." - On Bill Withers
"Beta blockers improve cardiac function and heart failure by decreasing cardiac remodeling."
"Replace the enalapril with sacubitril/valsartan because if a patient has a low EF, they're on maximal dose of enalapril or an ARB, you should try and switch them over to an ARNI."
"How is spironolactone beneficial in heart failure? It prevents cardiac hypertrophy and that's why it reduces mortality."
"Heart failure is present when, in the presence of normal or above-normal filling pressures, the heart is unable to maintain enough output to meet the minimum metabolic needs of the peripheral tissues."
"Heart failure is a clinical pathological syndrome characterized by failure of the heart to generate enough cardiac output to meet the minimum metabolic needs of the body tissues, in spite of normal or above-normal filling pressures."
"Acute cardiac failure: one of the very common causes is massive myocardial infarction. A large area of myocardial infarction in the left ventricle can dramatically drop cardiac output."
"Of all these people living with heart failure, we see about two hundred and eighty-seven thousand people die each year."
"Clara Germana mysteriously died of heart failure when she was just 22 years old."
"Understanding that for select patients with heart failure and a number of other concomitant conditions, we have therapies with evidence to indicate that we can improve the outcomes for those patients."
"A BNP above 100 makes heart failure a likely diagnosis."
"Heart failure progressively develops over years, leading to classic symptoms like breathlessness, fatigue, and edema."
"He had been in great physical condition, his body was fit and his heart was healthy even though it was heart failure which had actually killed him."
"Diuretics, diuretics, diuretics. If you don't know that diuretics are a fundamental principle of managing heart failure, you gotta know that."
"Heart failure is a failing heart, but you don't know what heart failure is if you don't know what the job of the heart is to begin with, okay?"
"Oxygen therapy can help to prevent pulmonary complications in heart failure patients by improving oxygenation. Lying flat can exacerbate pulmonary congestion. Limiting fluid intake should be individualized, and diuretics are often used in heart failure management."
"Beta blockers are prescribed in heart failure primarily to reduce the heart's workload by decreasing heart rate and contractility. This helps to improve cardiac output and reduce symptoms."
"If you've been diagnosed with congested heart failure and you you know you talk to the doctor you may want to consider this approach."
"My name is Dr. Janmohamed and I specialize in heart failure."
"The first thing when you have a patient with heart failure in terms of treating it is, is there some underlying cause I can fix?"
"Successful management of heart failure starts with lifestyle modification."
"These are all signs of advanced heart failure."
"Heart failure is a clinical syndrome where the heart fails to meet you to pump out enough blood to meet the body's requirements."
"Patients who have heart failure will generally not have as good a quality of life as patients who don't have heart failure."
"Patients will complain of breathlessness when lying flat and they will complain of Prof edema which gets worse as the heart failure status gets worse."
"I'm very excited to tell you of a new set of medications called sglt2 Inhibitors that have actually for the first time been shown to improve prognosis in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction."
"So let's touch bases a little bit on the pathophysiology of heart failure. And this is a super simplistic view, but just to put it in perspective, so what is HefRef? Well, HefRef is a disease where there is a loss of contractual function."
"Almost 50 percent of heart failure patients have normal systolic function, making diastolic assessment crucial."
"A major clinical sign of the heart not being able to pump enough blood forward to the body is that the blood starts to back up into the lungs."
"We specifically use this test a lot in congestive heart failure when your heart is starting to fail and not moving fluid forward appropriately."
"Nausea is an ominous sign of heart failure."
"The warm and wet profile of heart failure which is 90 percent of what you see is this mechanism."
"We all clinically see when we manage without a heart failure patients that creatinine's get better with diuresis."
"We have developed a whole host of medications for heart failure which have had dramatic effects on quality of life, on morbidity or mortality."
"Heart failure means the heart can't pump enough blood to meet the body's needs."
"We treat myocarditis symptomatically, and generally those symptoms tend to be congestive heart failure symptoms."
"Patients with repeated hospitalization, progressive deterioration of end organ function... these are the patients who should be referred to advanced heart failure transplant program."
"50 percent of heart failure patients are iron deficient."
"S3 sounds... that indicates ventricular failure which can be life-threatening."
"Usually, the patient has left-sided heart failure, and it develops into right-sided, so the whole heart fails, but usually, it starts at the left."
"The overall effect is to increase cardiac output, which may relieve symptoms of heart failure in some people."
"The total cost of heart failure in the U.S. exceeds about 30 billion dollars annually."
"Our goals at treating acute decompensated heart failure are aimed at interrupting these pathways to try to improve our patients."
"The Seattle Heart Failure Score... provides an accurate assessment of one, two, and three-year survival."
"There was a 20% reduction in the risk of the primary endpoint in the LCZ group compared with the enalapril group."
"Cardiogenic shock is caused by an inadequate function of the heart, or pump failure."
"Bilateral pitting edema may be a sign of right ventricular failure."
"Heart failure is defined as a complex clinical syndrome that results from any structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of blood."
"She is really a most prominent investigator, educator, and clinician in the field of advanced heart failure."
"Whether it starts in the right or the left, it really doesn't matter; in the end, they are linked, so you'll end up with just heart failure."