
Fugitive Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Miles is facing three counts of first-degree murder and is wanted."
"DB Cooper, they think landed here in the Pacific Northwest. But then he hid out from the FBI."
"The FBI placed him on their list of ten most wanted fugitives."
"Bin Laden was on the US’ radar now - but where was he?"
"This man's been living in hiding, a free man for 50 years after murdering 335 innocent civilians in Rome."
"She was wanted for first-degree murder in the United States."
"Robert William Fisher: Triple homicide and arson fugitive."
"I guess the world's most wanted fugitive will have to do."
"I'm a wanted man now. It was only a matter of time."
"One name stood out above all others: a 41-year-old prisoner on the Run, local man Alan legere."
"In March 1998, Taco Bowman found himself on the FBI's notorious top 10 most wanted list."
"Vagner remained at large in Brazil for most of the 1970s."
"Are you like a fugitive or something?"
"World War II has been over for 43 years, yet France's most notorious war criminal is still at Large."
"...in June of 1997 cunanan became the 449th fugitive to be listed on the FBI's 10 most wanted fugitives list."
"Pablo Escobar said goodbye to his family and went on the Run."
"One of the guys was caught after 50 years on the Run wow."
"By the time he was 16, Billy the Kid was living as a fugitive in Arizona territory."
"The two winners are now just on the run for the rest of their life."
"For the galaxy's most wanted, there is no place to hide."
"Bill Longley certainly wasn't the first wanted man to find refuge there on the border."
"He becomes the most wanted man in American history at the time."
"Now officially on the run, he moved the children all over the countryside."
"Agents learned that the gang's leader had been living underground for more than two decades."
"A fugitive's life is not measured in years, it is measured in moments."
"if you'll be extradited but I see him getting caught somewhere on the run right now."
"The law doesn't always work for a fellow with a big price on his head."
"That man was never caught to my knowledge he's still on the run today hiding amongst everyone."
"Arctic Manhunt: Hunt for the Mad Trapper details the investigation into the identity of a mysterious fugitive."
"I'm a [ __ ] fugitive, I'm a fugitive, I'm on the run, see?"
"I was able to go on the run for those eight years."
"Richard Kimble, fugitive. A man for whom there are no neutrals, only enemies or friends."
"After 24 years on the lam, Robert Arcieri has been captured."
"Gig Sanders, two-time loser, a killer loose in a city of four million people, and everyone his enemy."
"The FBI opened a federal case against the fugitive for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution."
"Marie Dean Arrington made history by becoming the second woman ever to be included in the FBI's 10 most wanted fugitives list."
"Marvel looks broken; her boy Andor is wanted for murder, and he's going to be on the run for good."
"The best period of my life was being on the run. I loved being on the run."
"He started to become known as the chameleon, switching identities to slip through the cracks."
"Simeon Mogilevich is still on the run today, there's a five million dollar reward for him."
"Oh, I've been running from the law, hope they won't shoot me down soon."
"El Chapo is currently on the run, the U.S. government are once again offering a reward of up to five million dollars for his arrest."