
Plumbing Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"In February 2021, Italian plumber Luciano Faggiano was called out to what he expected to be a standard job in Puglia, Italy. He'd been told there was a broken toilet in a restaurant and he was the right man to fix it."
"I wonder if/when the colorful plumbing will make a comeback."
"Repair broken pipes without digging them up."
"If you're a plumber and you've got any insight into all these things and you've got any recommendations, any tips, then we're glad to hear from you."
"Always when you're removing a test cap, check to see if the pipe is attached..."
"I prefer to be uncomfortable when I'm doing my plumbing than take a risk of damaging everything."
"This is a great time to have somebody working with you. You can have them up there holding the faucet while you tighten the ring on."
"That's ready to go again so that is the jg speed fit fitting which I must say thirty years ago I was actually on the plumbers panel when they developed those fittings."
"There's always a time and a place to call in a professional, but when they make plumbing systems this simple, you better learn how to do this yourself."
"Plumbing will always be a viable career option. It was in the ancient world and it is now."
"So yeah, that's what I did, put the rubber elbow here and put a vertical pipe."
"Soft tubing clearly has its benefits and I think people need to stop giving other people a hard time who choose to use soft tubing."
"It says right here that you two are the best plumbers in Brooklyn, and quite possibly the world."
"These openings also help the sink drain in another way as well; if you have a full sink these allow air to escape while the sink drains."
"I accidentally dyed my hair blue trying to fix a leaky faucet."
"One of the Owens Thomas house's most interesting features is probably something we take for granted today: it was one of the first houses in America that had indoor plumbing."
"The plastic pipe repair kit offers a simple and cost-effective solution for repairing leaks."
"One of the best tips you're ever going to get here on plumber Parts."
"The aim of my channel is to help you with your central heating and your plumbing."
"Guys, literally a straight pipe all the way back."
"...the standard that you'll find at most houses, rental places, and hotels is this: a fixed shower head where the pipes are built into the wall."
"Next is the rothenberger Press Rings, a specially designed press ring set that allows you to get the ultimate stability and precision when working on metallic piping systems."
"Upgrade your plumbing game with the DeWalt DC e700 pipe threader."
"Just by pouring a little bit down your drains, that's going to keep the gate valves inside your tanks lubed up."
"If you move away from working for somebody else and start your own business... we've seen plumbers make upwards of $300,000 a year just simply working for themselves."
"You may be wondering why do we vent plumbing pipes to begin with."
"I'm a plumber and all CS that was subtle."
"If you've ever been wondering what happens with the pressures and what pressure as it takes to make things function and everything else, you've seen that too."
"That's the whole purpose of this channel is to show you everything we can do with plumbing."
"If you're a plumber and you think this was a really good informational video, share this amongst your colleagues."
"Installing a toilet isn't too difficult, but let me show you how to do it."
"Say goodbye to time-consuming jobs; this tool swiftly completes tough tasks, making your plumbing work a breeze."
"Plumbing can be a bit gutsy you have to sort of mentally be a bit like okay what now what can I do now to make this work."
"The correct pipe size and material, the correct fittings and nothing obvious wrong, such as too close to sockets or open ends."
"I'm going to bend these pipes down to go underneath and again just be real careful because at this point the last thing you want to do is kink a line."
"Espoo, Ubend... Yeah. That's a plumber's nightmare, isn't it?"
"Plumbing is not all that tricky you should feel empowered to be able to do this on your own."
"The drain trap is a special curved pipe under the sink basin. It's made that way so the smell from the sewer won't get back into the house."
"Upgrade your plumbing toolkit with the I Crimp CRQ 01."
"You don't want it to do that, you want a nice tight connection on the drain hose."
"The number of taps you can fix with this, the number of thousands of pounds of terry the plumbers coming out, you could do it yourself."
"Make sure your plumber does that, they're going to try to talk you into just using smaller pipes like two inch or inch and a half - it's really a mistake."
"Always reduce the amount of fittings for potential leak sites."
"I just wanted to help people live more happily with plumbing."
"We've got salt water coming in to feed the toilet."
"I'm showing it exactly how it is out there in the plumbing game."
"It's always really scary first time you got water into a pipe."
"...hopefully you'll learn something about installing toilet flanges."
"Location, location, it matters with these one pipe systems."
"This combined system is at the root of many of today's problems. This country's water crisis is actually a pipes crisis."
"We're going to be changing over a flush unit."
"Astoundingly, this sophisticated network of pipes predates the plumbing of the great Greek and Roman empires by over 1,000 years."
"If the water level is too high, solids and extra effluent may enter your drain field."
"We'll Plumb the walls up, get them all diagonals, it's obviously they're quite loose at the minute you can move them around."
"Somebody has tied this drain into the Weeping system downstairs into the homemade weeping system. It was bringing a lot of water into the house unnecessarily."
"It's a pain, and if the sewage connector is high, it's a headache."
"You just saved yourself a lot of money. Plumbers are expensive, so I hope this helps you."
"Most of your valves also have a scald guard. The Delta ones are pretty easy. You pull it and turn it and set it."
"Anywhere where there's water and we're putting water, you know, there's more bathrooms in every house, there's more sinks in every house."
"...the great thing about using that sealant rather than ptfe is that you can actually back it off so that you get it vertical."
"These types of fittings are basically the only place you should need to use teflon tape when you're plumbing an A.N system."
"A leak is a small hole in a pipe. You can see here this pipe definitely has a leak."
"I tell Missy, 'Call the plumber.' And she's like, 'Oh.' I said, 'Well, let me take a whack at it.'"
"No AI or anything taking over Plumbing because of the amount of detail that goes into Plumbing."
"Plumbing is important because every business, every home, pretty much everything that is a building needs water."
"I think it's the wax I think that's probably whoever put this in then put the caps on all right we'll do is we'll uh pull it pull a toilet and put a new wax on there right okay right."
"Is leaking radiat somewhere? If it's yellow, let it mellow."
"When you tightened that nut it squeezes the packing which slows down the water."
"With a nice big 3/4 inch ball valve on there I won't have any of those problems."
"Don't be us and put everything together with Teflon tape and do it again. Go ahead and just skip the Teflon tape, throw that stuff in the garbage, never buy it again, and buy pipe dope and use pipe dope because it will save you a lot of time."
"The plumbing is the most difficult part."
"The PEX connections to the interior fittings have stayed watertight, so that's always a good thing."
"But if you think about two pipe steam, there's a steam trap on every radiator and the only thing that floating thermostatic traps are handling is the condensate that forms in the main feeding those radiators."
"I've got no hot water at the tap at the shower in the other bathroom and it just clicked in my head."
"So I've got all the soldering done, all the PEX in place, and the water is actually on now, and there are no leaks."
"We are plumbers, you know, I think we're pretty effective plumbers."
"Pipes are used in plumbing to carry water."
"This pipe has to have slope on it. I cannot stress that enough."
"If you lift the flapper and you give that that structure the maximum capacity and it's still not working, pull the toilet because I'm guarantee you there's something wrong with what's going on underneath."
"I'm gonna use a sawzall with a metal blade to cut out the old pipe."
"I still have some play in the pipe so I can slide it back to align with the exact point I need to make the connection."
"Let's get started on how to build your food truck, the plumbing edition."
"So when water goes down, air comes in behind it, and you are not going to have any issues with gurgling in your toilets."
"If you have a smell of sulfuric egg smell or something in your home, it could be a dead giveaway that might be the issue."
"Water pressure is actually close to 70 psi which is actually a great water pressure to have."
"The most common problem inside these tanks is in this flush valve and that is in the flapper itself."
"The adjustment is pretty straightforward, and what will happen is if the water level is too high, it keeps filling the tank."
"There's all kinds of things that you can do, you can use pipe dope, you can use tape."
"Don't forget to close the drain tap."
"You're my brother, and next time I hire you, I'll make sure I give you more than enough time to get the plumbing job done."
"The plumbing itself... I'm super happy with how the plumbing is turned out on this tank."
"Pipe fittings are typically designed to perform one of five functions: connect pipes and components, extend the length of a straight pipe run, change the direction of a pipe run, provide branch connections, and close off the end of a pipe run."
"Look how the tap's leaking. I've got a quick fix for that."
"So once the five rain barrels have filled right to the top and there's no more room, right on the back here I have a 2-inch ABS pipe that's connected into there."
"Take your time with the plumbing. It's really worth getting it right."
"I've been a gas registered engineer for over 20 years. The aim of my channel is to help you with your central heating and your plumbing."
"It's always nice to be able to say, 'Hey, shut the water off right now'."
"Hot's on the left, cold's on the right; it's one of the big rules in plumbing."
"Using a licensed plumber or a very well-known professional makes a lot of sense to me."
"All you need to be your own plumber is a little knowledge and the right tools."
"I'm a fully qualified plumber, I've plumbed for years and years and years."
"Our rough-in inspection was officially passed for the plumbing."
"As arrogant as plumbers can be, there's always something to learn."
"I am thankful for indoor plumbing."
"I've not drilled through a pipe yet in my career, and I do not plan on today being the day that I start."
"It seemed prudent to me if I was going to make pipes to research what makes a good pipe."
"Use unions wherever you can, just make sure they're appropriately tightened to avoid any leaks."
"The air gap is a physical separation between potable and non-potable service."
"This relief valve is a safety valve; it's majorly important that you do not forget to install this."
"The phenomena is called water hammer because it sounds like something's banging the pipes."
"I have never moved a toilet before in my life, you might be shocked to hear that, but it's the truth."
"It really does make life a lot easier and ensures you're not going to get any air locks in the system."
"Once you start seeing any pink freeze flowing, this thing is properly winterized."
"You either want to monitor your water usage, check your plumbing for leaks, or protect your property from significant water damage."
"The entire installation and calibration of the Streamlabs monitor took less than 10 minutes, zero tools, and made no changes to my existing plumbing."
"Plumbers... they saved more lives than doctors."
"We're the Mario brothers and plumbing's our game."
"You pretend to be plumbers, but you know nothing about the job."
"It's 100 percent safe for every pipe, for every day, for every drain, for every septic tank."
"Wow, no way, it just unclogged it somehow after pushing it and flushed it all out, that's crazy."
"Scary ghosts are just misunderstood and quite knowledgeable about plumbing."
"So we got a plumber. So you felt confident in him? I did. He said he'd been doing it since he was 15 years old. Now, how much better can you get?"
"Plumbing is really the only thing that sets us apart from the animals."
"I'm going to show you guys how to route your sanitary and vent piping in Revit."
"Once that drain filter is completely cleaned out, put it back in, I test it, and you can just see the water go down real quick."
"One thing about plumbing, it never gets dull."
"Making pipes smaller actually made his system work when he couldn't make it work with 8-inch pipe."
"I chose this bag in particular because I am a plumber and some of the features of this bag really fit my needs as a plumber."
"Happy Sunday, thanks for tuning in to my latest video: the life of a jobbing plumber."
"We have running water in the van, it's all plumbed in, it's brilliant, there's no leaks."
"That will make sure that we never have leaking drain pipes in the future."
"We call this 'Make the Connection' but it's really about the different ways to connect water piping."
"I never really think about it too much, but a couple of people come over to me and told me how it sort of either got them into wanting to be a plumber or it got them through their qualification, especially through lockdown."
"Plumbers are worth what you spend on them, and their work is hard."
"The freeing up of a drain is quite a liberating and sensational feeling."
"Sometimes when I set this in my kitchen, people think that I'm pouring grease down my drain. Don't ever do that."