
Users Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"500 million new crypto users: massive percent increase."
"From 130-140 million users now to 1 billion in 2024."
"Now the reason that I say that is that Twitter already has billions and billions of users around the world."
"In the attention economy, the user's attention is the product."
"The people that really care about you versus the people that want something from you because there's lots of users and takers in the world."
"We just broke all of our records by having over a million daily users."
"What you need to succeed in a startup is not expertise in startups, but expertise in your own users."
"There is no boss to trick. There's only users."
"Why the best Founders talk to their users throughout the lifetime of the company."
"Both the admin center and Azure AD can access users."
"Facebook has over 2.27 billion monthly active users, making it a crucial platform for marketers."
"Users trust that their data is safely and securely sent and stored."
"The dead internet conspiracy theory is the theory that the vast majority of users on the internet are not real."
"...there are now 10 million people using this variant of the GNU system the GNU / Linux operating."
"Stands are visible to regular people as well as stand users."
"You always need to consider who's your user, so what I call players, for example."
"CyberGhostVPN has more than 36 million users precisely because it is very easy to use."
"We know who our users are, who our real customers are, and they're going to be the people who care about this."
"Users are lovely right most of them thank you a lot the report actual bugs their patient consider it like it's amazing right."
"The app allowed us to reach millions of potential users."
"The more users you have in your business in the product the cheaper and better it becomes."
"So I think Google Doc is a pretty massive product with a lot of segments, a lot of users, and overall there is a complexity here."
"One of the biggest properties of acid properties is that you need to show committed or consistent data to all your users."
"You can add more users, you can have users in different teams that have access to different dashboards."
"Competition is great for us users."
"Developers care about acquiring users. Yes, that means the infrastructure needs to be good so that they can offer a better user experience."
"The easier it is for builders to build, the easier it is to bring in users."
"It was founded by a computer programmer and now has over 12 million users."
"Just getting it into users' hands is so valuable."
"100 million weekly users of ChatGPT."
"We had over a million downloads, we had like a pretty huge. I think at our peak we were in the six figures of daily active users."
"The next lesson I want to talk about is obsessing about your non-users."
"Facebook is the single largest entity in terms of users in the world."
"It's very versatile from consumers to prosumers to professionals alike."
"The users control the program with software; either the users control the program or the program controls the users."
"Grant users the minimum access required to do their work and nothing more."
"We would want to create a system which is completely scalable and can scale to a very high number of users going into hundreds of millions."
"One of the effects allowed users to control their dreams."
"We want to keep our users informed about the world."
"ChatGPT reached 100 million users already in January."
"Facebook today is at 2.7 billion active users."
"You can't protect secrets from the user who's using them."
"It's really about empowering the internet user."
"As library developers, we need to think about our immediate users, the developers who are building apps, and also the users of our users, that is the actual people partaking in those apps."
"An active user is somebody who becomes a regular user of the app of a free version of the app."
"The model will allow you to monetize these active users in three different ways."
"What all these organizations share is making sure that they're getting incremental new users and they're growing profitably."
"The way you start a company is to come up with an idea and then maybe try to get users and figure out if you're making something that people want."
"Users can be employees, managers, or admins."
"A realm is something like an abstraction for handling a set of users and set of client applications."
"This tool will tell you if users are invalid or not."
"For this whole space to grow we have to go from 300 million users to a billion users this time around or more."
"You need willing funders and you need willing users."
"2.91 billion monthly active users are on Facebook's products every single month."
"We want the users of these systems to be able to build trust with the vehicle."
"Mercado Libre's fintech business has 41 million active users and that's growing fast."
"Now we have a table called users."
"Our implementation is the ground truth; our priority is to protect our users."
"We want to work hard... understanding that we want to serve all of our end users."
"It's not just moving files or automation, but it's the value that you're trying to deliver to your end-users."
"We really love our users and we really try to be as accommodating to them as possible."
"I've had already feedback from users which has been amazing."
"The free version grows enough that we can do advertising there and the paid version is for power users."
"Dynamic user is a major step forward to building secure operating systems."
"Five bays is kind of the tipping point for a lot of users."
"The application layer is the most undervalued with the highest potential to have more users."
"Discord grew from zero to 140 million active users per month."
"You first capture the actors, who are the people that are using the system."
"Metamask has 30 million monthly active users."
"The access layer is where your end users actually access the network."
"Now let's go ahead and get started with setting up our users module."
"One platform for 100 million users."
"Uniswap X is for the swappers, Uniswap V4 is for the liquidity providers."
"We need to specify interfaces in terms of general concepts so that we can improve the implementations without affecting the users."
"The value of an existing user will increase with user stickiness."
"Let's work together to achieve the best outcome for users."
"If there's one thing I've learned from being on YouTube, it's that so many of you guys are Reaper users."
"Mercado Pago's position continued to strengthen in Q1 2024 with monthly active users reaching 49 million."
"Unique monthly active users are growing."
"We have over a billion daily active users... and I think 1.3 billion monthly active users."
"We have over 70 million users and growing."
"APIs are user interfaces; they just have a different user in mind."
"There are millions of users and there are billions of files on Google Drive."
"Our job is to serve users, to serve all of you and to do a really good job doing that."
"We needed to scale from that very first day to potentially tens of millions of users around the world."
"This is not fake data; this is actual users that are registered on our stream API."
"Follow the developers, follow the users."
"Congratulations, your application now has users."
"I think that the M3 MacBook Pro is going to be the right choice for most users."
"I think what's so impressive is that there are many different types of users."
"Technology is great, but if there aren't any users, the blockchain is going to be worthless."
"It's important to support our existing user base."
"We have a big community of more than 200,000 registered users that are also happy to exchange information."
"I will help you cultivate a bond between your product and your users."
"The community and our users are the most important part of this."
"Yahoo search is still considered competitive and has millions of users around the world."
"This is gonna be a big win for users."
"Chrome is now at 310 million active users, almost doubling last year's number."