
Measurements Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"It'll come back weighing right at six thousand pounds a little bit less but still fairly heavy nonetheless."
"That single half decimal point adds a significant amount of value to it."
"The infectiousness of a virus is measured by the basic reproduction number or the R number."
"Oh, this guy's wrong he's got 1,500 inches Jordan's leading by like 24 inches he's got a 100 point 5 inches that's badass."
"An objective basket of those five measures is only growing at a 0.9 percent pace."
"The screen gets bright enough at 306 nits when at 100% brightness in the center with the 740 to 1 contrast ratio based on my own measurements."
"In a perfect world we would use civilized measurements in centimeters."
"With the limits reached, we saw a peak operating temperature of 74 degrees with the fan spinning at 1450 RPM."
"Room EQ Wizard is a free software that allows you to take measurements of your system in your room."
"...you want to take a bunch of measurements because you want to try to get a sense of what the ear is actually hearing."
"My next tip is to read your patterns, especially the size chart and the finished garment measurements."
"Swamp runner: 8 pounds 2.4 ounces. Mud skipper: 8 pounds 0.1 ounce. Beaver dam: 5 pounds 9.2 ounces."
"You're 1 micron off, and a human hair's 70 to 80 microns, but you're 1 micron off, so yeah, we'll have tolerances that are crazy tight."
"Let's talk about the measurements of the box."
"With only three measurements, you're able to check the integrity of the entire electrical circuit that your customer has an issue with."
"If these two measurements are exactly the same, then our structure is perfectly square."
"When you're done with all of this you've set everything using measurements you've not used your ear."
"...a heaping tablespoon 70% cium hypochloride for every 2 gallons of bleach."
"...all the measurements line up perfectly."
"You don't have to do this from scratch, you don't have to do it from measurements like I just did, it's not essential in any way, shape, or form."
"It's important to know those measurements, your gauge, what needle size you need to use to get that eight stitches or nine stitches to the inch."
"Your foot is the same length as your forearm."
"A fat quarter assortment will it be enough if I want to turn the six inch blocks into a 12 inch block?"
"Even with the antenna, the car barely exceeds 1.5 meters, so it is a model quite low."
"If you're the measurements you're getting don't look like they make sense, stop and figure out why before you jump to the assumptions."
"Through open short match is by far the most common calibration type for two-port measurements."
"You can create all these and even cut this hole out as long as you know your measurements."
"The distance from here to here is the diameter of the semicircle, so that means this to here is three, so the whole thing right here is three."
"There's no way right? And so then I had to do like blood work and they came and measured my waist versus my shoulders and my arms and like the agent was super dope she's like all convinced I'm like don't worry this data will show where you fall."
"Ended up being a level so just working off of 235 and 240."
"This is so cool. We created this from those 20 measurements that we took of our body."
"You want to make sure when you're making your initial chain, you go longer than your actual measurements."
"...you are going to want one section of 3 inches by 12 inches."
"You're looking at just over 19 inches on the back side."
"This one went up to, I believe it was 115, that one gets up to 135."
"The wheelbase on our size large is 1229 millimeters this keeps you right in that range of planted on the downs but also snappy enough to wiggle up some tight switchbacks."
"The length of the car is 195.4 inches."
"So, Y is 2 rad 5. That means WZ is 2 rad 5."
"It's 24 centimeters or 9 inches longer than the normal Yaris."
"It's quite a good size range, they generally go from a 4 to a 30."
"...so from this 24 here, this is 40."
"Okay then, I've just finished my 30 chain so this is about the width of your pockets gonna be."
"You should be getting six drops every 45 seconds to a minute."
"That's just my whole point with the exact measurements."
"It's not necessarily about exact measurements."
"It's still going to work because again measurements don't matter."
"So try not to concentrate on those measurements."
"We often get so obsessed with measurements and specific dimensions, but... the specific measurements when building a piece aren't as important as... relative measurements or proportion in a piece."
"One of the reasons why I want to make another DIY video is because I often get asked for the measurements for the plans, the guides, and I'm happy to send them to you but unless you're using the same exact tub those measurements may not work."
"So now you know the length for the two side panels, you know the length for your interior levels, and you know the length for the top and bottom level."
"The ability to do 1 2 and 2 2 measurements are why this VNA is so intriguing to me."
"This table's 40 in wide, and what I'd like to do is build the second table 40 in wide by 50 in long."
"Time series is a sequence of data points, typically consisting of successive measurements made from the same source over a time interval."
"Most modern fret wire is sold between about forty thousandths to fifty thousandths of an inch tall."
"One of the best things about doing a one-to-one size template: all your measurements are done."
"Your bottom hinge would be nine inches from the bottom of the door."
"You cannot buy our measurements, you cannot buy facts."
"She measures in at 452.8 meters long, 187.5 meters wide, and 73.7 meters high."
"Life hack: half a lemon is half an ounce."
"For most of human history, the human body was used for all kinds of measurements."
"We're in good shape now, I just need to figure out the length of pipe I need from here up to the elbow and from the elbow to the wall where the thimble is going to be."
"You're going to need just a few simple measurements."
"When you're making a pencil skirt, you're going to need these measurements: the waist, the hip, and the skirt length."
"Always go with your hip measurement; it is so easy to let in and out your waist."
"It's kind of important to make sure you have the right measurements."
"We're going to take some measurements, send over that data to them, they're going to make the calculations, and then they're going to get us the right shock length and spring rate."
"Throughout most all of human history, standard measurements didn't exist."
"It's called an equilateral triangle because all the sides are the same measurements when you're finished."
"I will try to explain measurements as best as I possibly can."
"Some of the measurements look bad on paper, but they don't necessarily translate to bad sound."
"Have your measurements ready... That way when you're at thrifting, you kind of already know the measurements of your favorite items at home."
"The aquarium itself is an Oaza scaper line 90, measuring 90 cm x 45 x 45, which is 3 ft by 18 in x 18 in, giving us a volume of around 200 l or so, about 50 US gallons."
"You know me, I don't give exact measurements because these aren't my recipes, I'm just here to test them."
"The first thing that you want to look at before you even go to the store is making sure that you have your measurements."
"Compressive sensing is really to try to bring these together into one block that goes directly from analog information to measurements."
"With just fifty, sixty, or a hundred random measurements, you can actually get very high classification accuracy."
"Pattern Maker Pro is a made-to-measure system that means that every pattern drafted is based on a specific set of measurements."
"Always trust the measurements, not the labels."
"Hopefully... we can solve the crisis in cosmology where all these measurements don't agree."
"If the scale isn't going down but measurements are going down, it's working."
"The truth is, it's around 4 to 5 grams, about one level teaspoon."
"I love that it has the liquid measurements on the side."
"It's an excellent tool when you use hardware and when you need to take measurements."
"The majority of the measurements must fall within the control limits."
"He has a 17 and a quarter inch neck, 16 and three quarter biceps, and 48 and a half inch chest."
"The dimensions of this rectangle: our width is 11 feet, our length is... if our width is 11, how much is our length if you just add 5 to it?"
"We're getting better measurements over time and we have more instruments over time."
"Measurements are super important because it gives the buyer a little bit of confidence shopping your closet."
"Sometimes the number on the scale doesn't move, and then you take your measurements and you're like, 'Holy, I lost two inches!'"
"Do not stress, we're going to have a complete blog post with all of the measurements."
"I learned the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon."
"We also talked about something super, super key, which is the finished garment measurements."
"This is called overdetermined, meaning I have way too many measurements."
"The angles of the case construction and also just the lug to lug distance."
"The evidence for the Big Bang is like carefully measured, carefully taken measurements of the natural forces in the real world."
"Objective measurements are helpful to determine the truthfulness of claims such as power output. However, other measurements such as frequency response is not exact and should be viewed with several grains of salt."
"To tell the sensor to start taking measurements and get out of standby mode, we need to write a 1 to the measure bit in the power control register."
"I'm not even going off like, 'Oh, I wear a four to six US, so I should be in a small.' No, I literally take my measurements, plug it into the size chart, and I should be able to fit into that size."
"If we know everything there is to know about our quantum system, then probability is a purely quantum effect that arises when we perform measurements."
"If you know your magic numbers, which means you know the measurements of the sweater that you like best on your body, then you truly can make anything."
"Use your heart, don't worry about measurements too much."
"The important part is to get those shoulder numbers, the front and back numbers, so that you can create your yoke."
"For the body, it takes about nine grams of paste."
"Okay, let's take some measurements so that we can get started making our own leggings pattern."