
Priceless Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"There really are things that money can't buy, and no matter how many hours I shopped, I would never be able to find what I found in you guys."
"The price of being able to look at the stars at night is you can't really put a price on that."
"There's some things in life that are so valuable that you can't put a price on it, where the dollar value means zero literally."
"Items with personal sentimental value are priceless."
"You can't put a price on something like this."
"We can't even put a price tag on our bodies, on the genius of how they're designed."
"You can't put a price on a memory like that."
"To see the joy that this education has brought my child, it's priceless."
"I have the most important thing that money can't buy: a real family."
"The loss for humanity was priceless."
"This lesson was something that money cannot buy."
"It's quality time and you can't put money on that."
"Her heart valued a promise that money could not buy."
"People say you can't put a price on friendship, but in this particular case, this friendship was worth a million dollars."
"It's a million pound banknote, but it only bought one thing in its life: the most valuable thing in the world, Porsha."
"I'm not a woman of value; I'm priceless. My value goes up every day."
"You can't put a price to everything, sometimes there are things that you can't buy like sunsets or the imagination."
"There's no price tag on that but there's someone you love."
"People don't know the joy he's feeling. There's no amount of money a person can pay to feel that."
"The value of true love will always be priceless."
"A collection of over 3 000 items that's been described as Priceless beyond the imagination."
"There is no price for infinite knowledge."
"Life experience like that, that was just priceless."
"The prize is something so cool is something that money cannot buy."
"The prize is something so cool it's something that money cannot buy."
"Money can't buy that kind of feeling."
"There's no price you can put on happiness."
"That [__] scream was priceless bro."
"This is the piece that you cannot buy."
"You can't put a price tag on a dope relationship."
"Everything just turns you into something Priceless."
"There is no price you can put on your freedom."
"You can't put a price on your memories."
"These things are things money cannot buy."
"To be working on such an impactful thing with my mother, I cannot... It's priceless to me."
"You really can't put a price on love."
"...But I will say, ours is priceless and...We will really help you make the most out of your trip and stay safe!"
"You can't really put a price on that."
"That's priceless. You can't buy that. You can't buy that, lad, you know what I mean? Like, that's mad."
"You can't put a price on peace and happiness."
"You can't put a dollar amount on stuff like that."
"It feels good to be independent, it's priceless."
"The look on his face was so priceless it should have been framed and put in a museum."
"The feeling here can't be bought."
"This experience alone is worth more than money."
"The celebration is just priceless."
"But that memory is absolutely priceless and it will put a stamp on that family forever."
"You can't really put a price on good health."
"I could win $10 million from the Massachusetts State Lottery and it wouldn't compare to winning Red Sox season tickets for life. It's just unbelievable."
"You honestly can't put a price on friendship."
"That experience for me at my age and Dad at 102 years old to be able to go do that it's just priceless."
"In the whole history of the world, there is but one thing that money cannot buy, to wit the wag of a dog's tail."
"I mean, if you have a friend like him, don't ever let them go. They're priceless."
"I could really see expression on dining space. It was priceless."
"Some things in this world can be bought with money, other things with prestige and power. This, this was something no amount of money could buy, nor any amount of power or prestige could pay."
"This family warmth that he feels at this table cannot be measured by any gold in this world."
"You can't put a price tag on smiles."
"Love... a priceless diamond, a maiden's treasure."
"What was like the highlight was her reaction on camera is priceless."
"Having someone you trust with your kids is priceless priceless."
"Do you know how powerful this is? That's like the best therapy ever, you know? No money can buy this. This is amazing."
"I think the beauties that nature can offer are priceless."
"You can't really put a price on having a family."
"Time in Australia with Luke and Kinga, that's just priceless."
"Money can't buy that beautiful moment in nature."
"The reactions were absolutely priceless."
"No amount of money on God's green earth can pay for that, mate."
"You can't put a price on freedom."
"Thank God the reason why you can't put a price on Him is because He's priceless."
"That was a feeling that you can't buy, you couldn't spend 100 million dollars to buy that feel."
"There is no price for awesomeness, and we had two days, and they were amazing. You've gotta admit, amazing."
"Transformation, money can't buy that. You can't even put a price on that."
"You just can't buy that. You can't. And you know, I wouldn't have cared how much it would have cost me. I'd have paid to go on it."
"Some things in life are priceless."
"Abundant life is a life of satisfaction and contentment in Jesus Christ, and you can't put a price on that."
"This is ridiculous, this man, we'll be back in a moment, we have them taking shape, a little gold bar, what would that be worth today's prices, golly I don't know, it's in a priceless category, solid gold."
"What money can't buy: friendship."
"If you learn something, that is priceless."
"The intellectual exchange is just priceless."
"You can't put a price on happiness can you?"
"It's irreplaceable. It's priceless."
"The happiness from those things cannot be bought with money."
"How do you put a price tag on something that is truly priceless to the author and priceless to many of its readers?"
"You can't put a price on creative freedom."
"No money in the world can buy such a gift."
"The freedom I got, there is no amount of money in this world that could give it to me."
"What you gave to him is something no money could buy. Merry Christmas."
"How do you put a price on that? It's like the old commercial, it's priceless."
"It might be free for us, but it is uh, it's priceless."
"...can't put a price on safety..."
"This is amazing! Look at this guy, man! What the heck are you seeing? Priceless!"
"Human beings cannot be priced since we are Priceless."
"There's no price to the feeling I have now."
"The looks on their faces...priceless."
"Money cannot buy the feeling of running."
"Making you happy is priceless to me."
"The best things in life are priceless and free."
"But then at the same time, it is priceless to me."
"You can't buy that. That's just Priceless."
"Pinocchio is not just a puppet, he's a miracle, and miracles are priceless."
"You give them something that doesn’t have a dollar amount on it."
"Can you really put a price on safety?"
"But the joy of that I wouldn't trade for the world."
"I don't think you could put a price on this experience this is the most invaluable."
"You cannot repay freedom. Freedom is not for sale."
"Allowing me to see my mom in her final moments was priceless."
"There are things that are absolutely Priceless agreed agreed."
"That item becomes worth actually worth less. It's no not worth less word like the opposite of worthless, words priceless."
"Priceless, that's what it's worth."
"You really can't put a price on your happiness."
"You can't put a price on happiness."
"...there is no price that you can put on their child."
"What's it worth now? Priceless. Everything here is priceless."
"The love and respect of your family is more than anything you can put a price on, that's exactly."
"You're worth a lot more than half a million dollars to me. You're priceless."
"Congratulations! Having a good time, you can't put a price on it."
"Autonomy to me is like the Mastercard commercial, it's priceless."
"It's beautiful and priceless in itself, right? Gives you a peace of mind that you know you can't buy."
"You can't put a price on family, bro. I really like that answer."
"Freedom is priceless. You feel me? Freedom is priceless."
"That's something you can search the whole world for and you can't buy that, that's a godsend thing."
"That time with my brother was so priceless to me, there's no value on that."
"To save, you know, one child's life is not something you can put a value on."
"The reward of pushing it on the boardwalk at the beach at the park at the mall is 100% Priceless."
"If you're lucky enough to be blessed with children in any capacity, in any way, consider yourself so lucky. It's really something that truly money can't buy."
"Just your friendship, that's cool. Priceless, you can't buy it, bro."
"You can't put a price on experiences."
"How special was it to have this moment in New York? Priceless again. I mean, I can't ask for nothing better than this."
"The joy this brought Virginia was priceless."
"There wouldn't be no money or nothing ever could replenish that."
"You can't buy something that's for sale, and two million dollars isn't enough for nothing that's priceless."
"I wouldn't have missed this for a million dollars tax exempt."
"That's something money can't buy right there."
"It's called friendship. They have something that all the money in the world can't buy."
"How special are memory quilts I mean really, they're really Priceless if if you ask me."
"It's not about that for me. It's about like to me time with family is priceless."
"The impact they had on me is priceless."
"No money in the world can turn that feeling, this is true."
"I have had a ride that money could not buy."
"It's really cool that you have it as a fan, that there's not a price that can take it away from you."
"Memories are worth more than money."
"This experience meant more to me than 20 million dollars."
"It's Priceless to have my family here to watch this and be with me."
"That's something no one can put a price on."
"After all, aren't all these things really priceless?"
"How do you put a price on a memory? I mean, you just can't."
"This is something money can't buy, and it's definitely not something I take for granted."
"I'm excited for the kids, the look on their faces. Oh, I know. That's always so priceless. Like, you can't beat that."
"It's priceless. I don't think you can put a price on it, it really is priceless."
"You can't put a price on friendship."
"You can't put a price on entertainment."
"Some things just don't have a price."
"You can't put a price on being that close and immersed in nature, in my opinion."
"There are some things you just can't put a price on."
"The things that are truly valuable in life are love, time, health, and peace. The cost is zero but priceless."
"You can't put a price on your health."
"They are worth nothing, but when we look into them, we can give you another valuation which is that they are priceless."
"Can you really put a price on happiness? No, you can't."
"You can't really put a price on the memories you make."
"There is no price; they're invaluable."
"True family, true connections, it's such pure joy that money can never buy."
"Love, knowledge, and generosity, there is no price."
"The weather here is just beautiful, the views that we get, you just can't put a price on that stuff."
"You can't put a price tag on any of this."
"You literally cannot put a price on seeing things like this."
"You can't put a price tag on your health."
"Ultimately, I don't think you can wholly put a price on the value we'll be creating."
"He's worth a lot more than that to us, the kind of worth you just can't put a price on."
"This is priceless, from my mother."
"I'm not putting a price on our happiness."
"There are some things that you can't put a price on."
"It's moments like this you can't buy at any store."
"You cannot put a price tag on love, the love you have for something."
"Every time of joy, every time of friendship, every time of laughter is a time of memories, and those memories you can never trade for a million dollars."
"At the end of the day, if you can feel good about yourself and who you are, that's literally priceless."
"You can't put money on any of that, you can't buy that, but that's a memory that stays there forever."
"It's your daughter's life. I mean, what can you put a price on that?"
"There are some things that money can't buy, such as a little genuine care and attention."
"You can't really put a price on fun."
"I wouldn't give that up for any amount of money; it's too close to the heart."
"The Mona Marcus Crown is a fascinating and priceless artifact from the Byzantine Empire."
"She was so valuable, her value as a human being is just priceless."
"He's scoring goals that money can't buy, my friend."
"We have something that money can't even touch."
"Having my family here makes me feel so much better; it's just like a sense of comfort that money can't buy."
"Remember who you are; you're looking for your worth, your worth what money cannot buy."
"You can't put a price tag on those memories."
"How much is your life worth to you? Oh, priceless."
"Time with your family is more valuable than anything that you could possibly give them that's in the material realm."
"The time you spend with your family, you cannot put a price on it."
"I wouldn't sell it for the world."
"Can't put no price on memory. Memories are inside your heart."
"These paintings are so valuable, you literally can't put a price tag on them."
"Her expression at the end was literally priceless."
"Money can't buy what I have received through this experience."
"It is just such a special, priceless feeling."
"How romantic, you really can't put a price on love."
"Priceless, no price tag can justify this."
"There are some things on which you can't put a price."
"Some things have a value you can't put a price on."