
Fats Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Human beings need saturated fat. That's a fact."
"Fats and carbs... what make dieting enjoyable."
"Swap out saturated fats for polyunsaturated fats for improved insulin sensitivity."
"Avoid carbs, avoid vegetable oils... fill your boots with fatty meats and fatty dairy products."
"Fats keep you full. Don't skimp on healthy fats in your diet."
"It’s very important to, you know, balance the types of fat you’re eating."
"Fat is good for you, ah, finally, yes, it is the good fat."
"Humans have been eating saturated fat like animal fats and butter for thousands of years without any problems with obesity or heart disease."
"Good fats can help keep you full and stabilize your blood sugar."
"The safest thing appears to be monounsaturated fats."
"Your brain is the fattiest organ in the body. It must have fats."
"There are fats that kill and there are fats that heal."
"Don't be scared of fats... Sarah again, she will talk for an hour about how good many healthy fats can be."
"Real food fats are not dangerous. They are not the enemy."
"Higher fat, not high fat, is going to help you in so many ways."
"Polyunsaturated fats... come mainly from plants and seafood... membranes become soft, flexible, squishy... resist inflammation."
"What happens when you put butter in a pan? What happens in a hot pan? What happens when you put Crisco in a hot pan? Anytime there's warmth or heat, those oil-based products melt."
"Fats are actually good for us and in fact all the research now most of the research is showing that fats including saturated fats are actually good for us."
"Eat your healthy fats... we need our fats for brain health, for beautiful hair, for our eyes, for all our bodily functions."
"Fats do have a role in the diet they do some fat is necessary in our intake they help to keep you fuller longer as well and it's also helpful for absorbing some of our fat-soluble vitamins."
"So that's a great slate because it's removing saturated fats that are not so great for the brain and replacing them with omega-3 fatty acids which are really good for the brain."
"Trans fats disrupt normal intestinal processing, inflame the intestinal wall, and increase its permeability, allowing toxins to seep into the bloodstream."
"It's chemically completely different. Olive oil is mainly Omega-9 fatty acid, while flax oil is mainly Omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for your immune function, brain function, and cellular repair."
"Polyunsaturated fats have a very different effect to saturated fat."
"The good fats are mono-saturated and poly-saturated fats, found in liquid oils like canola and olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish."
"Eating fish, because it's high in fat, avocados, and olive oil are all foods that are very very high in fat really good for our bodies, great for our hormones, and also they reduce inflammation."
"The markers that are used for oxidative stress are oxidized omega-6 fats."
"Fat is an essential part of almost every function in our body every hormone needs fat to be produced our cell wall is surrounded by fat and so the type of fats that we eat we really decide what kind of a state our body will be in."
"Healthy fats are essential for human life."
"Healthy fats are amazing for your health."
"...the healthiest diets include the healthiest fats..."
"When we're told that fats bad for you it's not it's actually really really good for you."
"Fats are key for our overall health."
"The fats in meats are not bad like they say for most people."
"Fats and oils, lard in the house, olive oil all the time in the house, and also canned butter for the pantry. I know a lot of people are concerned about that, and that's okay, using what's comfortable for you is what is most important."
"Fats do not make you fat and increasing your fat intake specifically your omega-3 intake may not only help you look leaner."
"Every single food that contains fat contains all three fats: saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated."
"Healthy fats are great; they stabilize your blood sugar, they give you energy, they can reduce inflammation."
"Yes, saturated fats can be healthy too."
"Healthy fats are amazing for you."
"Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of good fats."
"Your bodies do need fats, avocados, seeds, and nuts. You need fat to produce hormones, and cholesterol is not all an evil thing."
"Fat is a very important nutrient and it comes with a lot of things that are very good for you and important."
"The best available evidence still points to saturated fats and trans fats as important risk factors for heart disease."
"Avocados are a really great fat with purpose, as I like to call them, because they've got dual citizenship in my hunger-crushing combo framework."
"When you understand the absorption of fats, it's pretty fascinating."
"Scientifically, one of the reasons that you always feel like you have a little bit of room for dessert is your stomach actually responds differently to sugars and fats."
"Fats have twice the amount of energy as carbohydrates."
"Believe it or not, there are better and worse saturated fats; they're not just grouped into one simple category."
"Saturated fats do not appear to be unhealthy and on the contrary, might actually be healthy."
"Saturated fats are also really important for building muscle and bulking up."
"You need fats for energy, but unsaturated fat."
"Fats contain two components: a glycerol and fatty acid tails."
"You can exercise and run on fats for your fuel."
"When you get fat from a meal it's primarily going to be in triglyceride form."
"We need fats to help us absorb those fat-soluble vitamins."
"Fats are important for energy, insulation, and for cell function."
"Replacing saturated fat intake with mono- and polyunsaturated fats, whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables tends to get a drop in LDL."
"Noodles are nice, but they're just the problem with noodles is that they're really high in bad fats."
"Fats are still extremely important for hormone regulation; you definitely don't want to mess with your test, especially on a cut."
"Fats contain more stored energy than any other type of organic compounds."
"Saturated fats are generally solid at room temperature."
"Unsaturated fats are generally liquid at room temperature."
"Fats are much richer in terms of energy than carbohydrates."
"Avocados are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats, providing a slow-burning and sustained source of energy."
"You don't need to give it sugar, you need to give it high-quality fats."
"Fats help to fill us up and keep us feeling full and satisfied longer than carbohydrates."