
Personal Record Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"John Davis honestly might be closing in on a school record with the amount of rushing yards he has."
"She sat and filmed about her 24-year imprisonment so she had it all on video."
"Just wanted to leave my name on the record books you know any sort of fashion I could I was able to do that I did it in nine years."
"Things are paying off recently, I was pretty close to the road record."
"Her legs are the longest amongst women in Russia."
"I've never been down by 19 points in my career."
"My whole life has been about 500. Some wins, some losses, some knockouts. You know, all that combined to make me probably the greatest competitor that's ever been at 500 in the history of the movie."
"I only died two times total in 16 and a half minutes of BattleBlock Theater."
"I did just break an eight-year streak of this show because I have not missed a single Friday for eight years."
"Day number one in the books, rainbow trout is done and in the books."
"Kristen Rowe just hit a 123 kilo back squat."
"Meso Hasona hit a 200 kilo clean plus two hand cleans."
"I'll put my track record, my history of telling the truth, of getting things right, of batting 1,000 over their track record any single day of the week. I'll put it up any freaking day of the week."
"I think I've had to wait for three people today out of five. That's a record."
"No one can take away that I was world champion and Paralympic champion and European champion and Commonwealth champion."
"For me bench-pressing has just been something that's like a side quest for world Strongest Man the most I've ever been to is 285 in a contest when I had back in 2014."
"I wanted to support the game. I spent $500. Probably the biggest purchase that I ever made for anything."
"300 successful laps and a personal best of one minute 48.103 seconds."
"Even he himself and the recorded conversations with Tracy Evans."
"This is probably the most cracked hundred days I've ever recorded."
"For me, something to look back on and show my friends and family is good, and also for anyone going through the application process now."
"I love steel guitar. Steel guitar is all over my record."
"My bench PR managed to jump from 185 to 315."
"That's a great lift, personal record for her."
"I mean, that's one of my better rounds in my entire life."
"I just absolutely smashed my PR on six miles."
"That's a PR, I've never hit 650 for a set of four before."
"I did not beat Usain Bolt, but I did beat my own personal record."
"I managed to get a competition personal record average."
"I am pretty sure this is my highest semi-final score ever."
"I set a new personal record and I am happy."
"Oh my goodness 20 and a quarter 20 lb striper that is definitely my best striper and I don't do this very often but both of them have come on those tiny little jigs"
"That one little change alone accounted for a 30 pound PR."
"This is the sickest run I've ever been on in my life."
"I'm pretty darn sure this is the biggest trout I've ever caught."
"That's a personal best. That's a PB."
"This is a PB, personal best, hands down."
"But then, for bench and clean and jerk, I hit 100 on my bench, which is a new PR that I've been trying to hit for like a month."
"I went like 505 Squat, 320 Bench, and then on a fourth attempt deadlift, they let me take a fourth attempt and I pulled 575."
"He's got it. It's a great day for him. It's a personal record in the total."
"I just ran a 50k... I killed it... I ran a PR."
"I broke my personal gold record. I'm very, very excited about it."
"PR lifestyle is more than just hitting a PR on the squat. A PR could be going a week without skipping a meal. It's about being the best version of yourself, always improving."
"That was the fastest I've ever gone in the NSX."
"By throwing away 401, it was his best ever total."
"I will tell you, my friend, a fusion. I'm in my PR, my friend confusion, I'm in my PR."
"That's your biggest lift ever, that is a PB, personal best."
"To come through and feel good at the end of race and to be able to PR in that way was amazing."
"It's a PR for my 40s, and the second fastest run I've ever done in terms of the marathon distance."
"It's the earliest that I've woken up in a really, really long time."
"I don't normally read 21 books in a month, and I don't think it's something that I will be doing every month at all."
"This is definitely a record reading month for me."
"It's the biggest 43 ABV Scotch I think I have ever had."
"1700 miles in four days, it's a personal record, and I've never ridden that much in a day and a weekend."
"I have actually set a lot of PRs and best times on cross-country loops on this bike."
"TFO won more matches in 2023 than in any other year of his career."
"That is probably my biggest trout in almost a year."
"This is the biggest bass I've caught in Florida."
"I have just caught two possibly 2 and 1/2 PB brown trout, a proper river monster, my personal best."
"26.2 miles, 3 hours 14 minutes and 44 seconds, an average pace of seven minutes and 25 seconds per mile for my 2021 Chicago Marathon."
"26.2 miles, 3 hours 1 minute 52 seconds for an overall pace of 6 minutes and 56 seconds per mile - an unbelievable race."
"That was amazing, I had PR average guaranteed with those first four solves."
"Overall, over two days, I managed to compete in 23 different rounds and set 12 PRs, which is way better than I was expecting."
"I'm probably gonna finish everything by two o'clock, which is a record."
"If I learn something new, I've got a record."
"I was primarily doing just deadlifting... and it blew my mind on eliminating other exercises in my routine for nearly a year and then returning back to them and PR'ing all of them."
"I've been dying to finally break that four hour mark, and I'm happy to say that I was able to shave over seven minutes off of my PR."
"This is the Journal of Jonathan Harker."
"I'm really happy because I hit a new PR today."
"There's nothing like a surprise PR; those are the best."
"That's my personal best. Definitely my best for only a puddle, but I'm so proud of it."
"I love hitting a new PR; it's a really good feeling."
"I'm trying to break my mile time."
"That's a new personal best, baby."
"I read a total of 40 books and to a lot of people that may not seem a lot but for me it's a personal record."
"I love this outfit. I wore this outfit the first day I hit a new PR in squats."
"A PR is a PR whether it's by 5 pounds or 15 pounds, it doesn't matter."
"With evolving rep ranges, you'll always get a rep PR, which will build up into a weight PR."
"Everybody dreams of locking out that massive bench press PR."
"I got my first 2x2 PR average in over 4 years."
"I hit a PR today on my front squats and that was a big accomplishment."
"His PR is obviously the world record currently with a 4.86."
"Good blockchain developers can earn high hourly rates too; my personal record is a thousand dollars per hour."