
Ominous Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"The echoes of his words: a sense of foreboding engulfs the collective consciousness."
"The AI typed one final message: 'Look behind you.'"
"This is the start of something that gets really, really bad."
"The tower will fall, everyone who walks with you."
"Don't let the sun set on your back here or else who knows what can happen."
"Nothing to suggest this young boy would one day drown his nation in a sea of blood."
"Tonight, I am death, and every one of your dreams will die."
"The entrance is called buried alive. That's the name of the entrance."
"Plague doctor's attire was easily recognizable, and more than a little ominous in appearance."
"What do you see, my lady? The boy asked softly. 'Skulls, a thousand skulls.'"
"It's here, it's already here and it's inside."
"The contents of these laws were ominous warnings of what was coming."
"Welcome to Elsewhere, where great Darkness lies ahead."
"Looks like DEATH didn't work out with THEM EITHER!"
"The Beast comes from the pit, he comes from the darkness"
"Nothing could account for what we're seeing... except something genuinely spiritually dark and wicked."
"You're going to kill a whole lot of people, aren't you? Already started. [Applause]"
"The moon cries for the blood, the moon knows."
"This city is often referred to as one of the gateways to hell."
"Four of the hikers also had blood found on or around their mouths."
"Amami is a root of evil like they have never seen before."
"I couldn't help but feel chills the dark windows and overgrown yard gave the place this really just Sinister vibe."
"The hatman sometimes brings visions of a future apocalypse."
"How regrettable. Tell me, does your flesh taste as honeyed as your yellow skin implies?"
"World's End. Oh, like that. Very ominous, very dangerous sounding, isn't it?"
"...a storm the likes of which the galaxy has never seen."
"...it might just be the last sound you hear."
"...he seemed to find the loss of the box a portentous and menacing fulfillment of inevitable tendencies..."
"Hi, Georgie. What a nice boat. Do you want it back?"
"That house is like a portal to Hell, I swear to God."
"The darkness of the rest of the house made its hall seem like ominous corridors pierced only by the faint glow of a lamp."
"It grinned widely as if it was my mistake for ever gazing upon it."
"There's something in these woods, something strange and inhuman."
"A massive shadow of what looked like a very large and tall person hiding behind a tree."
"Here comes the Banshee soon you'll see when the bell rings as soon she'll bring your last breath."
"I don't know about this, but the noises I heard coming from inside, it's not good."
"It was as if the entire ocean had become an invisible hand dragging us back towards the malevolent town."
"This war of light will consume us all."
"The man in Black travels with your soul in his pocket."
"When the wolves come out of the walls, it's all over."
"Undertaker said this is a new era and the Ministry of Darkness will unleash a plague on the World Wrestling Federation."
"Undertaker said he had risen from the grave to slay the ones he once saved, and the reckoning was now upon us."
Sephiroth departed with a final chilling promise: "I will... Never be a memory."
"There's something nasty here. There really is."
"Something moves in the shadows, unseen, but every day it grows in strength."
"A little child singing is never a good sign."
"The Galaxy must be purged of the weak and the undeserving. Only then can a new order arise," the Prophet's ominous proclamation echoed through the council chamber.
"I remember thinking as I drove away God help whomever was moving into that house."
"It's the Void Lords, they're here."
"I just saw a big old evil eye. Do you have some stuff in your house you need to get rid of?"
"I fear so, sir. His name is Brink."
"They brought the girl up and said 'this is the last one'."
"Nothing seemed out of the ordinary when she set sail, but she would never make it to New York."
"Soon. Once the signal is sent. Then I will allow them to freely experience the arrival of the shadow behind the stars."
"And there it was, the shadow man."
"The Death Star's name says it all with bone chilling accuracy."
"The house definitely looked more ominous at night, honestly quite freaky if you were looking at the front of the house."
"The dragon's ominous proposition hung heavily in the air, its words dripping with malice and coercion like venomous drops of a poisonous elixir."
"I know one day the terrible entity that was once known as Sir Isaac Whitmore will return, and when it does, all will be lost."
"The moment we crossed the threshold, we heard a loud slam."
"I want you to die. I want you to die in a freight. I want you to hang."
"Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds."
"The unmistakable Aura of Decay hung over everything."
"Sounds ominous," Steve said, reflecting on the situation.
"In looking into the future I was horrified to see that Susan would die the night of June 7, 1947 at exactly six o'clock."
"The ominous and depressing journey."
"A dark shadow began to stir in the depths of the cosmos."
"All men must die holds a much more sinister meaning."
"Orbs visible to the naked eye and an extremely ominous presence that lurks in the old assay office."
"When I woke up, I saw that she had left me a message. All it said was 'You’re going to regret this.'"
"Its foreboding nature is often described as that the house is watching the characters themselves."
"Something big, something wicked this way comes."
"That's ominous as hack man, that is ominous man, whoa. That's actually kind of kind of scary and funny at the same time."
"From that moment, Americans clearly saw signs of a storm on the horizon, a storm that would grow larger and more ominous every year."
"There's a shadow hanging over us."
"The Gates of Hell have opened, and this is only the beginning," an elderly man shot back.
"If you're still alive, which I doubt, let's not meet again."
"I'm afraid the deflector Shield will be quite operational when your Fleet arrives, and that is only the beginning of my surprise," the emperor announced ominously.
"On a full moon's night, the water will turn blood red."
"I loved the atmosphere of this book because it just it feels Eerie like it just feels ominous throughout the whole story."
"Trouble, he said, his voice barely above a whisper again. 'Oh, there's no trouble here. Not for me. But for you...'"
"'You are trespassers,' it choked out the words in a voice that sounded like five people saying the same thing at once."
"In the basement it had been used as a place for what look like sacrifices of some sort."
"It was like a slice of Hades had descended upon the world behind the ridges, making a bottomless fear resurface deep within all living things that had gotten too close to it."
"We didn't have any time to mourn their loss. Within moments of their departure, the ship let out a deep creaking wail."
"This had bad and danger written all over it."
"What form strides over the threshold red with weapons fiercely clenched."
"Darkest shadow, blackest night, six feet deep."
"Last but not least, there is a dark entity who is known to lurk throughout the high school."
"Something evil or terrible is coming."
"The dark ones mean serious business."
"The uncanny similarities and unsettling circumstances suggest something more ominous."
"The demon god spoke with an eerie voice that whoever ruined the demon God's plans Must Die."
"You'll be the death of us one day," the driver muttered to himself, "one day."
"Harry waking up and then you see someone it's the dark mark Harry it's his Mark those people tonight in The Masks there is twoo aren't they Death Eaters."
"It felt evil, like it was preparing for some dark purpose."
"Phase 3 will take place in the human realm. That's literally bad news."
"A chilling premonition of the darkness that would envelop the whole mission."
"there is an evil spirit in this house and shits about to go [ __ ]"
"Winter has come and flesh is finally on the menu."
"It's a graphic picture can you see the vultures hovering over that Valley."
"This song is much more ominous and threatening."
"Dark ominous foreboding, these are the fitting words to describe Pendle Hill."
"Abandon all hope ye who pass through these Gates."
"Because on September 20th they all have to die."
"They call them the Doomsday fish because whenever the people of Japan, Taiwan, all these islands and stuff, when they would see this fish, something terrible would happen."
"I finally reached the entrance to my driveway and god did it look ominous."
"probably one of the saddest and I don't know why that is it just feels very ominous and kind of Haunting in this place"
"Something bad, something evil was nearby, I could feel it."
"The forest went dead quiet. No wind, no rustling leaves, no distant chittering of wildlife. Just an unsettling complete silence."
"It felt ominous, evil in fact. I can't even put my finger on it to explain in full detail the fear that I felt but it was like it penetrated to my bones."
"Something is coming. It's going to eat this whole universe and there will be nothing left."
"I didn't want to believe it, yet there I was, frozen in disbelief as the Thunder roared."
"We backed toward the door, not wanting to turn away from the fog. Just as I, the last one, was entering through the doorway, I heard the bone-chilling phrase, 'Try to dig him up next year.'"
"The forest suddenly took on a malevolent air."
"It has been said that ilky moore can scare you to death during daylight and at night it's far worse, especially in winter when the northern fogs descend."
"Leaving behind whispers of dread and an ominous sense that their story was far from concluded."
"Something in the air, something in the cards, Something Wicked This Way comes."
"...there was a single bloody left handprint on the table next to the phone."
"That's the sound of people drowning, Carl."
"Peace," Albert insisted. "He will be ours soon enough."
"That feels like such a cliffhanger way to end an issue, you know, very ominous."
"The Scarlet King had broken his chains. Nothing could stop it now."
"A dark flame erupted out of nothingness, making the entire camp tremble under the force."
"It does kind of have scary Vibes, oh no."
"You're all gonna die, and then it happens immediately."
"Something ominous is about to happen very soon. I can feel it in the wind."
"Someone forward in the Indefatigable began to boo, and the cry was instantly taken up through the ship," it was an ominous farewell to Spain, ominous indeed.
"The leaflet in my apartment mailbox is scary."
"It seemed like the cloud was observing us the way a stalking predator would."
"Something so ominous about the glow."
"This ominous expanse literally knows no bounds."
"Damned if there isn't something about that house that's telling him to run and not look back."
"A wave of darkness washes over them."
"I think what she's seen is far more sinister."
"At last, the final Crystal. This world is doomed."
"They're called Mage rippers for a reason."
"Not the best that drops so sweet you'll see when you get there honestly god nightmare."
"Life was being sucked out of the entire Hospital... Something horrific was happening in the spiritual realm."
"Suddenly, an ominous message pops up: 'The sky of Apocalypse pays attention to you.'"
"It's the end of the world as we know it. That's foreshadowing."
"The heart tree had always frightened him."
"Even before their wedding, 25 Midland Road was already a graveyard."
"...the doomsday machine has to be one of the most ominous out there."
"Salem’s voice once again echoes all around: 'Time’s up.'"
"Starting with its ominous nickname as an animal graveyard."
"Might be this starts with water but it'll end with blood."
"Crashing through the sky comes a fearful cry: Shade Tree on Shade Tree."
"Final word of advice: don't get killed," she said with a maniacal grin.
"I am the Mortal harbinger of Yami, the god of Darkness."
"What you bore witness to was the end of a foolish king and the beginning of a dead man stalking the endless night."
"He's gonna kill literally everyone."
"I shall bleed the chosen few... the gateway will open and paradise will fall."
"Your father is going to kill himself right after he murders your skinny-lipped sister, her flaccid artist husband, and their three little whelps."
"The world is about to fall into a nightmare from which it will never awaken."
"The greatest line... tell them the Reapers come."
"The growling grew louder, filling the Silence with an undeniable presence."
"It was almost pitch black, and an almost pitch black cloud hovers into my room staying close to the ceiling."
"'I think we are, we just don't know it yet,' she said ominously."
"There was something about the sky, a terrible feeling in my gut, a dirty shameful feeling."
"Ah, the void lurker said. 'Now I know about everyone you have ever interacted with. Your family, your friends, your enemies, even people you've talked to once. I know them all.'"
"From the depths of the Void spanning in front of me, I could hear chanting. It sounded like there were hundreds of people speaking in unison, accompanied by the sounds of nature."
"A sense of impending death fell over me like an icy cobweb blanket."
"That's when the smell hit us, the scent of decay, something had crawled somewhere to die."
"...and out of nowhere a massive black mass moved in front of the window, almost covering the light completely."
"There was always something wrong about him, he had a look, a look in his eyes, the look of the devil."
"We hit a bone sticking out of the ground and it kind of leads into some flesh."
"Such tasty children, you must be."
"It looked at me with these red eyes."
"I saw a dark figure peering from the corner."
"This poster is very ominous, it's like the entire streets is completely empty and it's just Sukuna walking with like it looks like blood under his feet or something like he's walking a bloody Trail."
"This is a bad house, full of secrets."
"The moon was leering at us from the sky, nearly ready to crash into the ground."
"The shadows in the room seemed to deepen as the weight of the supernatural encounter hung heavy in the air."
"When you see it, you just know that you've laid eyes upon something that has been damned by the will of God."
"There seemed to be an indescribable darkness over the face of things."
"Something bad," the being replied, as vague as it was certain. "Something that must not feed. They have no name, and it is better that way."
"The forest gave off a really bad vibe... it seemed somehow devoid of light."
"Mount Shasta has an ominous aura about it."
"It was at night that they came for you, always at night."
"The fortune cookie said, 'You will pay the check and then die.'"
"The ship is described as ghostly, with large masts and blood-red sails billowing in the wind."
"It's almost an unnatural darkness."
"The ground was soft beneath her horse's hooves, and the track she left behind filled up with blood."
"You will understand why I am the reaper of wayward souls."
"A sinister shadow looms over the city, tracing its lineage to a racially segregated system that has plagued the city since the very beginning."
"Have you ever been to a place where you could just tell something terrible had happened there?"
"It watches," he added suddenly. "The house, it watches every move you make."
"The sight of Grand Prismatic Spring with its surreal colors usually would have lifted my spirits, but that day it felt ominous, like an alien landscape from a sci-fi flick."
"They will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers."
"Silent woods, from my experience, never a good sign."
"The Silver Surfer is just right. The flying in at the start is really ominous."
"Portentous words indeed for what was to come."
"A haunting melody that heralds the end to all that draws breath."
"Outside the window, the evening darkness bespoke an ominous hour."
"This is your perfect example of a cursed image."
"Dystopian scenery crawls with menacing creatures and star-crossed souls."
"That thing was huge; it filled the wall and was smoky black."
"If you dare look at the Rain Man in the eyes, you are already done for."
"Have you ever been to a place that felt so evil, so full of dark dangerous energy, that you knew right away you should leave?"