
Transcription Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Scribe offers a great opportunity to both beginners as well as experienced transcribers."
"Becoming a transcriber is a great opportunity if you're a stay-at-home mom and it's definitely something worth looking into because you can make good money while getting paid to type."
"There's only one Quran, only one interpretation."
"We need an army of people willing to carefully, prayerfully, and patriotically transcribe them."
"Transcribe content with accurate captions and deliver better user experience."
"My favorite pro of transcribing is that you can work at your own pace; you're not on a schedule or anything."
"It's worth thinking about this mechanism of discontinuous transcription."
"You can earn around 15 to 22 dollars per audio hour, and the top monthly earnings go up to two thousand two hundred dollars. That's pretty awesome!"
"Transcription jobs can pay as much as $30 per hour or more."
"Fireflies is an AI-powered note maker that can transcribe, summarize, and analyze meetings."
"Now you can basically talk and it's going to transcribe every word that you say word for word."
"Understanding the fundamental molecular mechanisms that control transcription can inform us about what happens when something goes wrong in diseases."
"We are actually working on the AI as well and right now our team is busy creating a model of Dr. Bean's all the videos transcripts."
"The transcription also happened in real time with very, very little latency."
"A transcription is the translation of what is spoken in the video. If you can transform your video into text through a transcription, that can really help in your search effectiveness."
"God damn it's like we should listen to you sometimes maybe. Maybe. Yeah, that's gotta be a little A down there. That looks like an R. The A is too drawn out. It looks like, uh, uh, oh, it's, oh, it's O."
"Filmora 11 includes automatic speech to text generation, so a transcript will be created automatically, couldn’t be easier."
"I'm just going to talk into my voice memos when I'm walking I'm just going to and then I'm going to transcribe it later because I found myself things were too surgical they were too sharp they were it was all about editing and not just about like flow."
"One of the things that made the transcribing very easy is that I feel that uh, the way that I play with my left hand is very similar to Alan, like we sort of make the same choices."
"Counting rhythms is extremely important for transcribing, writing, and staying in time with your band."
"So you take the gene, you've made a copy of it in RNA which is identical except instead of using Ts you use As, yeah use rather. So AUG means methionine, CGU means arginine, UGC means cysteine. You keep going until you get a stop codon and that brings you to the end."
"That's why we transcribe this stuff, is to learn the art form because this is 100 an art form, you know what I mean."
"One can further analyze these areas of open chromatin by using motif analysis to identify what transcription factors may be driving cell fate, disease or response."
"Promoters are where RNA polymerase binds and starts to transcribe the gene sequence into mRNA."
"During the transcription, it is a great opportunity to explore different themes to understand your underpinnings to understand the grounded ground realities hidden in the data."
"Everything from progress notes, inpatient notes, surgical notes, all types of medical records that are samples for medical transcription, but they're also great if you want to practice your medical coding."
"Talking is a lot faster than typing, and a transcript of a conversation can often give you a lot more information quickly and with context than you'd get from just a written thing."
"The synthesis of messenger RNA is called transcription."
"During transcription, DNA makes mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA with the help of a few enzymes."
"The RNA polymerase is going to read the DNA and copy down the instructions for how to make a protein on a strand of messenger RNA."
"I transcribe these secrets I dare not share with anyone except you."
"There are people out there that can transcribe an entire Symphony just by listening to it."
"...the entire transcriptional signature of the crypt shifts over from what we see in the adult, something that looks more like the embryo and this somehow enables better repair or better ability to deal with injury..."
"We can infer time from it; right after transcription, RNA is unspliced, then eventually, after some amount of time, the RNA becomes spliced."
"Loosely wrapped chromatin is called euchromatin and this is chromatin that is fairly open and therefore can be easily transcribed."
"Acetylation of a histone means that it is open so that means transcription is possible."
"Acetylation was the first of these modifications to be linked with active transcription."
"We can do this so well that someone with musical training can listen to a fully mixed song and transcribe all the parts for each instrument with a reasonable degree of accuracy."
"He was interested in reality and its faithful transcription rather than in beauty of forms or features."
"Genes can be transcribed and translated after being transplanted from one species to another."
"Transcription is going to begin with RNA polymerase binding to the promoter sequence."
"In transcription, we're going to go from the language of DNA to the language of RNA."
"If our neural network gave me this transcription, we just have to apply this operator and we get back the string 'hello'."
"Converting video to text using the Watson Speech to Text service for free."
"Transcribing is the most powerful stuff that you can do."
"Making the mRNA from the DNA is called transcription; making the protein from the mRNA is called translation."
"Passing transcription tests is one of the ways transcription companies test your transcription skills."
"DNA is transcribed into RNA and then RNA is eventually translated into protein synthesis."
"They're taking these typed and handwritten documents and running it through this new AI technology to help transcribe unindexed or maybe lightly indexed records."
"The story you have just heard was transcribed from the files of the Metropolitan Police, New Scotland Yard."
"Transcribing those records is a game changer, I promise you."
"The gene will only be turned on if the right number of proteins come together and trigger the start of transcription."
"The gene regulation network is a graph with all regular regulation interactions on the transcriptional level."
"Among DNAs, only double-stranded DNA can serve as a substrate for transcription to produce mRNA."
"We have the opportunity to transcribe all sermons and programs of Huzoor-e-Anwar (aba) in the Urdu language."
"Transcription is one of the easiest ways to make money online."
"You can earn up to $300 per month for transcription and reviews, up to $500 per month."
"Launching a transcription service... you don't need any type of certification, you simply need a little bit of time, patience, and some good computer keyboard skills."
"ThreePlay Media is a solid transcription company and a great choice for beginner transcriptionists."
"Just a reminder, there is no fixed rate; each transcription task is different."
"Top transcriptionists on the platform make anywhere from 250 dollars to nine hundred and fifty dollars per week."
"Mozart listened to it once, wrote it down, went back, made a few changes, and lo and behold, he transcribed it."
"The Gertrude site is the original Bible with one transcription the goddess allowed."
"The third job on my list is that of a transcriber. Now, a transcriber is someone who listens to audio."
"It's extremely important that we have a very accurate transcript, one that gives the entire context in the most accurate manner possible."
"The end result of transcription is not double stranded DNA, it's single stranded RNA where the RNA that's produced is called messenger RNA."
"We transcribe a message within the nucleus and then we send that message out to a ribosome where Transfer RNA meets up and completes the process of making a protein."
"I would recommend for absolute beginners QA world and Scribie as my number one recommendation."
"Once you get a bit better, I recommend Rev captioning; there's always a lot of jobs."
"I do think TranscribeMe is excellent. The problem is that there's not always enough work available."
"Transcribing made flexible and convenient."
"The short answer is you get paid between eight point five cents and a bit over a dollar per audio minute."
"Good listening skills are a must."
"Knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and spelling skills are essential for a transcriptionist."
"Good research skill. Transcriptionists require a high level of research expertise."
"If you follow these guidelines, you will undoubtedly be able to begin your career as a transcriptionist."
"It's tremendously important that we not just know how to transcribe, but we know how it's controlled."
"How you can convert your audio to text in three different ways."
"We all want to make money online, and transcription is one of the best and relatively easy ways to do that."
"Transcription jobs are helping people put food on the table, literally."
"I've decided to transcribe and post my uncle's diary entries, hoping that someone with more insight than me may shed some light on the bizarre and disturbing events described by my late uncle."
"Super useful for being able to transcribe material that you want to be able to transcribe in your music collection."
"Using the word 'stolen' as a means to describe the widely conventional literary activity of transcription, development, and adaptations of earlier traditions prejudices his audience to make a qualitative judgment about the phenomenon of what scholars call intertextuality."
"A lot of times transcribing old blues the logical easy way is usually the way that it's being played."
"I haven't seen that live transcription thing before, but that's pretty cool."
"Whether you want to convert audio, video, or speech to text, there's transcription tools and software that can automatically do it for you."
"Positive gene regulation is more a sense of how much transcription do we want to take place."
"Transcription is simply copying the DNA inside the nucleus and taking that information out in the form of messenger RNA into the cytoplasm."
"These kinds of molecules which activate genes, they're activating the process of transcription."
"When we add the signal, the protein switches its active shape, binds the DNA, and starts transcription."
"RNA polymerases are copying only segments of the genome."
"The template strand is the one that's copied, but the coding strand has the same sequence as the RNA."
"Transcribing is just listening to video or audio recordings and converting the words into written text."
"DNA is always read out 5 prime to 3 prime."
"These modifications can dramatically alter transcription levels."