
Hybridization Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Not just the general wickedness that was going on, but the hybridization of humanity."
"Victor wanted to create a hybrid to merge the bloodlines and create a peace treaty."
"Humanity's complex past: a narrative of hybridization and cultural exchange beyond the linear Out of Africa theory."
"Vining varieties of philodendron such as the philodendron scandins are typically less likely to have been hybridized and are instead usually just classified as variegated forms of the same species."
"This process can create some really powerful trees if you get skills you wanted from both items."
"Hybridization is a great path for the future."
"Extraterrestrials exist, they've been interacting with humans for ages, and they've been conducting hybrid experiments."
"Humanity is a hybrid species... the hybridization process still takes place today."
"Nature has shown us... that certain animals... could have a hybrid child. It doesn't always work out, but it does happen."
"What's interesting is that the hybrids refused to breed with their parent species."
"Human evolution is a part of a much larger process. It is not done through hybridization."
"I think architecture is a form, an enormously important form of art. So if it's some hybrid between painting, art, sculpture, poetry, music, that makes me very excited."
"Alexander's most ambitious task began hybridizing the cultures into one."
"The mandarin is a progenitor species, and most commercial mandarins are introgressed with pomelos."
"The Yoshino cherry tree... a hybrid tree that takes the qualities of two very different trees and then brings them together to grow into a beautiful tree."
"The groller bear, which is essentially an intermediate between the two [polar bears and grizzly bears], is more powerful than the grizzly bear but also not limited to the arctic like polar bears are."
"Several years ago, a false killer whale here made it with an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, creating the world's first 'Wolphin.'"
"Forget traditional carrots, leeks and potatoes. Vegetables today are getting a modern makeover thanks to breeding methods which mix two different plants to produce something completely new, known as a 'hybrid'."
"...there was almost certainly interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans."
"When genres start to hybridize, is that they lose their potency and meet somewhere in the middle."
"A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction."
"By sequencing the DNA, it's been possible to prove that the creature belonged to a unique lineage of mammoths. It seems that this species mated with woolly mammoths to create a distinct line of hybrid mammoths roughly 420,000 years ago."
"Humans spliced with fish in genetic cloning tests."
"You take these Brahmin bulls and cross them back on both Storrs cows, you're gonna have high birth weight, high weaning weights."
"It's getting more popular, absolutely, and there's more hybrids coming out every year."
"Hybridizing physical interaction with virtual interaction may be a fairly powerful tool."
"The worst that's going to happen is you'll get a hybrid, and for all you know, you might get a hybrid that's the best you've ever had."
"Sometimes you can have the evolution of new species through hybridization that are different enough from their parents."
"Hybridization can be part of the performance enhancement of a vehicle, it's not just environmental, it can improve performance."
"Golden trout hybrids are when they basically a golden trout makes babies with a regular rainbow trout and they create a really a beautiful hybrid."
"Creating new hybrids using the plants in their collection is a big focus."
"They reach maturity faster, they flower more, and therefore have more opportunities to create more hybrids."
"A hybrid is created when there's a cross between two genetically different parents."
"I'm definitely excited to try stuffing aluminum inside our steel tie rod."
"Collecting hybrids does not affect the wild populations of orchids out there."
"Did you know that all carrots used to be purple until they were hybridized by the Dutch?"
"We are combining printed in situ with prefabricated parts."
"The orchid family is one of the largest flowering plant families with almost 25,000 incredibly naturally occurring species and now over a hundred thousand man-made hybrids."
"An easy way to deduce hybridizations is to count groups around a central atom."
"The obsession with hybridization, creating chimeras, and transhumanism does not begin in our epoch; it began in the Atlantean epoch."
"The sp hybridized carbon is now capable of forming two sigma bonds and two pi bonds."
"The naruga offers a glimpse into the rare phenomenon of hybridization between these Arctic dwelling cetaceans."
"The kunga was revealed to be the earliest known human-made hybrid recorded in history."
"Once you know the number of electron domains coming off an atom, you can identify what its hybridization is."
"If you're sp hybridized, you will have two sp hybrid orbitals; if you're sp2 hybridized, you will have three sp2 hybrids; if you're sp3 hybridized, you will have four sp3 hybrids."
"Hybrid orbitals are combinations of the different s and p and, for expanded octets, the d orbitals even get involved as well."
"Being sp3 hybridized, they want to adopt bond angles of 109.5."
"Philodendron Majestic is a hybrid of Sodiroi and Verrucosum."
"Respect that even nature has a hybrid approach."
"It's probably the most successful hybrid ever made."
"Breeders all over the world began to cross and hybridize these cannabis chemovars to create unique plants that had their own taste, growing patterns, colors, and medicinal value."
"Nobody makes hybrids like EP. The color, the shapes, they really have provided a dream for me."
"The process of mixing atomic orbitals to form new orbitals called hybrid orbitals is a mathematical operation called hybridization."
"Life's branches aren't as distinct as they seem; some closely related branches can still interbreed."
"Look at this right here, we have a hybrid, Saracenia x Formosa."
"Most commercial avocados sold in stores today are actually hybrid crosses between these different races."
"The Golden Torch, and it hybridizes with some of the surrounding other columnar cacti, creating a very cool intergeneric hybrid."
"Now being that they are actually related to Cattleya orchids, they can also be hybridized with them super easy."
"When you cross color types that have been kind of purified into colors that we recognize, such as yellow, green, red, blue, black, or white, then you end up getting a wild type."
"Creating a hybrid, so the new plant will have traits from both parents."
"...there are interesting hybridizations of modernism with classicism, like for example in Art Deco era."
"The Jackal itself is pretty interesting because it seems that this is sort of a hybridization of a bunch of different design principles just kind of merged together into one rifle."
"The leopard and the banana... you can work almost any other gene into the mix and get some really visually stunning results."
"What are your goals when you take two things and you cross them together?"
"The more P character you have, the more nucleophilic you are."
"An sp3 hybridized nitrogen lone pair is a hundred thousand times more basic than an sp2 hybridized nitrogen lone pair."
"Pay attention to hybridization from now until the end of your career as organic chemists."
"The story of evolution is really a story of hybridization."
"It didn't really occur to me that the purple cascade can actually have the traits of the Tokyo magic."
"The reward is a little bit better with cat layers, in my opinion, because we have a lot more variety when it comes to hybrids."
"When I put that pollen from one onto the other, the seeds made a new flower that smells lovely and looks pretty."
"The Bengalese finch, also known as the society finch, originally came from a fertile hybrid."
"You're taking two different plants, you are intentionally cross-pollinating them, and you're hoping to get the offspring or a hybrid that contains the best traits of those parent plants."