
Sustainable Farming Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"I want to move my pig, so I've had a lot of animals in my 2020 garden area before. I've had ducks in there, I've had chickens rotate through there, I've had goats in there, and so now, since May, I've had pigs in there."
"We should push for sustainable, well-pastured animals where it can be done."
"Regenerative agriculture is gaining broader momentum and attention."
"If we can convert around 30 percent of our cattle ranches to rotationally grazed high-dense cattle, we can offset all of the carbon emissions in the United States."
"Agrivoltaics really offers us that opportunity to continue farming, continue doing these agricultural activities, while also producing clean electricity."
"If the whole world farmed through biodiversity, we could reverse climate change."
"Cattle like ours actually are carbon negative."
"Now is as good of a time as any to get into farming especially small-scale farming because there's such a demand for local healthy and regenerative sustainable foods."
"Join the moink movement today!" - Supporting American farming and sustainability.
"Growing mushrooms on fermented straw and cardboard for inner city urban farmers."
"Silvopasture as Joel Salatin teaches: forests are pastures."
"We're very passionate about what we do when it comes to raising healthy food and taking care of our land."
"This is a farm about celebrating women and celebrating life and really trying to explain to people what an Emerald Triangle small sun-grown craft farmer is."
"Agriculture done right is part of the solution for mitigating climate change."
"This farm layout is all about foraging, and that means your farm naturally produces things you can forage and harvest."
"Imitate your natural ecosystem, replace the keystone species with improved varieties of woody crops."
"This is the antithesis to monoculture farming that we see everywhere else in the world."
"Raising awesome animals, growing abundant food, and having a good time doing it."
"White Oak Pastures is a regenerative farm in Georgia leading the way when it comes to renewable agriculture."
"We definitely can, okay? So I want to set up a fungus farm."
"Aquaponics uses between 70 and 95 percent less water than farming in conventional soil systems."
"Three Hungarian companies are working together to make hydroponics crop production more efficient."
"There's more to the story than just systems, than just poultry, than just pastured poultry pen and chickens following cow one here. He totally quit his job to start farming."
"It is incredibly easy to grow food for rabbits."
"Chickens on grass taste delicious, it's a lot healthier for the birds, it's great for the land."
"Minimizing disturbances over time is key to soil repair and regeneration."
"If these farmers get their tractors and they say 'I have a lot of land'... I could power my whole operation completely by the sun and it's going to be cost-effective for me."
"When you want to farm sustainably or organically in a new location... you take is to learn from the experience of indigenous populations."
"You know what's cool? There's six head of cattle right there. I'm like rib eyes on the hoof, man. And they eat the weeds and the poison ivy and turn it into meat. Hell yeah, man, that is awesome."
"Tree crops can actually supply a great amount of supplemental feed for your animals."
"The actions are still the same: stop destroying your soil food web of life, stop tilling, stop pulling your weeds out, allow your soils to transition and grow towards old-growth forest soils."
"You can run a farm completely off of compost as long as it's quality compost."
"We're a no-till permanent bed sort of never see the soil farm, constantly mulching and trying to get as much life and diversity into the beds and into the farm as possible."
"Long term every day we've got this beautiful gorgeous pasture behind us here and it makes sense to let them eat a lot of the bugs and the nature and the grass and all of the goodies that the land has to offer."
"The work you're doing here to grow nutrient-dense food in a responsible way is a model that I believe in the future, not so far future, is going to be emulated and already is being replicated all over the country, all over the world."
"This center aims to make farming more efficient and eco-friendly."
"About 90% of their diet is coming from the pasture, that means that they're helping the grass grow, cut and regrow, and that cycle is definitely helping sequester carbon into the soil."
"We don't fertilize the crop; we feed the soil life."
"Sustainable agriculture... just how important cows are to the microbiome of the earth."
"It's truly amazing that we're able to keep farming in the same body of soil and not have to throw it out cycle after cycle."
"We are adventuring into doing some meat birds this year, we're super excited to be able to raise meat in a very sustainable way."
"Free range grazing... they're not going to damage surrounding waters with their waste overflow potentially."
"How can you participate in saving the planet? Buy local, find a farm that is close to you that is raising animals in a more natural way."
"No-till gardening and farming keep the soil intact because it's actually good for erosion, prevents erosion, water retention."
"We're on a regenerative farm here in the foothills of the Blue Mountains in North Carolina."
"My whole goal is to reduce your tillage, build your soil biology."
"We do need a new approach, and I certainly think biodynamics has a lot to offer."
"Once the biology is there and you no longer do anything to kill it, you're pretty well set at having an easy go of raising the crops with all the nutrition in them that you require."
"...by using that soil biology, he's able to really keep up, like get far beyond the chemical agriculture guys by doing this, which is just so mind-blowing."
"We raise our animals 100% naturally, with no GMOs or chemicals added."
"We've taken a ruminant animal that was a herbivore that can take a worthless piece of grass and put on a very valuable healthy protein to feed America."
"Many species of mushrooms will be good for subsequent flushes, which is just a fancy word for saying you can have multiple crops or multiple harvests of your mushrooms."
"A farmer decided that he no longer wanted to be part of industrialized farming, so he threw away the pesticides, threw away the hormones, and started to listen to Mother Nature."
"More than 80 percent of the 175-acre site is set aside for natural areas, farming, and wildlife habitat."
"When you guys watch our videos, you are directly contributing to our ability to have the farm be sustainable."
"By adopting this technology, farmers can optimize their use of resources, reduce waste, and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural sector."
"The cubic farm system allows for efficient and sustainable year-round growing of a variety of crops in a controlled environment."
"The land's telling me how to use it, and the benefits are, obviously, I'm making money on it, but also the benefits, I'm feeding more and more people out of it."
"It's called flame weeding. It is good because you're burning that stuff off and leaving it there, which is actually good for the soil."
"We talk about efficient systems a lot, in fact, I wrote an entire book, 'The Tiny Bit Mighty Farm'."
"The end product is fresh, local, traceable, free-range meat, and the ground is managed for wildlife."
"Let them eat what they have access to already, that comes down to good pastures, good fences."
"Once the birds stopped coming, we have a bag of 80-plus and a win-win situation: great sport, farmland protected, and a quality meat product."
"Regenerative agriculture is the future of how we can grow meat and helps the environment."
"We're an off-grid, regenerative no-till vegetable farm."
"The lie of industrial farming has been put to rest by the loving practices of this farm."
"We need to go back to small scale family farming and regenerative farming and permaculture and agroforestry."
"Farming has now become fun again because you don't have to worry about all the chemicals."
"You got to have that soil covered with living roots year round, that's what's going to heal your soil."
"What's the role of regenerative agriculture when it comes to understanding carbon markets and carbon credits, and ultimately carbon farming?"
"This is the no-till bed; it's alive, we're going to keep it that way."
"Everyone can enjoy the benefits of a cover crop on their soil, the weed suppression, you know, the organic matter addition, nematode suppression in some cases, breaking those pest cycles."
"Reducing soil disturbance means that you shouldn't dig soil up when it's not necessary."
"We're farming the entire soil building cycle and what we're also getting is regeneration."
"We work with no dig and regenerative agriculture principles."
"Silvopasture is a deliberate integration of trees and grazing livestock on the same land."
"There is such thing as veganic farming; it's a method of farming that eliminates animal deaths."
"We're all about the whole system approach, and so what we're trying to do is find a circular fertility feed program that animals eat the pasture, animals deposit the fertilizer, we plant the crops at the correct interval."