
Encoding Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The more ways you can encode information, the deeper you understand it."
"Dreams may encode short-term memories into long-term storage."
"Art encodes values which are in short supply in the world outside."
"So if you're using the same bitrate, HEVC will give you a perceived higher quality image."
"In lambda calculus, there's these things sort of like encoding, so the student Alonzo Church came along and said, 'Okay, this lambda calculus statement right here equals 0, and this one equals 1.'"
"The algorithm used for OpenAI is called byte pair encoding, which you might have seen abbreviated as BPE or diagram coding."
"You can solve any equation especially non-linear. You can encode in this residual function."
"For each transformation we apply in the encoder, we want to apply the inverse of this operation in the decoder."
"So let's clean up our data a bit now. What do we need to clean? Straight away, this is not good for our data, this encoded value here."
"Arithmetization is the idea that essentially any finite mathematical structure can be encoded in the natural numbers."
"The better ways to learn the information just involves two simple things: encoding efficiently and then doing active recall."
"To convey and yet, hide these beliefs, Leonardo encoded everything he knew into his paintings through composition, texture, style, color, even brushstrokes."
"Communication channels could be through writing, spoken language, or gestures, allowing the sender to encode and the receiver to decode the message."
"Bilinguals can encode memories in different languages."
"The process of transferring information from short-term to long-term memory involves encoding and consolidation of information."
"Long-term memory is like a computer with unlimited data storage while short-term memory on the other hand can only process a few chunks of information at a time."
"These encodings are now lower in the stack of quantum software."
"The epigenome encodes information for cell type identity."
"Writing by hand is associated with stronger neural encoding and memory retrieval."
"A stacked bar chart is not fundamentally different than a sideways bar chart, which is not fundamentally different than a heatmap. It's all the same values; you're just cycling the encoding."
"What’s strange to me, is that we create these models, but we don’t really understand how the knowledge is encoded."
"The entire information is almost encoded, this is almost like encoder-decoder."
"The fact that 1 plus q plus q squared plus q cubed and so on and so forth sums to 1 over 1 minus q is actually a really helpful way of encoding all of this information in a really small package."
"Kubernetes secrets... are only base64 encoded which is not really protected."
"When you experience a new event, and you are encoding new information, think of all these different elements of a memory like a puzzle that have to be bound together."
"Language is in some sense our species' best attempt to encode everything about the world in as efficient and compressed way as possible."
"This process of trying to take a problem and figure out what propositional symbols to use in order to encode that idea is known as knowledge engineering."
"The difference between NVENC and x264 is crucial for encoding your live stream."
"This is just a brilliant way of encoding the 27 terms among three identities in one simple compact expression."
"We calculate our DCT coefficients, we quantize them to remove the high frequency ones, and then we huffman encoding to compress that into a manageable small stream that we put into our JPEG file."
"Dictionary encoding replaces the values in our column with an identifier code rather than storing the original variable length data."
"Lambda calculus can encode any computation."
"In UTF-8, each character is eight bits, allowing for a multitude of characters."
"This PC pretty much handled everything like a champ; we were encoding at medium, and it looked super crisp."
"We encode nature, we encode the elements, the natural forces around us, and this is something that makes us universal."
"I want encoding to be as fast as possible to help me or assist me in my creative needs."
"The latent variables are encoding high-level semantic information about the scene."
"The hidden state at each time step is collecting or encoding information about the sequence so far."
"That's how you encode your interesting models."
"Encoding is translating speech to print."
"Our memory is most effective if information present at the time of encoding is also present at retrieval."
"A video is just a sequence of encoded images, sometimes called frames."
"Encoding requires complete analysis of the internal details of a word's phonemes and morphemes; that's why it has an impact on reading."
"If you're able to take advantage of that encoding/decoding capability, you can significantly offload the compute resources that are required on your server."
"If we want to encode a message, it has to be in a code which the recipient can precisely and exactly understand."
"The key takeaway for an open bracket is that we are starting the encoded string."
"Trauma memories get encoded in a different way."
"Putting the targeted message into an appropriate medium is called encoding."
"Arithmetic coding completely separates probabilistic modeling from encoding."
"The Huffman encoding allowed you to use more values than just eight bits per instruction."
"To tell browsers how to encode characters on your page, set the charset to UTF-8."
"In most cases, the character set should be UTF-8; it accepts a wide range of characters."
"If you've got yourself a noisy channel like the binary symmetric channel which flips a fraction F of the bits, it is possible to communicate reliably over that channel by the cunning construction of an appropriate encoding and decoding scheme."
"When we normalize data, the data points that are in the new normalized dataset typically encode some type of information relative to the dataset at large."
"We need to encode the information by making sense out of it based on what we know and our own personal experiences or previous knowledge."
"Unicode was brought in because ASCII couldn't represent all the characters needed."
"We have the entire instructions for drawing this encoded into a string."
"Most of what we see in the world gets encoded in our brain."
"We start off with a concept for how we think the world is going to work, and then we encode those ideas in a description."
"These basis vectors are ways in which we can both measure things and encode things."
"Unicode is a set of numbers called code points that represent pretty much all of the characters you could ever want to use."
"UTF-8 is the right encoding, always."
"UTF-8 is the predominant Unicode transformation format."
"With floating points, we're encoding something that's very much like the scientific notation."
"UTF-8 is a universal character set that includes almost every character from all human languages."
"In this problem set, we want to encode text as a sequence of binary numbers."
"Tell the browser to encode multiple languages by adding a meta element."
"Target encoding usually proved to be the best."
"The cell state has to encode the core meaning of the first sentence that we saw because from that, it's able to produce something in a different language that means the same thing."