
Yeast Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Barm was the preferred form of yeast for the British."
"Active dry yeast is an important ingredient."
"All aboard the yeast train, here we go, this is where the magic happens."
"Yeast and fungi are actually everywhere, even on the food that we're eating."
"An overgrowth of yeast causes different symptoms in different parts of the body."
"Yeast love sugar and the standard American diet is loaded in sugar."
"Herbal antimicrobials are really effective at treating the overgrowth of yeast."
"We can also fight yeast with yeast."
"...the smaller amount of yeast, the longer the fermentation, the better the quality of the bread."
"Without yeast, there would be no beer. Yeast is actually a living organism, and they derive their food energy from the fermentation of sugar."
"You can keep that yeast on hand and it will last well past its best buy date."
"Sourdough instead of using packet yeast, you want your starter to be active. What you're looking for is lots of bubbles, that's how you know that the yeast is active and ready to give some lift to your bread."
"First, we're obviously gonna need yeast. Did you know that yeast is a living organism like us and we can activate them using sugar?"
"You just mix some flour with some water, let it sit at room temperature and wait for it to grow some yeast all by itself. Yeah, seriously, it works."
"This is yeast, and the yeast people will tell you that yeast is a living thing."
"Salt can kill yeast, so I like to keep them separated."
"I really think instant yeast... is the yeast of the future."
"In modern times brewers and winemakers have discovered yeast that allow them to produce very specific alcohol contents, ranging from 5 to 20 %."
"It's a community of bacteria and yeast."
"Bloomed yeast kickstarts fermentation, adds flavor, and cuts down on proofing time."
"In addition to our extensive research work on Fleischmann's yeast, we have for the past three years been supporting research work in several large university laboratories to determine the real facts about coffee."
"This yeast will produce hydrogen sulfide gas in the presence of excess sulfur compounds."
"What is sourdough starter?... A natural wild yeast found in the environment... beneficial... carries different strains of bacteria... use it in place of dry yeast... no longer need yeast packets from the store."
"Chefs have told me though that they have put their yeast in the fridge and not fed it for up to a month and still were able to get their starter back."
"It's really really really hard to kill your yeast once you've got it going."
"Whether you're using fresh yeast or dry, our yeast will sit here with sugar and warm milk and activate."
"Yeast is great for all those breads and things like that that you want to make. Dinner rolls, anything that you want to cook up bread-wise, yeast is wonderful."
"Yeast is your good bacteria, it makes your bread rise."
"You don't want to freeze your yeast because they can die; they're living."
"I'm going to use some K1V-1116 from Lavin... this one has a tendency to leave a lot of the brighter aromatics inside the wash rather than cooking them out."
"This is actually really everything I ever would have wanted from a pseudo lager yeast."
"The yeast can contribute up to eight hundred different flavor profiles."
"As far as Trappist ale yeasts go, I actually think I prefer this one."
"Natural yeast and getting a culture ready for leavening bread is all about fermentation."
"Yeast... aerobic respiration produces three times as much carbon dioxide as anaerobic respiration from one molecule of glucose."
"Yeast is one of the world's great wonders, too small to see until in huge concentrations."
"These non-hydrogen sulfide yeasts are a lifesaver, they're a game changer for making white wine."
"At the end of this video, we are going to say our top four favorite yeast for this recipe."
"Without yeast, which is a fungus, we would have no beer, no wine, no bread."
"Oxygen is really critical at the beginning of fermentation because the yeast require oxygen to reproduce."
"We're going to use an ale yeast. This is US-04, it's by Safale, and I like this one."
"Gently mix the yeast and sugar together."
"The most basic way to explain alcoholic fermentation is that your yeast, little tiny microbes that are inside your brew, eat the sugars and convert them into both alcohols and CO2."
"A good way to tell if your yeast is dead or alive: if it's alive and doing what it's supposed to be doing, you're gonna see a few little air bubbles here and there."
"We're dealing with living beasties here, yeast are a living thing, you never know what they're going to do."
"Yeast can't tell time; yeast only knows the temperature."
"We're going to make a wash using some special yeast."
"I'm going to be using safe ale yeast because it's a really great ale and beer yeast."
"You do not want to pitch yeast until your wort is at most 115 degrees."
"This is a magic ingredient because it's going to make our olive bread rise up when we put it in the oven."
"Saccharomyces cerevisiae is Baker's or Brewer's yeast, able to do alcoholic fermentation."
"It's all about acclimating the yeast and keeping it happy."
"The advantage is you get to have a lot of yeast to use in your next batches."