
Wishfulness Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"I wish that Daria Dugan were still alive today and her family and those who loved her did not have to be suffering right now."
"If wishes were horses, then Beggars would ride."
"May all be prosperous and happy. May all be free from illness."
"Wouldn't it be nice if our own government was a little bit more welcoming just like this?"
"If I could be there in England to put my hands on you and cure you, I would do that in a heartbeat."
"I wish y'all were here to try it. I wish they were. You hate that when you make something on a video and then, and y'all are trying it at home. Don't you wish we all could sit around the table and try it together?"
"May all your deepest and wildest dreams come true."
"If only people could be fixed so easily, maybe things would be different between us."
"I wish I could share this with you, but I can't. Hopefully, you're eating something delicious."
"Holy envy is looking at another religion and finding things in it that I wish were in my own religious tradition."
"I'm having a great time in my Ace, wish you were here."
"Hold your wishing wand over your Wishing Star, close your eyes."
"I wish I had like 30 years of like, 'Oh I've seen this, I know all this stuff,' but that's just not the case."
"My baby can you please stay little forever, never and ever and ever."
"It's such a cool concept, I really wish it was possible to activate this sort of ability whenever we wanted to."
"Hello," she said with a smile, "we could do with some rain."
"It just felt like I was on a honeymoon, I wish it never came to an end."
"I really wish I could have given something to everyone who entered."
"As a mom, I sure wish I had these when my kids were little."
"It's a setting and a theme that like when I watch it I just feel like I wish this would I could watch this every day, I wish it would never end."
"Wouldn't it be Smurfy if they were always this nice?"
"This is a great holiday; I don't want it to ever end."
"If we only had more time, if this week would only last for a year."
"I wish I can help every one of you guys watching this."
"I wish I had this back in college."
"If only life were that easy, right?"
"I really wish it could be Christmas every day, quite honestly."
"I'm really happy that Lady Gaga is back. I just wish the song was a little bit longer."
"Overall what a phenomenal theme, I wish it lasted longer."
"Nice like this, I wish raindrops would fall."
"Having a good time, wish you were here."
"Wouldn't it be nice if the world really was that simple?"
"I wish there was a sign that said 'this is really cool'."
"I wish I would have got it earlier."
"And the weather so breezy, man, why can't life always be this easy?"
"I wish we lived in a world where everybody was beautiful."
"Wish you were here, this is gorgeous, tranquility."
"I miss you buddy, I miss you. I really wish I could see you more often."
"She is just so pretty and so beautiful, and I so wish that we had dog shows to take her to right now."
"I wish it was that easy for all of us."
"I wish you were here every single one of you watching this, just to view this with your own eyes."
"I wish you were here so you could see the shimmer in this; it is so, so pretty."
"After living in this house for a year, I just wish we would have done this 20 years ago."
"I wish there was some way to live however long you want to."
"It's 11:11, nothing can get better than this."
"We always say, 'I wish people knew how funny that is.'"
"Wouldn't it be nice if you could control your own destiny?"
"If wishes were horses and all that."
"This is so cool, I wish you could see it in person, the color is just gorgeous."
"If only all we had to do is go to movies and go to favorite restaurants and see our friends, wouldn't that be wonderful?"
"I feel like this is really good for summer. I just wish it was a little bit longer."
"Nice like this, I wish that raindrops would fall."
"Maybe in another time and space, we will have a happy ending."
"Somebody said, 'Is your middle name Elvis?' because it starts with an E, and I've never thought about that, but I thought, 'Oh man, that's what I wish my middle name was: Elvis.'"
"Wishful that this person would get it together and profess their love to you."
"It's so soft; I wish you could feel it through the screen."
"Life every day is Saturday, life is sweetest birthday cake, why can't it just stay this way?"
"Wish upon a falling star so your secret dreams can come true."
"I don't know what I should do, I wish you would be right here with me."
"Why can't the world just be positive and eat happiness cake?"