
Weather Change Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The sky is blue and then it turned off. I got that on camera."
"Oh, the fog has lifted, it's a clear beautiful Christmasy night!"
"The clouds are coming in, cooling off very quickly."
"It's amazing. It's just amazing. That we put that car in the front and then it started raining."
"What a wonderful day, the weather's changed, it's got really bright, it's got really sunny, it's got really hot. Very, very excited right, today we're doing something special."
"It's a Friday afternoon going into the evening, we just had a little hail storm, wind blowing, it was all dark and now the sun is out bright and beautiful."
"It feels right, it feels like it's gonna be cold and starting to feel like Christmas."
"The weather started to worsen, Julia called out to her daughter."
"Is that thunder? Okay, we heard thunder."
"It makes such a difference; it's been grey skies for what feels like forever."
"I'm so happy all that rain is gone."
"It finally got sunny. The sky got blue after being cloudy all day, and now I'm happy."
"It's a beautiful morning, and we started with howling winds yesterday."
"By the time we got to the bottom, there was no clouds at all."
"It's turning into sunny Southern California, the fog is burning off."
"It's only 80 degrees instead of 95, and the sun's a little bit lower in the sky, not as intense, it being December."
"It's just become winter over here; it's so rainy and cloudy."
"With the first chill, I instinctively turned back toward the house."
"It's just started getting cold recently in January, like cold cold, like 40s cold."
"I got a good feeling about tonight; we got a little change of weather today."
"Good morning and welcome to day two of the captain's blog; it's the 25th of May, and what a difference a day makes."
"An early morning fog has been replaced by crystal clear sky."
"The moment the temperature dipped below 70, everything changed completely. I can smell again, colors look nice, I don't feel like sleeping all day."
"Look how hard it's snowing; on the road, it looked like fall, no snow at all, and now all of a sudden, boom."
"It's an April day that's been wet and miserable throughout most, but it's now clearing up and they've got a little ray of sunshine."
"I'm so glad the weather's turned; it just makes such a difference."
"It's officially spring, the freezes are over, and the cold weather is over."
"The clouds finally started breaking up a little bit after two solid days of rain."
"I turned on Adele, and it immediately started raining."
"It's like a 20-degree change below what we've had for like the past month, so it's got to feel good for everybody."
"What a beautiful day it's become here, you know, the fog is starting to go away, getting a little bit brighter, and it's beautiful."
"It's the first day in England, well in the north anyway, where I could imagine going out without a jacket."
"It's a beautiful morning, God, it's been raining it seems like for the last three days straight, so this is very nice, I'm very happy about this today."
"The weather is after taking a change since yesterday, which is great, and we're definitely delighted with that."
"It's so nice today in New York, it's been so cold."
"This afternoon rain turned into an afternoon monsoon. So we ended up looking for shelter and ended up having an adventure."
"Down came the rain, and now we're all home free."
"If you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes."
"I walked out roughly the same time and as I walked out the building, it just started snowing."
"It's starting to cool down where you can actually go outside and not die, you know."
"Remember this moment in like a week when it's -6 again."
"There's a bitter chill in the air today, and this is the day, this is when it, this is the weather warnings the forecasters said."
"Any farmer, whether or not they believe in climate change, they'll tell you that the weather has changed."
"Spring is here, there's always that chance of a freeze before Easter, but it is coming up."
"After devouring what was a delicious bakery tart, drying off, and eventually warming up, the sun actually put in an appearance."
"We're getting holes in the sky now, so yes, it's all gonna start changing, beautiful."
"Thank goodness the weather has changed and it's not so hot."
"The rain has stopped but the humidity is real."
"It's amazing everyone, just how much it's cooled down."
"It's been super rainy, and this is like one of the only nice sunny days I'm able to do this."
"The chitrava has been pretty much dry all these years but there are some big storms coming."
"Look how black the sky is now, it was absolutely crystal clear this morning."
"Oh my gosh, hallelujah, the Sun is coming out today."
"This is the most dramatic change in weather I've ever experienced on one of these trips."
"We have rain but the winds died down."
"It was pouring rain yesterday, today it was supposed to pour again but it didn't."
"It's been a long winter, and it's finally nice the weather's picking up."
"As a Scottish legend says, if you don't like the weather, wait for five minutes; it'll change."
"I cannot live without like a good facial moisturizer, especially as the weather gets colder, it makes all the difference in the world."
"Beautiful day, 80 degrees guys, we went from 28 degrees to 80 degrees."
"It started to get more warm, it started to get more humid, right, and that's storm fuel."
"Finally, the rain stopped in California and we have the most beautiful green outside."