
Unidentified Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"You see a little white dot up in the sky and you can't explain what it is."
"It may not be clear who or what the man, entity, or cryptid in this footage is, but the video is certainly eerie."
"The photo shows a creature unlike any other known to humankind—a large, muscular, human-like physique with long hair and arms."
"Whatever if these are craft up there they're massive."
"Look at that thing fly! What the [expletive] is that thing?"
"The true identity of the creature in the recording remains unknown."
"It's clear that something large and unknown flew above Stephenville that night."
"it's definitely a UFO that probably crashed in Antarctica"
"Requesters we got John G l z Payne you n Rogers"
"For 20 years, the Jane Doe who came to be known as Racine County Jane Doe or Crystal Ray would remain unidentified."
"The observation of a UAP emitting significant heat raises intriguing questions about its visibility to the naked eye."
"What do the letters UFO stand for? Unidentified Flying Objects is right."
"It's hauntingly mind-boggling that not a single soul on this Earth has been able to identify this woman for over 30 years."
"It kind of looked like a large black BL moving through a field at an incredible speed."
"I don't know what I saw that night. I don't really believe in UFOs or Supernatural stuff but that was incredibly surreal."
"Could this have been a weather balloon? It definitely wasn't a plane, helicopter, or a satellite—at least none like the ones I've ever seen."
"The way this thing moved, there is no way it could have been a weather balloon or a light aircraft, a helicopter, no way. No noise, wrong shape, and it didn't move like that."
"One thing I was certain of, being familiar with all air activities, that it is not a weather balloon nor an aircraft nor a missile. It is something else, which we didn't know what it was."
"The mystery deepens, leaving us with an unidentified Amarillo object, a UAO."
"The Jane Doe we're going to be talking about today is known by the media and by the authorities as the cheerleader in the trunk."
"There's a dead man on the beach; nobody knows who he is, how he died, and 70 years later we still have very few answers."
"Despite their best efforts, the pilots could not intercept or identify the mysterious craft."
"The monster of St. Augustine is considered a so-called globster, a strange unidentified organic mass that washed ashore."
"The video from the helicopter offered a startling perspective; an unidentified aerial phenomenon seemed to emerge directly from the Mesa."
"I saw what I can describe to you as a black saucer or stealth."
"This craft was unlike any plane or helicopter she had seen before, being cylindrical in shape with no obvious method of propulsion."
"It was definitely not a drone; its shape was just a disc without wings or propellers."
"UFO stands for unidentified flying object, encompassing anything in the sky that cannot be immediately identified."
"This was a craft that we did not recognize; it did not look to be made by man."
"The craft moved so perfectly it looked as if it wasn't moving at all."
"What appears to be some kind of unidentified flying object streaks by the drone in a gigantic burst of white light."
"UFO, of course, stands for unidentified flying object."
"That's amazing, they're like... I don't know what they are, but they're amazing."
"The phenomenon is completely beyond our recognized parameters for aircraft technology."
"The killer is unidentified, and part of the reason he's really famous is because he would send these taunting and threatening letters to newspapers."
"UFO just stands for unidentified flying object; it doesn't necessarily mean this is an alien in the sky."
"Like we literally have UFOs, like they're unidentified for real. That's crazy."
"The most advanced and powerful military on the planet bumps into objects in its own airspace that it cannot identify."
"A UFO is simply an unidentified flying object, and there are things out there that we are unable to identify."
"Oh my gosh, come look at this, it's a UFO!"
"It wasn't no snake, he said. It had a face that was like a giant sand worm, no eyes, just a huge gaping mouth that peeled open from its head."
"A mysterious triangular object hovering 30 feet above the ground."
"...we saw some white water... a small white Tic Tac object with a longitudinal axis pointing North South and moving very abruptly over the water like a ping pong ball."
"UFO stands for unidentified, not aliens, not super advanced anything, just you don't know what this is."
"This white tic-tac thing started flying, accelerating super fast, straight at them."
"I'm convinced that whatever we saw was no way shape or form a human."
"It was elliptical in shape and had a whitish silver color."
"...the Insignia was unidentifiable, not American nor Russian."
"The Somerton man was a mysterious, still unidentified man that was found dead on a beach in Australia in 1948."
"No one claims the little girl as theirs. At first, people in the community give her the name Baby Jane. But eventually, she'll be known as Delta Dawn."
"The unidentified creatures walked bipedally and were observed by the team in the act of killing another animal."
"Valentich said very clearly that the object was not a plane or recognizable aircraft."
"UFO means it's just something that's unidentified, we don't know what it is."
"A strange light in the treeline; the witness described it as a craft, it lifted out of the trees and took off into the darkened sky."
"UFOs exist, we don't know what they are, but they exist."
"They saw a disc-shaped object that was floating about 150 ft off the ground."
"On the upper left side of the craft was an inscription of symbols."
"It was large and shaped like an egg... it was all black and for a second I assumed it was an aircraft of some sort."