
Childfree Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"I don't want kids. I'm sorry Ben, I don't want your babies."
"I'm so okay with not having kids now... I'm perfectly happy without children."
"There aren't actually that many child-free characters in fiction... it's really nice to feel represented."
"I'm just very happy to see and be able to discuss representations of child-free people especially women in popular fiction."
"Cheers on the whole not wanting to have kids thing."
"I do not personally need to have children to make a positive impact."
"You don't have to have children to protect your brain."
"...that you know that you don't want children and you're not going to have them just because society would expect that of you yeah I think it's just being firm and tell them that this is my life and my choice sorry boundaries babe..."
"...you know that you don't want children and you're not going to have them just because society would expect that of you."
"There is nothing wrong with me as in there is no particular reason for me not wanting to have children except the fact that I simply don't want to."
"Being Child free doesn't mean I don't want kids in my house for an extended period of time. If I did, I wouldn't be Child free."
"People find out we didn't have children and they say, 'Believe it or not, I would say, a good percentage... you're so lucky you didn't have kids.'"
"Man hands on misery to man, it deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can and don't have any kids yourself."
"I think the childfree movement is a good thing because it just gets rid of some of the stigma, the pressure for people that never wanted to have kids anyway."
"Being in the child-free community is a big conversation, especially when it comes to the environmental context of having children, especially in wealthy Western communities."
"If I can do that for just one other person about not wanting to have a child then this video will have been worth it."
"We really want to normalize child-free relationships."
"With time, more and more people will feel more comfortable and validated in their choice not to have kids."
"You have no reason to be anything but a nice package because you have no kids."
"I am so glad I don't have children."
"There's been ton of talk on this app about people who don't have children and not wanting them including from me and I know people are going to take a number of different things away from that interview but the one thing that I took away from that interview was hope."
"I personally don't think I'm put on this planet just to reproduce and be a baby maker um so everyone just needs needs to like chill it's normal that people don't want to have kids."
"People who don't have children are constantly subject to abuse on the internet from randos telling them all the time that they have to have children."
"It's just a breath of fresh air. I love kids, but now I really could go without them on vacation after going on a Virgin because it is just a different experience, and that's the vibes."
"I think just about having babies. You know there's millions of people who don't have kids who are perfectly happy."
"...when it's a conscious choice not to have children, there are never any regrets."
"I am a woman who doesn't have children, who never wants children, and who will never have children. It is completely my choice."
"Can you just imagine laying in that hot tub enjoying the sunshine with no kids screaming? It sounds utter bliss."
"I'm very content and at peace with being child-free in the moment."
"No child labor is ever used in the manufacturing, packaging, or distribution of their products."
"What is it with people not respecting someone's choices of not having kids?"
"Child-free women hate kids or are terrible with kids is so false."
"We as a society need to get a whole lot more accepting of those who decide not to have children."
"It's absolutely okay to not want kids and to take precautions to make sure that doesn't happen."
"Everybody should aspire to be a CHINK - Crazy High Income, No Kids."
"Or maybe I end up with someone that doesn't want kids at all, and that's also cool."
"We had a great time, we had no kids and we had no work, so we had a great time."
"Our values, health, and reasons for not having children are as unique as we are."
"I'm not gonna have kids because I'm not built for that stuff."
"I think it's also important to respect people's choices when they don't want to have children."
"Being a millennial and wanting to live childless... just let people choose how they want to live their lives."
"I do not want kids and have made that so clear."
"Life can be fulfilling without kids."
"I'll never have kids because I'm not 100% on board with having kids. I love kids, but I recognize that Parenthood isn't for me."
"If you don't want kids, don't have them. Don't let anyone talk you into it."
"If you know you don't want children and have never wanted children, don't listen to people who tell you that you're wrong and will change your mind."
"Child-free people have families; they just look different than yours."
"There's nothing wrong with saying 'I don't want to have a kid'."
"Choosing not to have kids right now doesn't mean that suddenly 30 years from now you're going to have this massive void in your life."
"We are not missing out on a huge part of life just because we don't have kids."
"We're allowed to choose the child-free life; we don't have to feel guilty about it."
"I love my life. Kids never factored into it. I never wanted them, so I simply did not have them."
"I would rather get married and never get pregnant just because I don't really care to have kids anyways."
"There's nothing wrong with not wanting kids."