
Gains Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Unexpected financial gains, tangible or intangible."
"Think of the money that you invest as gone... If you do that and you make money now, you just found brand new money."
"You could turn as little as $144 into substantial gains."
"Sacrifices do not have to feel bad. They can feel really good if you just focus on what you're gaining."
"Focus on what you're choosing and what you're gaining over what you're losing."
"As we continue to see Dogecoin cryptocurrency, some massive, massive gains."
"The biggest gains are still pre-made in the shortest period of time."
"What is the next trade that's going to score such huge gains as a lotto ticket?"
"Take the gains, walk, and move on to something else in your life."
"It happens fast you can make very good gains as long as you manage your risk treat it like a business and really focus on the process."
"Every dollar invested during market downturns can yield significant gains, even if the overall market is still down."
"The more you beat it up, the more gains you're going to acquire."
"Novelty in the context of exercise selection... may result in some more or some better gains."
"Stay easy, stay crypto, let's keep making those gains."
"Markets can go through some of the greatest gains by having some of the worst fundamentals."
"If you're a beginner you're going to get newbie gains even if you don't train hard three times a week your entire body."
"The best way to go higher risk is always when you have made gains."
"Let's make sure that we at least walk away with that speaking of gains."
"Grains have gains led by wheat, scoring gains of about three percent today."
"Losses are going to become your gains."
"This, my friends, is the secret to consistent gains with options."
"...the purpose of this video is to show gains and gains are relative so long as we're gaining after that that's what I want to see."
"A few heavy sets per week are more than enough for you to see meaningful gains."
"The data from the systematic review and meta-analysis show that even recreational lifters can expect significant strength increases."
"There's going to be some sudden speculative gain."
"There's something nice about only having to do half the ROM and still reaping all the gains."
"Guys, this is just the best exercise when it comes to delivering the gains that you really want."
"...and the sooner you realize that you want to work with your body. Rather than against it, the more uninterrupted your gains can be."
"There can be sudden unexpected gains or profits that might come your way because Venus is the natural planet of luxury, prosperity, wealth, riches."
"Take most of your gains at 20 to 25, because if you're not taking it on the way up, this week is going to force you to take it on the way down."
"This decision will lead to a lot of gains for you, a life functioning the way you wanted."
"Control your losses to maximize your gains."
"The whole point of investing is actually risk mitigation versus focusing on gains."
"Double the distance and get way more gains with my perfect form."
"Pushups are killing your gains, but not really, if you do the right kind."
"Craft our plan so that no matter what happens we're able to come out on top and able to make a crazy amount of gains."
"...you can interpret it as volume being generally better since all studies show a dose-dependent relationship where more work tends to trend with more gains to a point."
"Unlimited variations, endless gains: the power of resistance bands."
"...knowing if you do this day in day out, eventually all of these gains do start to add up into a nice equity curve."
"The next upturn was over 500% gain."
"It's more of a long-term vision. It's not the short-term gains."
"...it's the kind of exercises we don't feel like you're working out but then next thing you know your legs are on fire and then you start to realize all the gains that you're making."
"Increased swelling during and after a workout ultimately leads to greater gains in that region."
"Skimping out on protein as a new lifter could literally mean forfeiting gains in your first year."
"The gains that you get from creatine is crazy."
"Get those gains, yeah, for sure. It was nice responding to my DNS."
"Anabolic Advanced is giving me gains that I need but I'm also too scared because of this ql issue to like really push it."
"Realize gains and then look to expand what you're doing."
"A gain is not income until it is realized by the taxpayer."
"Risk management. You have to protect your gains."
"Understanding the balance of where the gains come from."
"You start just doing anything, you actually make a significant amount of gains."
"With all of the hard-fought gains, they can be so easily lost."
"The rest is very important you can do nutrition perfectly you can have a perfect workout but if your rest isn't optimal you will not make the gains that you want to make."
"...this could be a very intense but progressive workout for anyone to do... you would get like so much gains if you did everything just on point."
"The real based take is to assume that whatever you do in the gym is actually likely not to give any gains."
"I used to think that lifting weights is the only thing that matters and doing anything other than lifting weights will kill your gains. But what I've come to realize is there are many different types of gains to be had."
"Performance gains, marginal. Enjoyment gains, substantial."
"If you train flexibility and therefore Mobility too, you'll make bigger gains."
"You see huge improvements, huge gains right there."
"Preserve that gain and make sure that goes in your pocket."
"We're kind of getting very spoiled with the type of gains we've seen in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins as well."
"The more consistent you are and the more elevated level you are when you're firing all cylinders, gains add up faster than you can imagine."
"They noticed no difference in gains; in fact, they had better results because of the reduced inflammation from digestive issues."
"It's a low-risk move that can bring in really nice gains."
"Short term anything can happen, but overall long term you're going to be seeing more gains than you are losses."
"Consistency is what's going to lead to the biggest gains."
"Labor should make major gains this May."
"It's not about what you can lose, it's about what you can gain."
"Good mobility gives you the best possible way to exert that force and that turns into real gains, real strength."
"Working out harder might actually be killing your gains."
"Short-term capital gains are taxed at ordinary income tax rates whereas long-term capital gains are taxed at preferred capital gains rates."
"Small incremental progress stacked up over long periods of time equals big gains."
"After similar moves, average gain 12 months later in the S&P 500 over 10%."
"Abstractions not only don't have additional overhead, but if we use them constantly, we end up with big gains."
"You'll never lose taking a profit."
"This is the breaking point; this is where you have to grind because this is when the most gains are actually being made."
"Focus on small incremental marginal gains."
"Beginners are so sensitive to the training stimulus that they can almost maximize their strength and hypertrophy gains simultaneously."
"That's the cleanest gain anyone could hope to make, love you guys, never stop."
"It's earning the gains that truly makes you appreciate them more."
"It's not necessarily a zero-sum game; you can get gains in both satisfaction and business metrics."
"Always best to sacrifice a few percent of gains if it is going to ensure longevity and ability to stay consistent."
"We're trying to maximize our gains rather than just holding through a downtrend to wait for it to come back up."
"I've made some pretty decent gains on Revolut in the past."
"Holding long term is what it's all about, and that's when you make really good gains on your investments."
"I'm making lots of other exciting life gains."
"If you are new and you subscribe, you get plus ten gains."
"You too can have the newbie gains if you haven't had them yet."
"The ring push-up is an excellent way to get some chest gains without actually running any risk."
"I'm a huge fan of locking in gains because I hate to give back money, and there's always going to be a new opportunity."
"Understanding volatility usually means a turning point is coming, and you need to lock in some gains."
"This really speaks to some of the performance gains that you can really achieve by using this approach."
"Improve your rep quality, you'll make a lot more gains for it."
"Can one repeat this cycle over and over to get more gains?"
"The difference between you making optimal gains and making gains at all that are measurable and noticeable by you is almost infinitesimal."
"Don't be afraid to invest some of your money into some of the higher and medium risk index funds because that's where the higher gains can be made."
"If you can buy it at a low enough price, you can really lock in some pretty decent gains for a long term with very little uncertainty around the future."
"You could realize solid gains today."
"The 11th house is the house of gains, the rewards of our efforts, the fruits of our labor."
"It's been extraordinary; I've never been anywhere remotely close to this sort of gains on a stock before."
"When you do things a little stricter, you got to humble yourself, lighten the weight a little bit to achieve those maximal gains."
"If you want to make massive gains during this next bull market, you need to be able to identify the next biggest trend before that trend even emerges."
"Venus entering your 11th house is considered the house of gains, rewards."
"Don't focus on the loss; focus on the gains, what you're gaining from the loss."
"It's a matter of the willingness to take short-term discomfort for long-term gains."
"Count your gains because there's some wonderful opportunities to come."