
Ice Age Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"After careful analysis they discovered that the wolf pup was a young female who lived 57 000 years ago."
"For most living animals, being frozen in ice is nothing short of a death sentence."
"In fact, given how old these animals are, it seems that the Ice Age never really stopped."
"Living a life so different to ours, it was a landscape full of incredible Ice Age animals, huge glaciers."
"The great ancient civilizations flourished during the Ice Age."
"They were mapping those continents early in the Ice Age before the ice age had totally built up upon them."
"It is now clear that the ancients measured and mapped the globe during the Ice Age."
"Her remains are proving extremely valuable in teaching scientists about ice age baby mammoths."
"Ancient cave art: Lascaux Caves, a window to Ice Age animals."
"The end of the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, was incredibly dramatic."
"It was probably one of the major factors in leading into the cooling that culminated in the Ice Age that started about 2 and 1/2 million years before present."
"The remarkably intact bear lived alongside woolly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers."
"If we go back 20,000 years ago when the ice sheets covered North America and Europe, Florida was twice the size."
"Imagine a gigantic continental glacier ice sheet like the Laurentide ice sheet in North America. It makes it grow over time in northern far northern Canada..."
"So the term Ice Age suggests that the world was covered in ice but it wasn't."
"The Sphinx was carved at the end of the last ice age."
"Professor love dalan with Stockholm University says the female Cub Sparta is the best preserved specimen from the Ice Age ever dug out of the Frozen soil."
"Finally, we couldn't exactly talk about Ice Age animals without including arguably the most famous of all, the mammoths."
"What does the artwork depict? It shows a society of hunter-gatherers living at the end of the last ice age."
"It's the rapid onset of an ice age, just like that, boom."
"That gets back to, well, wait a second, you can't talk about getting rid of six million cubic miles of glacial ice without talking about some kind of climate change."
"Reports brought down from the Lura McKenzie of Frozen mammoths being exposed in the falling away of ice Cliffs leaving their flesh though."
"The world was mapped and explored by a global seafaring culture with a level of technology that was at least equivalent to ours at the end of the 18th century during the ice age."
"The weight of the vast plains of ice pushed down inland areas and simultaneously made parts of the coastline bulge up from the sea."
"We have thousands of sites that show coastal interactions at the end of the Ice Age from these hunter gatherers."
"It all begins with a group of explorers stumbling upon an ice age glacier containing a girl within it, an ancient goddess who had fallen asleep for thousands of years."
"According to many mainstream climatologists, the last ice age peaked around 18,000 years ago and ended around 10,000 BC."
"I'd say this was the formative moment of the ice age."
"The ice age engine turned back on, within a decade conditions went back to 20,000 years ago."
"To really understand the ice during the Ice Age, we need to talk about different types of ice that occur at the North and South Pole."
"In the Ice Age, it was a completely different world with completely different flora and fauna."
"Perhaps this is not an aquatic creature at all. But possibly a long-lost remnant of the Ice Age."
"The most awesome predator of the Ice Age was not one of the big cats."
"He goes, 'What killed the dinosaurs? The Ice Age!'"
"We're coming closer to understanding the cataclysmic times and events at the end of the last ice age."
"Ice Age one came out in 2002 was a movie with a theme it was a movie that had something to say."
"If you want to have humans on planet Earth with civilization, we need to be in an ice age cycle."
"Human activity is the main reason why we've been so long in interglacial, or actually five thousand years overdue for an ice age."
"The Ice Age generated many new species who adapted, and this is one of them."
"The Ice Age is a great mystery of Earth science."
"This ice age can be timed by the cooling of the ocean."
"In the last ice age 20,000 years ago, when much of the northern hemisphere was buried under huge sheets of ice, mean global temperatures were only about 5 degrees Celsius lower than they are now."
"The ice probably left Edmonton by about 14,000 years ago."
"A new ice age has started, Niagara Falls have eroded, and a day on Earth has increased by one second."
"Yuka the mammoth: a perfectly preserved relic from the ice age, shedding light on ancient ecosystems."
"Crucial stages of Ice Age chronology thus appear to be one around sixty thousand years ago when the worm and the Wisconsin and other glaciations were well underway."
"The six mega sequence worldwide flooding process perfectly set the stage for the subsequent ice age."
"The world during the ice ages, the atmosphere was clean."
"That's the interglacial if we go back 26,000 years 55 percent of North America was covered with thousands of feet of ice."
"There's been five simultaneous unprecedented tectonic events that transformed our planet from being warm with no ice at all into having an ice age cycle all five must happen at the same time if you take one of the five away our planet is ice-free."
"People could have easily walked to Ireland all the way to Scotland during the peak of an Ice Age."
"What would our world be like if we were not the only humanoid species to survive the Ice Age?"
"The possibility of a cosmic impact or a cometary impact at the end of the last ice age."
"I thought Ice Age: The Meltdown was a good sequel to Ice Age."
"The Ice Age was important for the development of modern Homo sapiens because of the extreme cold and other harsh conditions they had to adapt to survive."
"We're living in the Quaternary Ice Age, which has been going on for the past 2.6 million years and counting."
"Imagine a world frozen solid, encased in ice from pole to pole."
"Incredible though it may seem, the Earth may have frozen over completely."
"Our planet was hurdling towards a deep freeze that would last for millions of years."
"A frozen Earth may have given early life a push forward."
"Ice ages are nothing out of the ordinary, we experience them every 100,000 years or so."
"Some scientists suggest that 650 million years ago our entire planet was locked in an extreme Ice Age."
"Snowball Earth was nothing more than a severe Ice Age with extensive glaciers and a belt of open water around the equator."
"Of all of the mammoth bone structures we've ever seen, this phenomenon of an Ice Age site in Russia is the most impressive."
"Grab your snacks because we're about to watch Ice Age."
"It's hard to imagine that Earth is still in an ice age that stretches back almost three million years."
"In the year 2050, a star explosion caused Earth to enter an Ice Age."
"It's the only Ice Age bear ever to be found in one piece, and with all of its soft tissue still present."
"But for now, we know that there's a chance Earth might become an ice world in the next 250 million years."
"The Baltic Sea Anomaly is simply a glacial deposit, much of the Baltic Sea was carved out by moving glaciers during the Ice Age."
"Well, it's exactly what it sounds like: Ice-type fossil Pokémon inspired by Ice Age creatures."
"These giant current ripples help us reconstruct the speed and the depth of the Ice Age floodwater."
"During the last glacial maximum, sea level was 100 meters lower than at present level today."
"Michigan was covered by an ice sheet on the order of 19,000 to 10,000 years ago."
"The maximum thickness of the ice over Seattle during that last advance was three thousand feet."
"The Ice Age was a really good time to be alive, for animals at least. Maybe for humans as well."
"It was proof humanity existed and hunted in North America during the late Ice Age."
"From an Ice Age wolf to a parallel universe, here are 10 of the most surprising recent discoveries."
"This makes her the most complete Ice Age wolf ever found in Canada."
"So these two things are mostly changing the seasonality, but apparently that is enough to push us into and out of an ice age."
"Of the major mass extinctions, none are happening during an ice age."
"The Pleistocene is often referred to as the Ice Age."
"During the last ice age, temperatures would have been about four to seven Celsius lower than present."
"But even this, the ultimate shark, will be unable to defend itself from the coming ice age."
"Our topic tonight is something called Ice Age Lakes."
"Every one of these slack water sediment layers is a different Ice Age flood."
"We are in what geologists would call an ice age at the moment."
"Most of us actually like this world and the way it is. Do you have any idea how boring an ice age is?"
"People from the Ice Age were counting using small marks drawn on cave walls."
"The ice age story begins about three million years ago and most of the drama of the ice age floods that we know about is younger than 20,000 years ago."
"Ice age floods, you've heard of the ice age, but ice age floods, that's something different."
"This is a map of the Pacific Northwest during the Ice Age."
"We have the best evidence for dozens of Ice Age floods between twenty-two thousand years ago and about thirteen thousand years ago."
"Ice ages aren't caused by really bad winters; they're a result of cold summers."
"Periods during the last ice age saw an explosion of human innovation and culture."
"There have actually been at least five major ice ages since Earth formed about four and a half billion years ago."
"The glacier was three thousand feet thick over Seattle."
"The entire tradition plateau is one big Ice Age river delta."
"Would kill the dinosaurs? The Ice Age!"
"Ice Age, love the first one. It's a classic."
"The immaculate remains of a cave bear from the Ice Age have been found in Russia, and they are amazing."
"The ancient Black River, which forms these falls, was a roaring meltwater stream several times during the Ice Age."
"Never before have so many Ice Age animals been found in a single spot in the UK."
"The Earth became very nearly entirely covered by ice and it had really quite profound implications for life at that time."
"The Falls were created during the last ice age."
"At the rate this world is cranking out carbon dioxide, we're just begging for another Ice Age."
"At the end of the Ice Age, there would have been enormous changes in animal and plant life."