
Google Sheets Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"We have now figured out a way to add data from this platform to our Google Sheet."
"This allows you to look up a value in a table and then return a corresponding value."
"This is one of the most powerful functions that you can use in Google Sheets."
"A comprehensive guide for Google Sheets, from just starting to advanced functions and formulas."
"If you're doing anything with Excel and Google Sheets that require certain analyzing techniques such as this, you can ask chat GPT a wide variety of questions with a wide variety of file formats."
"Pivot tables and pivot charts are certainly one of the most powerful features of Excel and Google Sheets."
"So definitely think of it as an opportunity to upskill and really learn some powerful tools to help you customize your Google Sheets experience."
"Whether you're just kind of using google sheets alongside excel or whether you're transitioning from excel to google sheets hopefully this course was very very informative for you."
"If you're already familiar with Google Sheets or Excel then I think this would be more easier for you to pick up."
"Because Google sheets live in the cloud they're online they can access online information and pull that information into your sheet."
"Google sheets is free to use, is a spreadsheet program, and lives online."
"So that's three pretty handy functions that you can use in Google Sheets to work out the true value of your investments."
"If you want to share your Google Sheets file with someone, you can do this by basically publishing your Google sheet to the web. To do this, you need to have your Google sheet open, go up to the file drop-down menu, and go down to share, but this time, select publish to web."
"So that's how you do a weighted average and that's how you do your average, average if, and average if s functions in google sheets."
"But the important thing here is that Google Sheets is able to draw a histogram by default."
"If you want to show changes over time, you do have the option of doing the basic line chart."
"Now I'm going to show you how to make these in-cell visualizations for several different kinds of data because this sparkline function in Google Sheets is pretty flexible."
"You can recover from any mistake in Google Sheets."
"Google Sheets gives your data a home."
"Google Sheets is able to serve as a container for a lot of different kinds of data."
"Once you have your data in Google Sheets, you have a lot of options for how you format the data."
"...I'm going to show you how to turn your Google Sheets budget into an awesome automated report like this one..."
"This video will show you exactly how to do that from scratch using Google Sheets with no experience necessary."
"This is my favorite way of bringing data from Jungle Scout into Google Sheets or Excel and we can customize the way that we want to view and analyze our data."
"How to make a budget in Google Sheets from scratch, let's dive in."
"Google Sheets: very powerful, great way to extract census data into your Excel spreadsheets."
"Are you looking to create a project plan in Google Sheets but don't know where to start?"
"Google Sheets has a great way of analyzing data and I want to show you a unique tool that Google Sheets has where we can ask questions about our data and quickly visualize and analyze our data."
"A function is a pre-existing formula that was built by Google and it will help us to speed up those calculations and formulas."
"You could do this all on Google Drive or Google Sheets so you always have access to it."
"That will hopefully establish the connection to our Google Sheets API version 4."
"I'm using Google Sheets because it's free with a Google account and it links up very nicely to Google Finance."
"I figured out a way to do this all in Google Sheets with just a couple of formulas and some of the built-in functionality."
"I'm more proficient with Google Sheets, that's what I use for my own testing."
"It allows you to return a table based on an input data source which is normally another table in Google Sheets."
"Google Sheets has an amazing function called filter which allows it to return the columns based on a filter criteria."
"I love the ability in Google Sheets to be able to stack two tables together."
"Okay, we have this table of data in Google Sheets, and we're going to look at it in different ways."
"What we're going to do is analyze it using the query function."
"Hello and welcome to our new Google Sheets tutorial."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how to use Google Sheets with Python."
"I'm pretty obsessed with this idea of using Google Sheets as your basic backend."
"Fortunately, Google Sheets has an ability for us to write some JavaScript so that we can build our own custom functions."
"This makes it really easy for us to do a little bit more complex data analysis within something like a basic student Gradebook."
"Google Sheets is a great way to pull in custom data."
"Google Sheets gives us the opportunity to work with our raw data, clean it up, and most important, combine data sources."