
Outspoken Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Dorothy was not afraid to speak her mind nor to stand up for what she believed in."
"They're not afraid to be controversial, willing to speak their mind."
"Tucker is Tucker. The team, the writing, the producing, the topics, the ballsiness - he doesn't care, he spits the truth."
"She's always been the same loudmouth outspoken person, big personality, that's definitely."
"Who gives a [] who you're [] other than somebody who wants to [__] you it's no one else's business."
"You speak your mind, you're not afraid to tell it how it is."
"Our sexuality is in the closet? Well, we're coming out, bitch!"
"Candace Owens seems to me that she is educated and she often speaks her mind."
"I am afraid. I'm damn the only guy speaking logic and raisin ladder."
"She's pretty wicked... assaulting people respect... say the things that nobody wants to say."
"Fiercely independent and eager to speak his mind."
"We have too many holy punks in the pulpit. Y'all do know I'm Al Sharpton. I'm going to say what I got to say." - Al Sharpton
"I'm always gonna talk about whatever the [__] I want."
"I was called the drama guy for a reason, because I have the balls to say what nobody else had the balls to say."
"God just ain't gonna let it exist with me, and I'm going to speak on what I have to speak on."
"I don't care if you're Democrat, Republican, Independent... if you say something messed up, we're going to call you out on it."
"Deb is fearless when it comes to discussing her story and what she thinks about it. She never shies away."
"Trump continues to be the president who swears better than any president has ever swared in public."
"Oh, she is so gobby! After a couple of drinks, she just keeps talking and has no problem saying exactly what she thinks."
"No one else is going to speak out about this... I'm not scared of this cancel culture we kind of live in because to me it's common sense."
"Trendy people aren't afraid to speak their mind."
"He holds people accountable. He's a loudmouth. He's like the guy at the end of the bar that's drunk saying that he knows how to fix the country."
"I personally think that Cat Williams is doing the Lord's work because if you're going to say things about certain individuals, you gotta be prepared to have them respond."
"They like that you're not afraid to speak your mind."
"I will never shut up because I am outspoken."
"She speaks her mind regardless of the consequences and isn't afraid to challenge societal or gender norms."
"They're very outspoken. They don't really hesitate in talking pretty words."
"They just say whatever's on their minds, they speak the truth."
"I love how he doesn't even censor himself."
"I'm known for rapping, making music. The reason why I'm a bad boy is because I don't hold my tongue."
"I'm about to up America. Oh, that's what's about to happen. Here we go. No more filter from this point forward. Any word that I say, I ain't holding back, and I ain't saying alleged either."
"Thank god someone had outspoken for the whole people of England."
"He's never been shy in making his voice heard."
"If you're gonna make fun of me or persecute me about my faith, we're not gonna do it quietly."
"Be a loudmouth. Don't be a knucklehead."
"Eastwood has never been one to shy away from speaking his mind."
"She had a sassy attitude, a slick mouth, and would pop off on anyone at any time."
"I'm different 'cause I'm not gonna shut my mouth when I don't like something."
"She wasn't afraid to tell you what was on her mind."
"She always speaks her mind and is totally confident in herself."
"He's a fantastic ballplayer with strong convictions, a big mouth, and a public disdain for the people who had a vote."
"Things need to be said. No one's saying them but me. It needs to be said that c-meal blows up. How are people to know this if someone doesn't say it?"
"There is a reason why people gravitate to him because they know they're going to get an unfiltered unadulterated nugget from his brain that is going to probably cause some sort of outrage somewhere in the world."
"It caused a massive stir, but I just can't be fake, and I can't stand by, and in the same way when I see things that the government are doing, and the news, and this and that, I'm quite opinionated, and I'm not afraid of the repercussions of me speaking my truth."
"It's no secret that Stardard didn't do things by halves. If he had something to say, he'd say it."
"I'm outspoken, I ain't shutting up."
"So many of you have been so outspoken."
"He just does and I mean even in those times he did and said what the [ __ ] he wanted to do and now that he's in the White House he does the exact same thing."
"I've always been outrageous growing up, so my take on certain things isn't necessarily different, but I'm gonna say what a lot of people might be sensible enough to just think."
"there's something really weirdly likable I get away with saying things that I think most people would not for whatever reason because I think it comes out pretty funny most of the time"
"Because guess what, y'all watching the same show that I am and sitting there looking the same way I'm looking, but I'm the only one that's not afraid to speak up, there we go, soapbox, let's get it."
"Posting is in fact an outspoken critic of the former Republican president."
"Curious and speaks his mind but trouble's never far behind."
"I give zero f[BLEEP]s about anything, yet I have a strong opinion about everything, even topics I’m not informed on."
"We have to be louder than the mainstream critics."
"I mean, Pon, she gives zero [__] when it comes to speaking her mind and there's not a filter there."
"I like the fact that Trump will call you out and he will take the floor out from underneath you and he will say what all of us wish we could say in those positions."
"Charles Barkley, I feel like he just be saying whatever he doesn't hold back."
"I'm talking about somebody who will absolutely say anything, that's Billy Murphy."
"I was outspoken about my faith, following Jesus."
"This person isn't afraid to speak their mind, but they're also very empathetic."
"He said out loud the part they're not supposed to say out loud,"
"We're different, we think different, and we're very outspoken, but we speak truth, we speak truth to the power, that's 100 percent you know for sure."
"You're not afraid to speak your mind and you're not afraid to call someone out."
"Stephen King has been known to speak his mind about a lot of the movies that have been made as adaptations of his books."
"I ain't got nothing to lose, and I got a hell of stuff to say."
"I think Kyle Petty's good for the sport. He's one of the few people that will actually speak their mind."
"Everybody loves the fact that Heavenly would say the things that they wanted her to say."
"Maria is a bold, outgoing woman who's not afraid to speak her mind."
"I have never once seen George sell out. He's always spoken his mind."
"Everybody gets mad when I speak up because it threatens their position."
"You say what needs to be said and you speak your truth."
"...as I've gotten older, I become more outspoken..."
"You're not afraid to speak your mind, you're true to yourself, and you drive me crazy in every way possible."
"Never been afraid to say what's on my mind at any given time of day."
"I speak my mind, there's nothing wrong with that."
"They like what they say, and they say what they bloody well like."
"He was outspoken, well-mannered, and he would tell you what he thought."
"Israel has no, shall we say, hesitation historically about speaking out here when it disagrees with American policy. That ought to be a two-way street."
"She was not afraid to speak her mind; she wasn't scared to stand up for herself or anyone else."
"I keep it real, I always speak my mind, but I have a heart of gold."
"I wasn't afraid to speak my mind on things... respect, man."
"She's sharp, clever, outspoken, and confident."
"She goes out there and she says the thing that everybody's thinking."
"He drank lots of whiskey, he swore like a sailor, and he had no problem speaking his mind."
"I'm gonna say what I got to say unapologetically."
"She was a very outspoken type woman, and everybody liked her, everybody."
"I've always just been outspoken. I've always just said exactly what I feel, right, wrong, or indifferent."
"I've got the street smart, the savvy, I certainly got the mouth."
"Rhonda is a smart woman; she speaks her mind, she has very little filter."
"...I physically am unable to shut up about these kinds of things if I see something wrong."
"I loved Ali because I knew even as a kid he was saying things you just can't say."