
Settling Down Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Men mostly settle down because they feel like they're gonna die alone."
"They felt like you were someone they could settle down with, if they could work out the different issues they were juggling."
"If you ever decide to stop running and make a home, make it with me."
"Everybody wants to be loved, everybody wants a partner, everybody wants to settle down at some point."
"It's not going to work out with the bad boys because guess what they don't settle down they're not marriage material but there's hope and instead of chasing the alpha, go after the beta."
"Once I'm settled I am settled for good I am NOT going anywhere."
"Emperor's energy: seeing the twin as a life partner, someone to settle down with."
"We can do this, we can settle down now. It'll be okay."
"Life has somehow started to mellow, or started to work out in some ways."
"I'm tired of dating all these different dudes. I'm trying to settle down with one that's gonna pay for me so I don't have to work or worry about the roster for the rest of my life."
"You don't need to wait until 30 to settle down."
"They're ready, this is somebody who's like 'I just want to settle down, I just want to have a family, a cozy nest that I could share with somebody.'"
"Settling down requires emotional maturity, which they may not have."
"I've got so many, I've got to choose the one I actually want to be with properly settle down with and just be like that."
"I moved back here and I just settled down. I do love being by my family. I mean, I think family, at the end of the day, is the most important thing."
"I see myself settling down I don't know when like whenever that person come around I want to settle down with them and settle down."
"Trying to settle down too, he's trying to settle down too for real but that's not easy, not in this industry."
"It's kind of wrestling with, you know, the idea of settling down and, you know, finally living your life or, you know, forever trying to go against the lawlessness."
"The fact that he's still talking in terms of like, 'I'm not ready to settle down,' like, you're 40 something years old, bro, get it together."
"I definitely will have kids and a little more settle down so 20 years is a long time you know maybe 10 years different where are you living what area are you living in Northern Virginia of course."
"Why should I settle down when I'm 35 or 40, 50 when I'm at my peak?"
"Not at all, I keep bugging that boy to settle down, so the fact that he has a steady girl is so heartwarming."
"He wants to settle down and start a family."
"I think you should venture out and experience everything and then settle down at a later age."
"We don't feel old enough to settle down or retire, what do we want next?"
"Charles must stop being a ghost and settle down and be happy"
"When people settle down, that leads to human development."
"Listen, Fran, girl, I just had a thought: maybe I'm not ready to settle down."
"She was hoping to settle down here."
"Stop letting people pressure you into settling down."
"Somebody wants to settle down here, somebody wants to have the dog, the house, the kids, the business."
"Once things kind of settle down a bit, you start to get a little bit more in the zone AutoZone."
"Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go back to Tustin and move in permanently."
"Finally, I thought that maybe I had found someone who I can settle down with."
"Settling down, it's not that difficult."
"Throughout the series I just wanted them to drop everything and just settle down in apartment 707 together for the rest of their lives."
"We're settled now we're in the marina it's quiet everyone around seems really nice and we think we're just going to settle down for the day."
"Let's settle down and enjoy this final day."
"I'm 32, I'm ready, you know I have a home, I have a job, you know, I've done and like so much in life and I'm ready to like settle down."
"Nobody will call you corny Cornell for settling down"
"I'm ready to settle down and make a family."
"This is definitely the kind of place where I can see myself growing roots."
"You have to settle down at some point."
"I do absolutely feel like I'm settling down now."
"I'm gonna anchor down here in Springfield, Missouri. I like it actually, my daughter likes it, my wife likes it, my father-in-law likes it."
"Settling down could mean different things for different people; it doesn't mean, 'Oh, I need to get with you, get married, and have five kids.'"
"Wanting to settle down comes with maturity and it comes with the time."
"We want to settle down, start having babies, we want to expand on our business."
"I'll be set in one place by then because I'll be done doing the traveling thing."
"I loved meeting new people, going different places. I only settled down because I fell in love."
"I'm coming at the age where settling down is more of a thing."
"She always wanted the family home, she always wanted to settle down, have her kids, a marriage."
"I want to settle down and enjoy peace with you."
"I'm done with exploring and adventuring, it's time for this pirate to settle down."
"Everyone was learning how to settle down, how to find someone to share their lives with."
"They are thinking now about love, having a family, like settling down."
"Tonight I'm at that age now where I want to settle down and have a family."
"Sometimes don't you feel like stopping somewhere, settling down?"
"I feel settled... I'm starting to settle."
"I hope by the time I'm 40, I've settled down."
"We are officially setting down our roots in Marbella, Spain."
"Now that we know we're going to be here for a while, like years, it's so much like, you know, I can like put my roots down."
"I'd love to eventually settle down and travel a lot."
"After seven years of digital nomad life, we're ready to find a place where we can dig some roots and build a family of our own."
"I'm ready to just be in one place... feel like I'm creating a home and just stay in one spot."
"It's gonna be nice to finally be settled down and have the time to personalize my space."
"Serious love for wanting to settle down."
"This person does not want to be on their own anymore; they want to settle down."
"You want to be somebody who wants to settle down, they want to have a family life, they want to be in a good space."