
Disposal Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"I have to admit I thought you were going to be like 'we would love to be personally responsible for their disposal'."
"Out with the old, in with the new. Throwing out the trash."
"Let us confine this year's bad music into the dustbin of history."
"This was a straight body dump, an attempt to get rid of the most incriminating evidence against him."
"Unfortunately, it didn't feel good to throw it away, but right now we just gotta do what we gotta do."
"Most of the stuff that we're pulling out, at least the stuff that we're throwing away, is at least 30 years old, 40 years old."
"I'm convinced that I'm gonna use it, so I keep it, and then it just kind of sits here for a couple of months and then I will get rid of it."
"I'm gonna put this thing in the freakin trash or break it or something."
"I'm gonna leave him here for now, just get rid of it, mate, alright bonfire night, bones, see you later, bye."
"Prestopino proceeded to dump Esmeralda's body in the Las Vegas desert where he encased her with concrete."
"For me, this kit would go in the trash."
"Throw them on the floor to Garbage Island."
"Proceed with the disposal of consumables in standard recycling bins"
"All Robert had to do was take these bodies, cut them enough so they bleed, throw them to the pigs, and then throw away whatever they didn't eat."
"Nobody has the right to be disposed of improperly or killed in a fight and then dumped."
"So why not roll the body down the hill and take the car to the gas station?"
"I'd rather pass some things on while they're still good."
"The team gear up and make their way to dispose of a human who just turned Inferno."
"I need the oil to cool down so that I can funnel it back into the bottle and then dispose of that responsibly."
"How the two killers tried to dispose of the body and failed."
"Don't over bow yourself it don't dispose fairly quick compared to my other bows."
"When we get to the end of information's life cycle, we need to destroy that data when it's no longer needed."
"Just use it, go down the toilet and flush it. Use a box of matches with you."
"You actually, they're paying to get rid of it."
"Throw away your own cord because honestly that's all you have to do."
"Quality pleasure ever... going in the bin."
"We try to make sure after this we don't have to clean nothing, nothing, straight to the trash."
"By returning it to its natural place, it will stop the curse. Right, okay, by just burning it?"
"A security administrator has been asked to securely dispose of printed materials created during a recent financial project. Which of the following would be the best way to complete this task? Dealing, Drilling, Secure Wiping, Pulping, or Hammering?"
"Things just start happening to get damaged, and oh my gosh, we have to throw them out."
"Literally like one yard downwind."
"If your garbage is rather large like this one is and you're putting lots of live or wet garbage in there, it'll build up."
"Anything that looks like trash or is broken then you can uh take it to the dumpster."
"The best thing you can do is take that plant out of your garden, put it in a garbage bag, and throw it away. Don't compost it."
"That is iron, some sort of big sheet of iron, and I think we'll dispose of that at the side of the field."
"What's next? The eyelashes have to go, they belong in the trash."
"When you're done, throw them in the street."
"CCTV was also important in revealing how The Killers disposed of Yola's torso once again in the harbor."
"The molds today don't get buried in the foundations because they found a much more efficient way to dispose of them. They have a deal with a local steel factory to cut them up and reuse them for scrap."
"Just bury them straight in the garden."
"Should be leaving these for the maggots at the end."
"As much as I don't love throwing things out, sometimes it is the right option."
"Best believe when I got home that thong was straight in the bin."
"So I'm just gonna gather all of that and put it into the trash."
"Welcome to the graveyard of leftover food."
"Solid waste can be disposed of through landfills, incineration, or recycling."
"It's gone guys, it's off the property and it's gone."
"...what can I throw away in the trash?"
"So, after we're done filming here, it's going away all the way from New York to a Kansas salvage yard. Weird."
"Guys, we have to get rid of this can."
"He dumped her body parts into the rubbish bins behind a building on the law school campus."
"Don't put this into the paint there's a little roller tray that comes with this don't use it just throw it in the garbage don't use a little roller paint tray"
"The speed with which he disposes of it will be beautiful to see."
"The trash belongs in the dumpster, that's what I'm talking about."
"I don't care if it's expired, means nothing to me. If it's expired, it's all gonna go to the pigs."
"Should we get rid of the dead bodies? Because they're really stinking up the place."
"One of the great pleasures of life is chucking something away in a skip ... Best bin is the man pushing the bin"
"The longer we give our metabolism a chance to burn down that extra fuel, the more fuel we're able to actually dispose of."
"Tractors that are clunkers we just get rid of the deal with them."
"Well, this is where garbage belongs, in the trash."
"I just got rid of my big furry one because it's kind of gross."
"Use them up, pass them on, or just get rid of them."
"The abundant supply of the cosmos is at our disposal."
"I don't really have a use for this system anymore, what should I do with it? Should I give it away?"
"That person's on the phone now. Did you get the stuff? You're throwing it away? All right."
"These aeroplanes were obsolete and the order came through to dispose of them."
"Is there another way we could get rid of it? A nicer way?"
"He then recruited a homeless man named Nicholas Kutner to help dispose of the body."
"What did she do with that? As soon as she realized it was crap, she immediately threw it out."
"...the factory is usually would have incurred the cost of treating and disposing their coconut water in the correct manner."
"...they're throwing out huge bags of the costumes because Halloween is over and they don't want to store them until next year"
"I've never been so happy spending 15 on something that's going to be in the trash here in a couple of days."
"I'll just dump these. Came back then."
"The flag should not touch anything below it or rest on the ground. Dispose of it with dignity."
"I'll just throw it away, I'll put it in an altar are you have like an aunts sing that little jar for my little bits and pieces."
"Every place also needs a good Dumping Ground for now."
"So, it's really important to know how we get rid of them."
"When we run to the back of the gas station... we stopped, take off, you know, put in a garbage bag, and dumped it right to the back of the piece."
"Thankfully we won't be reusing this, we're going to go ahead and throw this away."
"...so yesterday I decided to rid us of it and put it in the trash."
"I was definitely a little scared but I mean it was all in trash bags so I guess it doesn't look that bad. But yeah, it was definitely like one of the craziest experiences just like I've never done anything like that just dropping it off in bags."
"I just don't have a tank. I don't have the time. I've got several tanks. I'll either give it away or sell it for scrap or whatever."
"So if you see it growing just get rid of it and like I said the best course of action is to take it outside dump it into your compost pile rinse everything out with bleach and water."
"Dispose of it properly in a trash can."
"An organization with as many secrets as the SCP Foundation requires the ability to dispose of material that could prove harmful to the facade of normalcy that the 05 council desperately wishes to uphold."
"Every happy memory and associated positive emotion was extracted from the brains of SCP-2419-A corpses prior to their attempted disposal in the incinerators."
"Okay, okay, just hear me out: what if we shot it into the sun?"
"Obviously, but think about it: we’d be sending it into a perpetually-burning nuclear furnace."
"Please dispose of your oil properly."
"You can either throw it away or you can use it."
"The disposal proceeds amounted to more than the carrying amount, which automatically was a gain on disposal."
"If you open a ferment and you're overwhelmed by a foul odor, then yes, it's no good and you want to discard it."
"The cardboard is definitely a safer surface to do it on because, you know, I'm just going to throw this away after the fact."
"It's a little bit more environmentally friendly and also we can dispose of them on the trail."
"Please dispose of all my things, please everyone stay well and survive, that is my only prayer."
"It's just a much more civilized way of getting rid of your dirt, in my opinion."
"Biodegradable, throw in the fire after use, and 100% bamboo."
"Throw the ball away or return it to Burger King. The safety of your child is of the utmost importance to us."
"If it smells or tastes funny, it's best to just chuck it out."
"Prayers would be said, the dolls would be purified, and the shrine or temple would deal with the disposal."
"I'm a fan of bagged because the great thing about that is that I can take away all of the debris, all of the allergens, all of the dust in one bag and dispose of it responsibly."
"Magazines accumulate because people look at them and forget about them and they can't throw them away while they're new."
"The suction of this vacuum cleaner picks up everything, puts it in the bag, it stays in the bag and goes out of the house."
"What is a taxable event? It's when you dispose of property."
"With the old battery, make sure you throw it away properly because these are actually dangerous for young children."
"There's something quite satisfying about when you've cleaned up, just taking the canister away and emptying it."
"It's a much more hygienic solution to actually disposing of the dirt in your vacuum cleaner."
"This is amazing, I can throw anything I want in here."