
Compositing Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"In compositing, one of the greatest challenges is getting both images to have the same color theme or the same color temperature."
"Compositing essentially is a 2D operation, so after we render, we're gonna be performing some 2D operations."
"UFO Table certainly has up to their name as one of if not the best compositing teams in Japan."
"We can also now create our own shaders in Fusion with USD."
"I prefer to use After Effects for compositing because it gives me a few more choices."
"Adobe After Effects is great for animation compositing."
"This is traditional practical compositing, very simply done, and it has all the impact, if not more, than a more complicated approach would have. So I appreciate them doing that here."
"Another kind of essential core part of compositing is gonna be using blending modes."
"Hopefully enjoy this tutorial covering a lot of the basics and kind of core elements of compositing inside of After Effects."
"You can really composite together some insane looking effects like you're seeing here."
"Remember, all nuke files are for the free version of nuke which is great if you're looking to step up your compositing game."
"Compositing is such a fun thing. It's like Photo filters but they happen in real time in Blender."
"So there's definitely more to explore here with creating 3D text and 3D objects and compositing them in your scene, but this gives you a really good head start."
"The compositing work was also decent, but anything that was done practically looked far superior."
"Node-based compositing workflow provides you with a more visual working environment, making compositing big shots with loads of elements more manageable."
"Nuke's camera tracker will actually track all the footage forward and then, unlike Blender, it actually tracks the footage backwards again to double-check itself."
"Remember, this add and multiply node are the main ones we'll use when compositing."
"So now we're compositing, right? This scene on top of this scene in Blender, and if I go back to my first scene and render things out, it's going to render both shots and put them together for me."
"I'll be doing some 3d tracking, some camera projection, some texture painting, and finally some very basic compositing inside of blender to bring the shot together."
"Always use stencil and mask because stencil will do the exact same thing as out and masks will do the exact same thing as in, but the difference being that stencil and mask both have field background as the B input so you're maintaining that B integrity."
"Simple compositing tasks like this are often things that many editors need to do on a day-to-day basis."
"Let's kick off our series on talking about how to use the compositor in Blender."
"As a compositor, you want to always be thinking how to get the result no matter what you have and being resourceful."
"If we work with CG elements and want to accomplish a photorealistic look in compositing, we can't ignore the physical processes."
"Sometimes it's faster to find the look that you're going for in comp rather than waiting for render results."
"All of these changes were done in compositing; there was no re-rendering of the image."
"A new compositing filter node called Kuwahara will allow you to easily apply a stylized painterly effect to your renders."
"Rendering takes a lot of time, so the goal is to give the compositor as much flexibility as possible."
"All we used to achieve it was the compositor with just some clever compositing tricks that you can do on the fly."
"If you're going to composite that dog into a scene, one of the things that you need to do is remove some of that green."
"You can also do compositing from within Toon Boom Harmony."
"I'm now just going to do a little bit of compositing to make the image look a bit nicer."
"You can use ZBrush to composite your image out and use it as a final piece in your portfolio."
"A scene within Nuke is nothing but a collection of objects that have to be rendered out together."
"What I'm going to show you now is a really cool technique of creating shadows in Photoshop especially when you're compositing."
"And at this point, all that you need to do is work on the fine details of your composite to take it to the next level."
"This is actually the one thing that is really going to separate people from being a beginner to really advancing in compositing and getting more control."
"Masking is absolutely fundamental to so much of compositing work."
"I finished up the compositing and got the finished image which you can see right here."
"Blender's animation tools are significantly better as well and it has a built-in compositing workflow that gives you a lot of flexibility in how your final render will look."
"By separating out all these passes, that allows us to composite them in a much easier way."
"Let's go ahead and start worrying about compositing this and getting out a final result that has some realistic lighting and everything baked into it."
"Lastly, I've done a little bit of compositing... it adds a glow to the windows and a nice blue effect."
"For compositing, I want to be able to choose when and how something moves."
"You need to know how to select one thing from one image and go and paste it on another image."
"When compositing in a linearized workflow, you will get much better composites."
"This will make a composite shot, which is where we can do compositing."
"AI will replace compositing, but it will replace compositing on other aspects."
"A merge node's job is to put one image over another image."
"Compositing allows you to make changes to your image after rendering without having to render again."
"When it comes to external compositing, it's really about bringing over objects in 3D space."