
Informal Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Sometimes I'd be liking the [expletive] up belly button that's your thing."
"This has been scrapped man and I'll see you next time. Bye!"
"That's it, you know a movies yeah three o'clock in the morning."
"That's actually a really wholesome story, Joe."
"Keep it easy breezy and beautiful hashtag not sponsored."
"Bro, if you're looking for furniture you came to the right place."
"He's pretty good though, like he's actually good."
"He's like actually good though, I am genuinely impressed."
"I got a question: Do you agree with the statement 'Dreadheads do it the best'?"
"That's a courageous story is we [ __ ] off the clock, that's what he's saying."
"He's a man, number one, jeez, gang business, my guy."
"A deal's a deal, we practically shook on it." - Unacceptable
"But anyway, that's about it until next time Dawson Ryder signing out."
"Thank God for Jan Winner personally because that's pretty great."
"They wish they could just, so it's, it's, it's cool, it's cool."
"These are free wins for anyone, these are free wins for fucking... you know what I mean."
"Here's what we're calling two bears no scripts."
"I love the relaxed conversational nature of the SP TV videos, feels like I'm hanging with some friends."
"You're gonna tell me Snuffy's being bailed out."
"The whole point of a livestream is that it's really quick and easy to do and you don't have to plan for it really."
"I actually kind of like the old drip better anyways, bro, you wanted to see my drip, let's see it, bro."
"Boss man lives in Austin so it's the HQ also." - Sarah Dietrich Renzo Peachey
"Elon is a G, he's awesome." - Sarah Dietrich Renzo Peachey
"Alright, see you guys next time. Bye."
"Chit Chat isn't just about swapping cold hard facts, it's filled with banter."
"See you there, kaleen, just outside Newport South Wales."
"You gotta smack a bit over the grass, she up, oh, you damn, you tough as hell ain't you?"
"Just pop it on the good a good dad solution I think if at all."
"Oh my god yeah whatever I'll stick with the stang."
"If Chuck offers to suck out the poison, this review is over."
"Anything I mentioned now is non-binding, okay? These are just thoughts."
"Peace out, catch you all on the flip side."
"Let's get rolling, what's up people?"
"Let's start with this rambly video."
"Jump on a Zoom call with me, Chris. It felt really casual. Let's just jump on a Zoom call, pick a time, right? I got a slot tomorrow. Boom, jump on a Zoom call."
"Okie dokie artichokie, we're gonna start off... Hi, how are you?"
"Their relationship isn't very formal, but they're very happy in their marriage."
"I love you all. See you later. Ciao."
"I'm still gonna wake up at 7:30 in the morning and be like, 'Yo, Queen.'"
"I think they're just like chatting back and forth with like Sam yeah okay my girl but yeah Paul that's kind of"
"I don't go in for formal dinner parties. Even when I'm having a dinner to mark some really special occasion, I like to keep things simple."
"Let's sit down and have a shitty cup of tea."
"All right, looking dapper AF, fam."
"We all just going to be crooked for a minute. What's up, good morning."
"Awesome, how's everybody doing? You guys thumbs up? You guys doing okay?"
"If you like this kind of like sit down chatty informal thing where I ramble on for God knows how long."
"Hobo or not, he is still fucking hot."
"...if you maybe get on with it already it would mean just a ton to me okay thanks that last part wasn't there but it felt appropriate didn't it feel like that could have been attached on to the sentence with very little effort."
"That's Peter Dimitri Peter what's up man"
"Thanks for watching, y'all. We'll see you nerds later, and here we go."
"Are we gonna talk some [ __ ] tonight?"
"Talk to you later," that's it, that's what it is. It's talk to you later.
"I know it's a bit different to usual, just me having a little chat."
"Yo my people, what is going on, big MSB?"
"At the end of the spades hand when y'all just throw the last two cards, that's what I want them to do, yes, just talking about them, you know you ain't got, they got, they got the big joker, the baby, let's not stand on ceremony."
"you guys are know dude we played ball shut up"
"What up, Anna? I love you baby, you know that though I don't gotta tell you that."
"I f*** with you, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bro, you think Shy going to [ __ ] with me for the one time when I scooper ghetto?"
"I love throwing something out somewhere where it really doesn't matter if the weeds kind of creep in. It's not fancy, it's not formal, it's just something a little bit more wild."
"Till next time, guys. Have a day."
"...you're very you're know you're wisdomous you know what I mean you're you're you're older than me you know it's [ __ ] right just I'm just a 23y old idot."
"Yo Deathstroke, get your ass over here."
"Hey, young man, you got big balls."
"Chris Need is in the building. What's going on fam?"
"Peace and chicken grease, everybody."
"It's all very much a handshake situation at the moment."
"What's up y'all? How's everyone doing?"
"We live, y'all, what's the deal, what's the deal everybody?"
"This weekend's gonna be lit I can't wait."
"As I always say, enough of the jibber jabber."
"Every [ __ ] week, every time a [ __ ] is here doing some [ __ ]."
"Hey man, how you doing? Hey, the white man. Hey guys."
"Yo what up Coriano loco, how you feeling today?"
"I feel as though networking becomes a little bit more important when there's less of a structured process."
"So thanks you, thank you guys, and I'll catch you later."
"okay hello there buddy you waiting on me"
"That settled a brother's pockets a little bit, you know what I'm saying?"
"Good evening, mamas. How are you doing on this fine Wednesday morning?"
"See you guys later. Muchacho out."
"I got a special guest here who going talk some [__] damn we been meaning to talk some [__]."
"Hey y'all, coming in, what's going on, what's going on, what's going on?"
"Hello, tiger, how are you? You all right?"
"It's not even like he can say, 'I've been informed.' He WhatsApped someone and said, 'Give us a bit of cash to redecorate the old flat.'"
"I already gave you my greasy thumbs up."
"What's going on y'all, it's your boy Mike."
"What's going on, you bunch of legends?"
"Okay, bye, Moody! I'm gonna talk to you tomorrow. Bye!"
"Damn, okay, you look sexy as hell."
"Welcome to the Vlog guys, how you guys doing? I'm doing alright, I just woke up as you can tell by my voice."
"That'd be awesome, we'll do it in person, you know, we'll have a couple of shots and shoot the [ __ ]."
"All I can really ask for, we're lubed up."
"If y'all legal and y'all smokers, let's hit this [__] together, okay?"
"You're safe, alright? I'm backing off. Have a good bloody day, see you mate, wow!"
"Forget the fork and use all 10 fingers."
"Good morning to all you diddlers."
"Anyway, I think that's gonna round things up for me and you today, mate. Unreal."
"How the hell is everyone doing today anyway?"
"Happy Saturday, home skillet biscuit!"
"What's up Louie you having a good day bud?"
"hello hello it's been a minute I got ready after I showered because I had to do some brand stuff"
"What's good, people? What's going on, guys?"
"I hope you're doing well, living lavish, feeling good, feeling great. How are you?"
"We are here from Goulet Pens to deliver this casual and informal, tangential and extraneous, superfluous, and index-temporaneous fountain pen show."
"Yo, I like both of you now. Get your butts over here."
"Enjoy, and we'll probably see you later."
"This is not really an interview; it's more like a conversation."
"We had an informal Bingo because we had a very, very deranged all over the place conversation and people loved it."
"We are here from the Goulet Pens to deliver this casual and informal, tangential and extraneous, superfluous and extemporaneous fountain pen show."
"Damn homie, that was satisfactory, my Lord."
"The first informal power of the president is bargaining and persuasion."
"The queen will be delighted by Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's success during their uniquely informal and brilliantly unorthodox Africa tour."
"Our principal was pretty mellow about it; he addressed the students pretty bro-like too."
"We don't have to get too stuffy; it's not ballroom dancing."
"This is kind of what we call a street dance; it's not super formalized."
"Arbitration is intended to be less formal, more efficient, more practical, and more aimed at getting to the substance of the party's dispute."
"Think of this less as a formal lecture and more as a kind of group exploration."
"The hidden curriculum is anything you learn in school that isn't taught in lessons."
"Many startups use a free form type of layout where it is free flowing; there is no standard pattern and it is usually informal."
"Amazing as entertaining as informative, love the energy and loose use of language."