
Tribes Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"We've got the opportunity to roll just about every troll tribe that we have ever encountered."
"In short, tribes are fascinating because there's no direction you can't take them."
"Hitting someone in the air with a spin fuser for instance is something that a lot of old school Tribes players practiced."
"Giannis was clearly the better defensive player."
"Forget about the Egyptian pyramids here the secrets have living Witnesses these are tribes cut off from all modern civilization tribes that we know almost nothing about."
"They are a very, very interesting tribe that we have a remarkable amount of information on."
"The best days of Disney are ahead of us."
"Each tribe should have as much autonomy as it wants."
"What I want them to know is keep tribes that you know alive, so the Native American people could grow so we don't have to die."
"Some tribes credited women with the very existence of corn."
"The parallels between the tribes and the very tribal nature of the alien hunter himself."
"Native tribes like the Blackfoot, which span both the United States and Canada, have clans on either side of the border."
"The unity of the three tribes manifest in a single Pony."
"The tribes are given a degree of autonomy and not all federal laws apply to them."
"Constant warfare and smaller-scale marauding were always ongoing between different nomadic tribes over land, women, and prestige, and it was in one of these raids that a young Sabüktegin was captured by the rival Bakhtiyan tribe and sent to a slave market in Tashkent."
"The tribes here are hustlers, man. They're creative. They make things. They sell things. I respect it."
"One of those tribes is a black tribe."
"They insisted that this would stop all of the fighting between tribes."
"This is the land which you shall divide by lot unto the tribes of Israel for inheritance."
"Tribes are built by shared beliefs and values, not irresistible offers."
"There's going to be Hivites, Jebusites, Canaanites, Kenites, and a whole bunch of other ites."
"He believes that if they defeat Garuda, it would serve as a warning to the other beast tribes."
"You have all these different tribes coming from reservations and settling in cities."
"The Kingdom of Heaven has 12 gates, with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel."
"The Blood Plains: a region of near constant conflict among orc tribes."
"Blisterwell, a battleground between the Haskadar and One Eye tribes."
"So unique because this part of Northeastern India, that's the most unique part about it, is that people are so diverse because it's been a big mix of tribes up here."
"...this raid on the kyowa and kamanche camp would turn into the largest known and last great battle between the largest tribes of the southern plains."
"The inhabitants on North Sentinel Island are among the few uncontacted tribes left in the world."
"The inhabitants on this floating cursed island are among the few uncontacted tribes left in the world."
"This arrangement is a huge leap forward for reconnecting the tribes of this region with a landscape that is incredibly important and meaningful to them and which has historically been denied to them."
"For the first time in history, all of the green-skinned tribes in the north were gathering under a single banner."
"There's five hundred and sixty-eight different federally recognized American Indian tribes in just the United States alone."
"The magical land of Deltora was originally split into seven different tribes... each of the tribes was given the task of protecting a powerful gemstone."
"I'm really excited to start this book because it just talks about how people gravitate towards different tribes."
"Each of the twelve tribes of Jerusalem is allocated one of the signs."
"It's hard to imagine how some human tribes live here; they still preserve their original culture and are reluctant to contact civilization."
"The 10 lost tribes of Israel are a very famous mythological idea."
"I had never really focused in on that particular point, and so my search over many years has been about the lost ten tribes."
"To uphold the trust and treaty obligations of our nation's 574 federally recognized tribes."
"We are very proud to support tribes in the way they want to move their native language revitalization forward."
"The birch bark canoe is a symbol of heritage for all four of Maine's Wabanaki tribes."
"These are all ongoing experiments with our tribes."
"With both portals open, our tribes will be united again."
"Joseph's descendants are going to make up two of the 12 tribes."
"If Israel is personified as a singular person, then the brothers must be other tribes."
"They shall have an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel."
"And for seven major Native American tribes created a powerful form of spirituality."
"We need the four tribes to be united once again."
"We have ceased to be separate tribes through this alliance."
"Will your tribes change the world?"
"Just as fish swim and birds fly, people form tribes; it's just what we do."
"We all form tribes... but the question on the table is this: what kind of an impact are the tribes that you are in making?"
"The mountain range on the Northwest part of Vietnam is famous for the mountain tribes living here."
"These nomadic tribes in Arabia, they conquered the world superpower, the Byzantines, and they defeated the Sassanids."