
Spiritual State Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Service to others is automatic at the released energy generated by this state of consciousness."
"The fifth dimension is not a place, it's a state of consciousness."
"You're exactly in the vibration that you should be in right now."
"Nirvana is the state of being let go, it is a state of consciousness."
"Heaven is not really a place but a state of awareness of our true nature, which is creative and is all about the soul's continuing journey."
"And when He is there, I am not there. And when I am not there, it's bliss."
"Love becomes a state of being when you become one with it."
"The Holy Spirit cannot possess a vessel that is filled with toxic emotions."
"Freedom isn't something you're given, it's a state of the soul."
"It had everything to do with spiritual condition, had nothing to do with ethnicity."
"Existence in a state of Eternal Bliss and Oneness with the universe."
"Remind me, Holy Spirit, that all things work together for good."
"You aligned yourself or something here and you're in this real high vibration energy."
"In the state of Janna you stop thinking... you simply are aware of what is."
"In samadhi, in cosmic consciousness, you experience this mystical state, become one with the super consciousness but at the same time you retain your own consciousness."
"Wonderful that it becomes easy to not care about what happens and reality, and ideally know the state that remains."
"There are those today who are closing their probation on truth."
"Living in that state can greatly enrich your life."
"The realized state is not static, it's not just one flavor, one condition all the time. It's fluid, it's malleable, it's adaptable."
"The most blessed state to live in is to believe without physical proof."
"The kingdom of God is not a place but a state, our natural state of pure self-conscious being. When we see it within ourselves by turning our attention towards the innermost core of our being, we enter into it and become one with it."
"And then that merges into the eternal state and into Your everlasting kingdom where all that is material and spiritual will forever be perfect."
"I knew I was in an Nirvikalpa Samadhi at that point."
"That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world."
"When I felt closest to God, there's no way in that state of being I could be violent to a person, for instance."
"Samadhi is more or less a temporary condition of enlightenment."
"You cannot imagine how easy your Christian experience would be when you remain a broken vessel before God."
"Righteousness is the state of being right with God."
"The virtuous will be forever in a blessed state."
"Humility is about entering into a state of Illumination."
"I'm not suffering. I'm in a blissful state."
"The state of Deliverance is described as the egoless state."
"Enlightenment isn't a destination; it's not a place that you get to, it's not a state you can have."
"When you arrive at enlightenment, even full enlightenment, the mind of the Arahant, those factors will be steady states."
"The sage that dwells in the state of unity with the truth... is therefore wantless."
"When I suffer the karma of unconscious tendencies, may the samadhi of bliss and luminosity arise."
"Moksha doesn't mean death; moksha means being reborn in a spiritual state."
"You reach a state where the deity has to be one with you to that extent that you are not you anymore."
"When the five senses of knowledge come to rest, together with the mind, and the intellect too does not function, that state they call the highest."
"We are holy, we are blameless, we are righteous, we are the righteousness of God."
"Except for those whose creaturely state has been transmuted by love into love."
"Samadhi is being aware of the self and nothing else."
"You're either gonna be a person of worship or you're going to become a prisoner of war."
"You may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke."
"Most of humanity are in a spiritual slumber."
"He who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still."
"We are righteous because of the act of God's righteousness."
"Miracles arise from a miraculous state of mind or a state of miracle readiness."
"Be in that eternity which is a state of wholeness."
"There is no karma in the state of Para Brahman."
"The estate of divine union consists in the total transformation of the will into the will of God."
"It is wisdom; it is liberation; it is the natural state, Sahaja."