
Lifestyle Adaptation Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Devil, you cannot have my mind, devil, you cannot have my body, devil, you cannot have my children, devil, you cannot have my family, devil, you cannot have this state."
"It felt wrong. Why do I suddenly feel like I can film this video without my caffeine?"
"If you feel the same way that you just have a million other things you'd rather do than sit down and read a book Audible is a pretty uh good thing."
"Relevance lasts longer than a couple of minutes."
"It becomes so easy, people become so used to you being vegan."
"Magnus takes a very lifestyle-type of approach to nutrition, which makes it easily adaptable to each individual."
"These little changes bit by bit, these small changes become our new habits."
"Adherence should be a priority, so a routine that enables easy adherence is key."
"You don't have to create a schedule now and then stick to that schedule for forever or else your page will fall apart. No, your posting schedule will constantly change over time with your life and your lifestyle and that's okay."
"I feel like there are some habits that we've learned during this whole endeavor... I'm going to keep doing this."
"Choose countertops based on your lifestyle, not just looks."
"It took me probably about four or five-month process to find the combination of things that I can see me doing forever."
"If you're too old to go out on the road, sit your ass down somewhere."
"I could get used to this whole living and normal life stuff."
"There is no one size fits all. You need to make it personal to your lifestyle."
"Understanding what you need, what will fit best into your lifestyle... that is key."
"I love the convenience of working out at home."
"One of the ways you can live on $250 a month is living in your car."
"The best thing you can do is individualize it to the person's schedule... it's what they can stick to As a matter of Lifestyle."
"In our old age and now it'll basically be let's just rotate among the rooms in our house because covet's never going away."
"I just had to make it so that it wasn't something I did, it was something that was part of my life and I feel like it is now."
"Van life has actually made managing my disability so much easier."
"This 130 quite happily gets skis in as you can see two pairs of boots some mad poy insists on having..."
"The proof is in the evidence. As you grow into a certain lifestyle, you become part of that lifestyle."
"I know I'm gonna be able to like just dabble back into certain things whether it's to celebrate with friends with drinking or to sleep to help sleep at night."
"What works well for one person may not work well for another."
"Do you keep warm? Absolutely. That's one thing in van life I've never struggled with."
"Seasons change, the activities available to you change along with them."
"You're going to see more and more people live a financially responsible life."
"It's important to build a routine rather than force yourself upon a routine."
"All that matters to me is that you find a system that works for you."
"A lot of handbags is just learning your lifestyle what works for you."
"I knew it was a different world from the one with a mess."
"Genetics play a small role. It just means that that same nutrition and lifestyle that the other person was having that wasn't affecting them, they can't do the same thing. They have to change it up slightly in order to change their gene expression."
"Relationships are all about compromise, so if I gotta wear some designer shoes every now and then, so be it."
"If you're gonna get a setup like this going on, you better make sure you are half music half movies."
"Try new things and same with eating you have to find something that works for you in your lifestyle."
"You can go to hot yoga three times in a row and still walk out with a beautiful full face of makeup."
"I love that you can easily navigate their website depending on your lifestyle preference."
"I've finally learned how to slow down, how to pick places that fit not only my requirements but also Finn's requirements."
"Definitely, you can use this car as a daily driver."
"Basically the work from home workout from home."
"Intermittent fasting allows us to more or less resume a normal social lifestyle."
"The switch is about being convenient for people who are busy, which in general is most adults."
"Find what works for you, your lifestyle, the weather where you live."
"During the pandemic, it was definitely difficult to keep a good routine."
"Neither type of dialysis is better than the other; it's a matter of figuring out what is the best option for you medically and what fits your lifestyle."
"I'm really new at this; I need to figure out how to really integrate this correctly into my life."
"I think that it's a work lifestyle that matches the times."