
Transplantation Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Transplants are not just life-saving, they're life improving."
"Hair transplant is another option for hair loss, a surgical procedure involving the extraction of multiple follicular units."
"Eventually printed liver cell layers will be used to create transplant organs."
"Boyle predicted that in the future mankind would have the ability to cure wounds by transplantation."
"Up to 11,000 more Americans could receive heart lung and liver transplants annually so heart lung and liver that would be up to 28,000 American lives saved every year."
"He had a total artificial heart put in, it's a bridge to transplant so he can get a heart transplant for him."
"We do everything we can to ensure that a patient who receives a transplanted organ has the greatest chance of survival." - Hospital spokesperson
"Gradually Isabelle showed signs of sensation returning to her new face."
"I remember just waking up seeing my sister and just the reality was like, these lungs aren't mine, I'm breathing easier because someone else had lived."
"We've got the eastern redbud that I dug up from over in this location a number of years ago and planted out here. It's doing well."
"Addressing ethical challenges in heart transplantation."
"Ashton contemplated his own life since his heart would be a perfect match for his twin."
"Fortunately Michael found a donor within 24 hours from an accident victim in another state."
"We're at a point now where the life expectancy of most patients on dialysis does not exceed the waiting time for a kidney transplant."
"Suppose we adopt that version of the body view. If I get a liver transplant, it's still me. If I get a brain transplant, it's someone else with my torso."
"At age 21 Katie was the youngest person in the United States to receive a face transplant."
"Now the second clue that a seedling is ready to transplant is the roots."
"A woman's had six organs transplanted. A woman needed a new kidney and a new stomach, a new liver, new kidney intestinal. Meaning, she's the same woman."
"Anonymous no more. This is an emotional meeting between an 11-year-old girl and a man who donated bone marrow that saved her life."
"Transplant rejection does display hallmarks of the adaptive immune response."
"Hyperacute rejection occurs very quickly because of pre-existing antibodies."
"...the transplant is the only chance Mindy has now."
"Ultimately, the only thing that was going to fix what was wrong is a transplant."
"There is still a huge gap between the number of people who need a life-saving organ transplant and the number of organ donations each year."
"Mismatching is bad but if you don't have an option it's probably better than not transplanting at all."
"If you look at liver transplant as purely a cancer treatment, it's probably the most successful cancer treatment for any intra-abdominal cancer that's out there."
"This is huge so we could now start to make beta cells in the laboratory if that's the case then we can start transplanting them into human beings which is pretty darn cool."
"We now have operations that can remove tumors and we can even transplant which means that cancer cells are replaced by healthy ones."
"Researchers achieved a significant milestone by producing the first ever human-pig chimeras, aiming to potentially grow human organs within pigs for transplantation."
"The endothelial transplant is really the ideal surgery."
"Organ donation and transplantation saves and transforms tons of lives every year."
"Certainly by CKD stage 4, you should have the discussion with your kidney doctor about getting a kidney transplant."
"For some people, their transplant changed their life, but not in a good way."
"The idea that the authority would be transplanted I think it's important to know just to save that idea until we get to the 15th century."
"The new kidney for him is really a new lease of life in that the quality of life becomes so much better."
"In the field of heart transplantation, what happens is when you get a phone call that somebody has died and they want to be an organ donor."
"The advancements of treatment, the advancements of transplantation, who we transplant, when we transplant them, why we transplant them, is a constant daily profession."
"Double hey, I saw dude, so this is Zion, eight years old, from Philadelphia, oh the first child to ever receive a hand transplant, oh I'm just amazed."
"The general concept of a stem cell transplantation always, no matter why you do it, is the destruction of the recipient hematopoietic stem cells which reside in the bone marrow and the corresponding immune system that is produced by these cells."
"A stem cell transplant is a complicated procedure. It's not a surgery by the way, just to point that out, because we've heard that previously. It's a transfusion of cells, not a surgery."
"It's very important that you choose the right donor."
"Overall survival is excellent with both types of conditioning, no matter what donor you use."
"Transplant is curative these days in almost eighty percent of the patients and about 90% of the patients survive regardless of donor type."
"There's a very large decision tree as we are going through transplantation..."
"Whoever's most likely to benefit and whoever's most likely to survive from the transplant, this is what your clinical decision comes down to at the end of the day."
"Whoever's most likely to survive and whoever's most going to benefit from the liver and who's least likely to relapse with a condition is who I'll give the liver to."
"My decision of who should receive the liver is always based on clinical need and who's most likely to survive."
"Doctors in Massachusetts have successfully transplanted a pig kidney into a patient, which is a medical milestone."
"There's thousands of people dying every year because they can't get their hold of a liver or pancreas or something."
"Fast transplanting of mature trees without damaging the roots is a reality made possible by specialized machinery."
"Transplant is the only known treatment for amyloid and systemic or localized amyloid deposition."
"Stem cell transplantation offers a multi-modal strategy."
"Survival is better with renal transplant than with long-term dialysis."
"We need to take care of everything from soil compaction and not planting in terrible conditions to putting out very strong transplants that aren't overdue for the field."
"Free trees, I mean they were already growing, we'll just see if we can move them."
"The blocks themselves actually made a much better transplant."
"The brain is the only thing you can't get transplanted."
"Transplantation is extremely successful these days, with the majority of recipients going on to live happy, fully functional lives."
"We do perform miracles; we can take a liver and chop it in pieces and give it to different people like nobody else can."
"We want to give those a little bit of a head start, maybe put a little bigger transplant in the ground."
"Islet cell transplantation... allows us to generate pancreatic precursor cells from these pluripotent cells in the culture dish."
"We've begun to do transplantation of a variety of different organs, and it's just been amazing."
"We're going to take a donor lung, place it into the patient, and then make all those connections... so that the lung is able to then inflate and help the patient."
"Transplantation may benefit early in the course of the disease."
"Mystic eyes are special in that they have their own magic circuits which is what allows them to be transplanted in the first place."
"I'm really happy with the amount we got transplanted today."
"Every patient is their own donor, therefore there is no risk of graft versus host disease or graft rejection."
"An unrelated donor's outcome is just as good as a related one."
"Primary biliary cholangitis... is the disease which has the best long-term outcomes following liver transplantation."
"Our devotion to using hepatitis C positive organs and hepatitis C negative recipients has really changed the way that we can offer organs for patients who need them."
"We're going to be transplanting them up, potting them, and giving you a few helpful tips to make sure you succeed in getting your figs established in the home garden."
"What if we could just take a few cells from that donor organ, ship them to the site, grow a new organ at the site and then implant it there?"
"Once these transplanted, it seemed like there was new growth and that they were happy in their home."
"Short segment portal venous thrombosis is really not anywhere near a contraindication to transplant."
"It's incredible we have people getting transplanted with HIV disease, so things have come that far."
"Fortunately, Zinnia seedlings I found are very, very forgiving, and you can relocate them from one area to another without too much of a problem."
"When heart stops beating, life ends, you all agree. But just imagine, I stop a beating heart, remove that heart from the body, pack it in, ice box it to, or transfer it from another, implant it in another body, and heart starts beating, a new life starts."
"Surgeons in Sweden have carried out the world's first transplant of a synthetic organ."
"Transplanting a complete part should give much better results than even the most advanced prosthetic technology."
"One of the challenges of hand transplantation is to achieve the delicate balance that prevents rejection whilst at the same time protecting patients from the direct toxicity of the medicaments."
"We are extremely proud to have successfully performed thousands of kidney transplants."
"Fecal microbiota transplantation is a clinical procedure that restores healthy bacteria in the colon by introducing stool from a healthy donor."
"The urgency of getting these patients to a transplant center is high."
"The best transplant you can get is from your identical twin."
"This company plans to transplant gene-edited pig hearts into babies next year."
"A major consideration in the success of transplantation is matching the antigens that are on the surface of donated tissues."
"The promise for transplantation is that somehow you'll figure out a way of generating individual cells of all these different lineages."
"To be able to see a kidney come out of one body and then be put into another and it come back to life, it's crazy."
"If we are different, how can we put a heart in another's body?"
"Allograft procedures would not be possible without the final act of generosity and kindness of donors and the support of their families."