
Carbon Monoxide Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Gas stoves can lead to carbon monoxide levels three to six times higher than electric ranges."
"Carbon monoxide is what happens when you burn gas and you don't have enough oxygen, and that's very dangerous."
"Maybe they are using the stove a lot, there are studies that show even levels as low as three parts per million carbon monoxide regularly can cause some respiratory ailments and mental impairment."
"Personal protective carbon monoxide detector... go off in public places... good idea to wear all the time."
"Please triple check your carbon monoxide filters, ours didn't go off at all."
"This thing could save your life. It's just, it's only small, what's that, four inches by probably two inches, weighs nothing. This picks up carbon monoxide fumes, it alerts you."
"Safety items: carbon monoxide monitor and fire extinguisher are an absolute must."
"When trees are cut down improperly or suffer from drought, they release carbon monoxide into the atmosphere as they rot and die."
"Have a carbon monoxide detector and a fire extinguisher, so you can combat a fire if you had to; carbon monoxide you can't see, smell, taste, etc. That stuff kills you, you don't even realize it."
"Carbon monoxide is a silent killer; it's odorless, it's tasteless, and you won't even know it's happening until you're done."
"Definitely install a carbon monoxide detector."
"Check for the presence of suitable audible carbon monoxide alarms."
"Carbon monoxide binds to your hemoglobin 200 times more effectively than oxygen."
"Do not forget this: a carbon monoxide detector. It could save your life for sure."
"Carbon monoxide, a colorless odorless gas formed during incomplete combustion, can be a dangerous indoor pollutant."
"If the tailpipe that passes through this shroud had a crack in it, that is how you could get carbon monoxide poisoning."
"Carbon monoxide is odorless, it's tasteless; you won't know that it's around you, you won't know that you're breathing it in."
"Sadly, many people fall asleep and die due to carbon monoxide poisoning."
"The signs of carbon monoxide poisoning are things like nausea, vomiting, together with shortness of breath and a headache."
"If you have a very small carbon monoxide leak, it can actually cause... hallucinations and delusions."
"Carbon monoxide is known as the silent killer because of its undetectable yet deadly nature."
"Fuel based generators can produce carbon monoxide and a bunch of other harmful fumes, so really they should be located at least 25 feet away from your home."
"The mystery seemed to be solved in the most unlikely of ways; OP had tested their apartment and found dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in the air."
"Carbon monoxide or CO is a poisonous gas produced by some home appliances that can make you seriously ill if you breathe it in."
"As you probably know, carbon monoxide is an odorless gas that is incredibly dangerous for humans."
"Carbon monoxide's very scary; it's kind of hard to detect and it can kill you quickly."
"Carbon monoxide... causes headaches, unconsciousness, and even death, and they call it the silent killer."
"A good CO detector is cheap insurance, absolutely safe."
"The scary thing about carbon monoxide is that the symptoms are actually quite hard to spot."
"Carbon monoxide is formed from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels."
"It combines with hemoglobin in blood and can't carry oxygen."
"Microbes have been estimated to remove a million tons of carbon monoxide from the environment every year."
"This is a classic picture of carbon monoxide poisoning."
"Carbon monoxide reacts with the red blood cells which can result in suffocation."
"There's my electronic configuration for CO."
"Carbon monoxide is so poisonous to you because it binds and displaces oxygen or replaces oxygen so that we have less oxygen-carrying capacity. You suffocate."