
Belongings Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"This might be the first time this has ever happened, but they found your wallet."
"This pretty much sums up everything I have in the garage."
"Fishermen found his belongings including his ID floating in the water."
"If they still haven't picked up their stuff or if they still have some of your stuff... it's a good sign that they're pretending to be over you but they still have one foot in the door."
"So these are the only two I have and I'm just, I lose everything, so I just, I'm really bad at this stuff."
"I kind of like keeping things too, like my hair."
"I feel like we all have something; mine was a kettle."
"To me, home just means being surrounded by things that you love."
"What do you think really happens after death? Your family fights for your belongings."
"Being really aware of what you try to keep in there and just what doesn't live in there anymore."
"Last night I realized I left my Invisalign and my pillow at the hotel."
"This bed was also for Henry and Samuel and I'm so glad that I kept it because it just means a lot to us and the glider was also one that we used with the two of them and so I love that he has a little bit of that history here in this room."
"Nothing in there, glasses case, anything? No glasses, no glasses."
"I just want it inside and so it's so nice."
"Of course everything in your bag is Disney."
"...having this huge freaking keychain is going to help me not lose my stuff all the time."
"I love that you never have to search for your room key or money."
"I just have a suitcase in the car."
"I don't have that much stuff getting built because not all my furniture came."
"You left your socks at the hotel room."
"I left him his stuff. I left him a stereo system, a dining room set, a movie collection, a CD collection, two color TVs, a coffee table, and I left him to intake."
"I asked him if he still had his boots."
"I'm taking everything that means anything to me because I don't think I'll see any of it again if I leave it all with him"
"Almost everything in sight was actually her daughter's."
"He's got uh, that's where he keeps all of his, his dank nugs and his armpit pop, yes."
"I feel like this is the first big apartment that I'm like, 'This is my stuff.'"
"Imagine this was your house and you invited your friends over but they broke all your toys."
"It's carnage, the things I have in here already are my blind, this is a little pfra blind, my speakers which are missing the speaker covers because they're just being spray painted, my chandelier and my ceiling rose, that's literally all that's staying in here."
"I did bring literally everything over here like my vines and my lights."
"I actually posted that cheap jeep was for sale my beloved cheap Jeep I've had that thing for like five years"
"It's just nice to have like a place of your own where you can leave your belongings."
"You don't realize how many things you have until you move."
"It's crazy just how much stuff got left behind here."
"I will organize all my stuff and bring intention into everything that I own and everything that I'm traveling with."
"This is the most difficult part about cleaning out the house of someone who's passed and left all their belongings to someone else."
"What's in my purse? It's so random."
"All my things are here. Looks like many things. Lots of things. All your things."
"...this is a lot of tops. This is all stuff that I am getting rid of."
"It's really messy, it's our little knapsack."
"I found my sunglasses. They've been lost for like two weeks. I'm so relieved."
"I'm never decluttering, I'm never. I really hope that I got the travel size."
"It's amazing how one person can accumulate so much stuff."
"You have my trucks! Tony was supposed to paint those for me!"
"You see, our memories are not inside our things."
"Opie, if you won't do anything else to support your son, buy him a small safe for his more valuable belongings."
"Belongings from her Manhattan apartment were successfully auctioned for 3.6 million smackaroos."
"Don't get rid of things that you actually need."
"I went to the car off with a wallet in your phone. I've still got my car. That's something at least."
"...knowing what's important in your own bag."
"Be very, very selective about sentimental items."
"A home comes alive when people fill it with things that truly represent themselves and their personality."
"This bear has my hat and glasses and bow tie and everything. I love it!"
"And in here I carried some various things: New Testament for reading and devotionals."
"I like to keep track of my belongings. I don't want to hand out everything like some things I don't want you to wear."
"My house is in shambles, I've got nothing to my name."
"They reached and got it, and they got their bag."
"I'd like to thank my garage shout out to my garage for being freaking dope holding on my tools anywhere I go."
"I miss the like spillage of a well-loved makeup bag."
"Create a home, you can keep stacking them things."
"So yeah, I got some stuff, she shipped them to the hotel that we're staying at."
"Overall, just do the best you can to protect your belongings and be smart about stuff that alone will get you really far in this world."
"Remember, minimalism is not about getting rid of every single thing that you own."
"This last one is my diddy bag, this is the one that carries all the little things."
"Those came with the room when I moved in."
"The beauty of prepping: 'There's nothing that I need to go buy, I have it all and I'm so thankful.'"
"A bunch of DVDs or no VHS's, some clothing we're gonna donate after we wash it."
"This is my CMEC binder and underneath are all my daughter's notebooks."
"Keep yourself safe and keep your belongings safe."
"The book was there exactly where I thought it had been, tented just how I had left it."
"'Following the collection of his belongings from his room at The Golden Fleece, the investigator made his way to the Grimoire Bookshop on High Petergate.'"
"The worst thing you could do is to throw the person's stuff out when they're not there."
"My things will definitely fit with much room to spare."
"I won't be carrying this around the whole time, I'm gonna end up taking it back to the car because I'm staying on an access lake."
"What is everybody carrying, you know?"
"How satisfying is it to have shelves that are actually full?"
"Even more so, I got this stuff boxed up in boxes in my storage."
"I pulled out every product I owned, a full inventory would take too long."
"Both Bobby and Sherrilyn's cell phones, their wallets, Sherry Lynn's purse, a GPS, 32,000 in cash, as well as the family dog were found inside the truck."
"However, I did travel with my pink pot."
"My briefcase, I can't find it anywhere. Oh, you're so absent-minded. First it was the umbrella, now it's the briefcase."
"That is what I have going on in this cabinet."
"You don't want to leave these behind especially specialty stuff like this because they're harder to replace."
"Sir, I got your wallet and your phone."
"It's miraculous how much you accumulate."
"...but I'm fine with letting things hang out there for a couple of months before I transfer them officially to my giveaway box."
"Why are people just leaving their shirts behind?"
"I totally forgot listen I just got robbed that just came home notice the life is fun do you know these bum ass [__] just lost my crib and took the Clorox my phone the tablet and the Amazon stick like literally what you gonna do with that?"
"Because why did he just have a spare, whole set of clothes in his bag, along with a knife, as well?"
"She had never imagined being driven out just as she was with nothing but the clothes on her back."
"Never one time have I had somebody thrash one single thing in my house ever."
"This entire bag actually fits my whole life."
"This belongs to Charlie, this belongs to Ella, and something like that. Keep a whole big folder of them and then just stick them on any of their belongings for school."
"I started panicking, all my stuff, let's go, my stuff!"
"We can't bring belongings with us but we can always recall our memories."
"This is my floor and my work shoes some socks my computer my slippers my blanket some sheets um my dog bed some more stuff on the floor."
"One of the great things about marriage is basically all the stuff you have is gone and all the stuff they have comes in, and that's it."
"The opening of the bag is just like you're reaching in there, you're sring around the pot just to try to find what you have in your bag."
"A lot of their belongings were still left behind in the colony itself."
"Yeah man so those are jays beaters my son he uh left those behind I don't know what to do with them."
"I am so respectful to everybody and everyone's personal belongings."
"We obviously have a lot of stuff, so just try to keep it to unique, interesting, one-of-one necessity stuff or stuff that can really help people out."
"...and after all, they were just things, so we stopped looking. A year later, I went to the basement to do laundry, and there was my mom's sister's ring sitting on my dryer like it had been there the whole time."
"I'm trying to be sort of mindful about the things that I bring in."
"I've moved all around Los Angeles looking for a better deal, so I keep all my belongings in boxes."
"Going through someone else's stuff like this is a really complicated feeling."
"Home is where all my stuff is, like all the stuff I like that I've collected, it's there."
"Great news everybody, I found my watch!"
"The things in a wallet sometimes reflect various aspects of a person from the side."
"We surround ourselves with things that we have put meaning into."
"He was carrying a plastic hospital bag."
"He had some clothes and some paperwork from the hospital."
"If it really is that valuable to you, it deserves a space in your home."
"Looking after your stuff and making it feel nice gives you a new inspiration."
"If you find it, please give it back."
"But together headlights shine, a car full of belongings, still got a ways to go, back to grandma's house it's straight up the road."
"Remember to use your pretties, don't be hanging on to those pretties."
"I don't judge; we aren't stuff shamers."
"Certain belongings aren't meant to stay with us for a full lifetime and that's okay."
"You can tell a lot about a person by what they have in their pocket."
"It's not that you have to get rid of all of your things, but things do have to have a place."
"Everyone should feel that their stuff is safe and will not get stolen."
"The management is not responsible for hats and coats, and these are mine."
"You never realize how much crap you have till you pack up all the crap that you have."
"If we enjoy just looking at them and knowing that we have them, that's good enough of a reason to keep something."
"The things we travel with can matter a great deal."
"It's not just about tossing stuff, it's about reevaluating your belongings and making decisions as to what you really need and what you really want to keep."
"I'm so happy, I actually ended up getting my makeup bag back."
"I believe in getting the most out of everything you own."
"Did you ever go into your wardrobe and find something that you thought you lost?"
"If you have things in your house that you are not using, give them to a friend or somebody you know or a charity that could use them."