
Size Perception Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"That rear steer is the ticket to make a big thing feel small."
"These may look small, but boy do they have big flavor."
"Everything is outsized big. I mean, I've seen, yeah, there's some serious giganticism going on."
"Could you not scan for the Mosasaurus? It can't hide, the motherfucker is enormous."
"It's kind of cozy in here for such a giant car."
"One thing that is really surprising me, is that this place is massive."
"Whatever if these are craft up there they're massive."
"It's big and it fits so much stuff in it but it doesn't look too big, you know what I mean?"
"The design hides the size of this vehicle quite well."
"I think you can't help but be impressed by the sheer magnitude of that."
"I like have this all framed out the same way and you look ginormous, you're a big guy but like"
"As a result of the real estate taken up by that prominent bezel, the watch wears significantly smaller than those measurements might suggest."
"Just because they're small doesn't mean that you can end up fitting everything that you need to carry with you."
"And for an almost eight inch blade, it feels like it can handle like a much smaller knife in the process."
"Seeing a fairy droid from The Mandalorian Season One finale in real life, it is a lot bigger than I pictured." - Ordinary Adventures
"Surprisingly... it doesn't actually feel all that much bigger than an A-Class."
"Just because something is bigger does not always mean it's better."
"It really is tiny but quite heavy actually for the size."
"It's not as big as you guys would probably think it was."
"for a 48-footer this did not feel too big"
"So on First Impressions like this Stadium feels it's huge."
"Now both rectangles are the same size."
"American farmers were initially skeptical about the new tractor because of its small size."
"Feels smaller and bigger at the same time. Weird, like the TARDIS."
"Gosh, don't the aeroplanes look enormous in the shadows."
"The word TARDIS is a word that describes something that's bigger on the inside than the outside."
"This car is named for Charles de Saint-Étourdi. Wait, we have a like a proper room? I didn't know it would be this big."
"He'd be deceptively larger, however lean he'd be, extremely impressive."
"The first thing you're going to notice when you take this out of the box is it's a large device."
"Honolulu... the skyline makes it look a lot larger than it really is, you've got the ocean right there in the background."
"Scandinavia is much larger than you expect; every time I drive far north, it's like you get reminded every time of how big it is."
"This is absolutely huge, like you can't see the sheer scale of it on the camera."
"Taking this vehicle out on the road makes you feel great, actually as large vans go it doesn't feel like you're riding in a large van, doesn't feel like you're driving a large van."
"It's actually huge; it doesn't look that big on here, but this room is massive."
"The resort is beautiful and even though it's really big, you don't realize it when you're there."
"It drives like it's several sizes smaller."
"I think we need to have like a clear distinction between what it means to be big."
"It really has that big bike feel to it, which I really appreciate."
"That's the biggest horse I've ever seen in my life, it's massive!"
"Puffins are so cute, and they're really, really little as well."
"A good small car should be small but feel big because there's nothing worse than feeling hemmed in in your small car because it makes you feel vulnerable on the road."
"The moon looks as if it were the same size as the sun; the star is about 400 times bigger than the satellite but astonishingly it's also 400 times farther from us."
"Just because something is big doesn't mean that it's better."
"It's so big. Look at this kitchen counter, Blippi. Yeah, we wouldn't be able to reach any cookies if they were up there."
"It's weird how it's like it's so small like this, it's really so it's like you open up a door to something that looks tiny on the outside but is massive on the inside."
"Why do they make the checks big when money not big? Well, okay, 20,000 is big, right? Like can we admit that?"
"It's huge. It looks big from the road, but here is the St. Louis Arch."
"This is a small box, but by golly, is it mighty."