
Inability Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"I don't know how to do that because I don't care."
"Sasquatch can't do it, you can't pick up on it, or they don't want to."
"They don't know what to do about it, they can't do anything about it, and they hope the enigma will go away."
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Well, a new Brack can crowd control people until the end of time."
"They hate it because they know that they can't do anything nearly even a quarter as good as what has existed in the past."
"Henry can talk the talk but he can't walk the walk, and that's the truth about Henry, he's a total dreamer."
"Even after this build, even as much as we say we just want to relax, I don't know that we can ever go back to that."
"Why can't Genin, what's the excuse they simply just can't find one anymore except copium."
"I understand you want to, but we can't."
"I couldn't save everyone, and this action was just me acting out of what little goodwill my otherworld self used to have."
"Can't hum while holding your nose."
"I'm sorry," she managed. "I can't help you."
"I just can't stop cussing anymore, I just can't."
"Someone is realizing deep down they still have a lot of love for you, but they can't give you what they don't have."
"...unable to react to the siren song."
"He took a measure of comfort in knowing he truly could not have saved the others."
"Nigel could not play it, bro. That's OD."
"Memories of her dear friend's piece flood her mind, forcing her to relive one of her most profound regrets—the inability to save him."
"I wouldn't be able to help myself dude."
"Magic is the one thing that he was never able to do."
"I can't lift anything like literally I can't lift anything"
"I'm really shook that because I know I'm not going to be able to partake."
"The energies are radiated, I can't."
"I just really don't know what to say."
"What the [ __ ]? The real travesty is promising to do something you aren't able to do."
"You're really in a situation where you can't do that."
"I can't just suddenly turn it off, you know? There's no such thing as a kill switch."
"I was unable to fully latch onto anything after the first few seconds."
"Exactly, 'cause I pretty much can't swim. He can't swim. Me neither!"
"Sorry, bro, he can't even hear you talking."
"Imagine being in a dream trying to punch but you can't, you cannot wake up."
"I just couldn't stop it, I couldn't."
"He simply could not save his life."
"This was like a nightmare that I couldn't get out of."
"Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about that."
"I cannot draw, but I knew the one thing. I think about Guy Fawkes is the hat."
"He himself cannot enjoy the world that he saved."
"You can't change what it has at the top level of the site unfortunately."
"This lack of ability is a very good thing because if you could will yourself... to lift the several thousand pounds required to levitate a 1964 Impala off the ground, you would undoubtedly shred all of your muscles into hamburger and lose all of your tendon insertion points."
"She's just laying there, she couldn't get up, yeah, she said she couldn't call 911 either because her hands were too cold to use her phone."
"I love you. That's why I can't come."
"We just could never put it all together."
"Everyone except for Janice. Janice just couldn't get it together."
"I've tried to debunk everything but I just don't know how to explain it."
"I couldn't find anything to answer the Duke, I could only scream, remembering his words,"
"Melting, he's melting, he cannot do this."
"I remember trying to bite down on my inner lip as hard as I could to create a little color, and I couldn't do it. Couldn't do it."
"I can't carry them either back in my car or to his house. I'm not strong enough."
"I can't afford to play in this sandbox anymore."
"He's physically cannot tear up, you guys."
"He wanted to say everything would be all right but he couldn't get the words out."
"You can't do anything. I remember this helpless feeling."
"I couldn't freaking find it like I actually couldn't find it."
"But one beyond your strength, Bilbo. You cannot take this thing."
"I just can't do it, Kitty. Much as I'd like to."
"No wonder my hands are like this, they're like some monster's hand, I can't even hold my stick, it's too... I'm so cold."
"I wish I could give you the answers you want or that you need, but I can't."
"A lot of guys are stuck in relationships that they literally can't leave."
"I just couldn't handle it like I couldn't, I couldn't do it."
"I couldn't imagine, like, I can't imagine."
"It's being like nope can't do it can't do it."
"She sits because she cannot stand. She stays because she cannot leave."
"I absolutely could not, I was locked out of the world."
"Apparently, I can't even battle with the lemon MMA fighter."
"I don't have the words to say anything. Okay? I'm speechless right now."
"What he's really concerned with are very very large themes indeed and his characters are always you know concerned either with their inability to give love or their inability to receive love or their loveless situations."
"I love you all, I cannot embrace you all."
"See it, all those things I can do, all those powers, and I couldn't even save him."
"I never did learn how to say no to you, Magnus."
"I can't lie to people, I physically can't do it."
"...I can't bring your daughter back, I can't bestow upon you just peace and solace, and I can't do that."
"She ought to be crying too, she thought, but the tears would not come."
"I was thirsty but I couldn't drink."
"If I had 10,000 tongues, I couldn't brag on Him enough."
"Because I can't when I'm this frightened," gasped the witch.
"It wasn't so much that he wanted to stay as that he couldn't go."
"I can't make a double Krabby Patty with the works. I can't put a patty on a bun with lettuce, cheese, onions, tomatoes, ketchup, mustard, pickles, and top bun together in that order!"
"To stand before a gift of self, unable to receive."
"I simply wouldn't be able to do that."
"A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honor, so that he wanted nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof."
"I thought I could move on, but I can't."