
Wisdom Acquisition Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do."
"Wise, I found the wisdom needed to change my perspectives."
"How do we increase the wisdom, the joy, the higher intelligence?"
"Wisdom is the lost property of the believer, he takes it wherever he finds it."
"Learning from wisdom means listening to others and learning from their mistakes and knowledge."
"Someone is trying to gain some wisdom on something so that they can move forward more powerfully."
"Gather wisdom; always be tapped into an understanding that you will always be learning."
"This connection is gonna make you more wise."
"Reading books can give you wisdom over time."
"Wisdom comes from experience and experience takes time."
"Age doesn't bring wisdom. The only way you become wise is if you apply knowledge to life."
"You're only stronger, wiser for it, same as them."
"Wisdom is the principal thing...get understanding."
"Wisdom isn't something you learn; it's something you become."
"I feel my age, I'm pushing 50 in a few years, that I hope I've gained some wisdom along that road."
"A wise person is wise because they learn from everyone."
"The only way that we gain wisdom is usually by living right going through things."
"Every loss of knowledge is an opportunity for wisdom."
"You cannot gain strength and wisdom without adversity."
"From this moment on, we're all a little wiser."
"Part of being a genius is learning from someone else's experience."
"Pride leads to disgrace, but humility leads to wisdom."
"Correction means every time I'm corrected, now I have more wisdom."
"Wisdom is something that can only be accrued by time."
"Wisdom is not taught or rebelized, it is lived."
"Life lessons transformed into wisdom, preparing you for a new, unexpected path."
"Everything that we learn at the end of the day gives us wisdom and knowledge for our path in the future."
"You don't gain wisdom from easy. You don't gain anything from when things are going smoothly."
"The gateway to wisdom is precisely through the portal that you do not want to climb through."
"The priority of the wise is actually to purchase wisdom."
"You possess infinite wisdom by seeking understanding from different perspectives."
"Change is inevitable. The once handsome young man with a head full of hair... changes and becomes the wrinkled bald older gentleman with a full beard and eyes full of wisdom."
"The wisdom you earn and learn in this lifetime lasts for all eternity."
"You didn't go for just instant gratification, you gained a lot of wisdom going through the things that you have to go through."
"When we do that and we clear the emotion and judgment from the experience... the experience is then embodied as wisdom."
"...most of the problems we get into are due to a lack of wisdom. We need this thing called wisdom, we need to be 'hakim,' wise, and it's a large gift, and we acquire it through practicing the virtues."
"In all thy getting, get understanding."
"When your spirit is open, you can take wisdom and take knowledge and take the encouragement."
"Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding: do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth."
"The beginning of wisdom is this: getting wisdom. Though it costs you all you have, get understanding."
"Every day I focus on what is important and I gather more wisdom each day."
"We can come to realize that I can exercise much more control over the meaning-making, such that I get the one thing that is always good to have, which is wisdom."
"Where you have an opposition is where you have an opportunity to gain incredible wisdom, awareness, compassion, empathy for yourself and for others."
"Through thy commandments hast made me wiser than my enemies."
"Principles have been given, wisdom has been handed over, and we're better versions than we entered this room."
"With understanding comes power, comes discernment, comes wisdom."
"When they reach their middle age, they do great in terms of teaching you because they attain the wisdom and the maturity."
"You learned a lot of valuable lessons, lots of wisdom."
"It's much easier to acquire wisdom when you don't think you already know it all."
"You could gain a lot of wisdom from doing that."