
Terraform Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Terraform apply will actually take a look at your code and then figure out the changes that will take place."
"Terraform is very intelligent, it can figure out what needs to get created."
"Another powerful test that I like to add to any terraform project is to periodically execute a terraform plan command within your CI/CD system"
"If that plan shows any changes from the deployed state to the current the current config on your main branch, to raise an error and so that can be an easy check to see if something was changed out of band and find that very quickly"
"We can also issue things like the Terraform validate, which will check if it is a valid config. Terraform plan gives us a listing of what changes would be made if we want to apply."
"There are also some third-party tools that you can use to help scan your Terraform configurations from a correctness, security, and compliance perspective."
"Terraform is cloud agnostic and is compatible with many clouds and services."
"As we saw, the sequence for interacting with terraform configurations is generally these four primary commands: init, plan, apply, and destroy."
"Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code tool created by HashiCorp. You can define cloud and on-premises environments in config files that are easy to read. They're version controlled, they can be automated and shared with one another."
"With terraform, you can minimize user error. As humans, we make mistakes, we click the wrong things, we add the wrong VPCs and things like that. With terraform, we can declare it, test it, deploy it, and get it perfect."
"So instead of rewriting the Terraform project that is just used by the XYZ team, you wrote a Terraform module, and the advantage would be, because you wrote this in the modular approach, this is reusable."
"Workspaces will maintain or solve the problem of single state file. So within one Terraform project, you don't have to write Terraform project again and again for each environment. You will write Terraform project only once."
"Automating environment-specific configurations with terraform workspaces ensures consistency and reduces errors."
"Terraform workspaces help streamline the management of infrastructure across different environments."
"Careful management of terraform workspaces is essential to prevent accidental destruction of production environments."
"Efficient terraform coding practices, like using workspaces and modules, are key skills for devops engineers."
"By automating environment-specific configurations with terraform, you can ensure consistency and reliability across deployments."
"Executing terraform plan is always a good practice to understand what exactly you are going to create before applying."
"Terraform is the most widely used tool, basically any company that you go and apply for, they probably have used Terraform at some point."
"Terraform generally and Terraform apply command is what we call idempotent. Be careful how you pronounce that."
"Terraform can connect to multiple things. Terraform can talk to AWS, Terraform can talk to Azure, Terraform can talk to GCP. How Terraform comes to know where it has to create the resources that you are writing in this file?"
"So, if you search for Terraform AWS modules, someone might ask me how do I know what are the different modules that are available?"
"Using that way, you can create your own modules. Otherwise, if you trust these community modules, you can use it from here."
"All the Terraform files that I will be using in today's video are already uploaded to this GitHub repository."
"The important thing when I'm getting started is, hey, I'm using Terraform. Don't use anything else."
"Never use a terraform State file on your local machine, always store your state file in remote backends."
"Modules and outputs are one of those core concepts that's indispensable for creating quality reusable Terraform code."
"So that's the use of TF State file. But when we don't use the back end, it will just store the TF State file locally in your server and it will have some confidential data."
"So, now that we have initialized the back end, the next command that we can run is TF plan. It will show you how many resources will be created or deleted or modified when you run Terraform apply. So, this is just a dry run of Terraform apply."
"Terraform takes this very immutable-driven approach to infrastructure."
"We've now had built our immutable image. We've used Terraform using infrastructure's code to deploy and define how those things go out."
"Now Terraform is going to allow us to describe everything as a file or multiple files and then piece them together."
"Now, to clean it up, I can run 'terraform destroy,' and Terraform is good enough to go and check the state of our infrastructure, figure out exactly what to destroy, and give us a full report."
"I hope this video helped you understand how infrastructure as code and Terraform can help you manage Kubernetes infrastructure in Amazon on EKS."
"Terraform allows us to describe our infrastructure in an easy to read modular template."
"If we want to make a change, we simply modify the template. Terraform will check the state of the current infrastructure, figure out the difference, and make the change."
"Terraform builds a dependency graph."
"terraform outputs allow you to Output results after running terraform apply"
"But Terraform is really attractive in that it's multi-cloud, it's hybrid. I can use this one technology."
"Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that provides a consistent CLI workflow to manage hundreds of cloud services."
"Why Terraform? Terraform is multi-cloud, plugins-based, faster, infrastructure as code."
"Terraform creates entire infrastructure in one go. It also supports the multi-cloud environment and application deployment."
"Terraform simplifies the creation of cloud resources."
"Terraform is able to work with all of the popular cloud computing providers out there."
"Terraform supports each of the major Cloud providers that exist today."
"Terraform... started in 2014 as a tool to create, update, and change infrastructure safely and in a predictable way."
"Now you can see how the entire architecture we have set up using terraform."
"I haven't used Pulumi personally; I really like Terraform."
"Most of the time, Terraform can automatically figure out what dependencies are for each resource."
"It's great to be here and I'm going to be talking about Advanced terraform techniques."
"Terraform supports conditional expressions of the format ? : ."
"For this reason, it's typically preferable to use 'for_each' instead of 'count' to create multiple copies of a resource."
"The for_each expression enables iteration over lists, sets, and maps, allowing you to generate multiple instances of a entire resource."
"What's neat about Terraform is how easy it is to both spin up and destroy resources."
"So now we are ready to apply our Terraform configuration."
"And now we've got all our resources deleted."
"Terraform is my preferred language for managing cloud infrastructure."