
Capturing Moments Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"You're capturing an actual moment of that person and the times and all that kind of stuff."
"Keep your finger on the trigger, be ready to capture the decisive moment."
"It's as if the legends returned just so history could be captured properly."
"More so, we just need the feeling of things, so that when you take the photo, it stops a moment in time."
"If you have that right moment of somebody doing something that you really want to capture that fits within your narrative of your travel video..."
"This makes me a better photographer, getting shots that I would have missed."
"Did I get things I would have otherwise have missed? Yes."
"I want to capture that point in their lives where they're making that shift."
"The great thing about shooting in burst mode is I can get it right at that peak."
"Where there's a camera, there's a way because besides creating and preserving amazing memories, cameras will always grab the most unbelievable sights."
"Capturing the moment is more important than how you're shooting it."
"When you tap that record button, you have no idea what you're going to capture. You may capture a heartfelt moment, a happy golden memory, or you may capture a nightmare."
"We want to capture this thing that goes on between us on camera and on audio and everything because people get pulled in."
"It's not about the camera gear, it's really about catching the right moment."
"Many have tried to capture moments like this, but no one does it better."
"It's like a journey through your memories actually and it captures it better than a photograph, interestingly."
"I like to sneak in and capture a moment."
"Moments are fleeting on the street. If you have a slight feeling right, I should take the photo, just take the photo because what's the worst that can happen? The moment's gone, and you'll never ever be able to get that photo back."
"What a wonderful moment to capture on camera."
"I think my heart is going to explode and I wish more than ever that I knew how to capture moments like these and revisit them forever because this is everything."
"Flexing should be organic you should just live your life capture every moment."
"That photo there being taken right now is the one that's going to appear many, many times on social media."
"Film cameras have the ability to connect you with the moment."
"It's about capturing things and you record."
"Something amazing has happened and you wish that there was a way that you could clip out that moment for posting on social media, adding to a highlights edit, or even feeding it back into a live stream as an action replay."
"...really just soak it all in and hopefully you have a photographer you trust to capture all the moments."
"Perfection isn't the goal. It's about capturing the moment and transmitting it onto paper."
"In photography if you miss the shot you missed the shot simple."
"What, and I feel like if you capture it in that way, I think of it as a moment in time, capture it just as an essence, just that quick impression, it actually gives you the feeling more like you're there at that time, in that fleeting moment."
"I want to take just a few photographs."
"...you can effectively capture the bride coming down the aisle and get the groom's reaction at the same time..."
"These are more than good enough for creating content on short form platforms and for just capturing things happening around you."
"The best camera is the one that you have on you at any given time."
"Sometimes a still image can be extremely powerful and capture things or capture a moment better than live video really can."
"The noise I wish I caught on camera is one of those noises that when it happens, your heart drops."
"...I love like that personally love that loads blogging style where the quality might not be like through the roof because that's probably why you're not buying this camera, but you're capturing way more like fun moments, you're zooming and you're just getting stuff like shots."
"I opened my camera app on my phone and began recording."
"Pull your camera out, get your lens focused, zoom in closely to capture the moments, the whole universe exists within your iris, sacred information is embedded in your eyes."
"I love this season. I feel like we are really capturing everybody's life."
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing; I want to get the correct moment."
"I just wish I had it captured because I want to look back and remember."
"The best camera is the one that's with you, capturing life's moments."
"I was thoroughly impressed with how I was able to just capture a lot."
"We really wanted to make sure we had a way to capture memories; it felt important to us."
"Like a moment in time, that's what I'm trying to capture right now."
"Taking pictures of any and everything... I recently purchased a digital camera and I've been bringing it everywhere."
"The key to making great action photos is paying less or no attention to your camera and more attention to what's happening in front of your camera."
"Be ready, so you can capture the moment when it unfolds."
"I love traveling and I love to capture the location that I'm in the best way possible."
"Once I have this set and I've set the right aperture, then I'm able to shoot just one after another and capture the moment."
"The sheer excitement of capturing memories created a feeling of both warmth and fiery passion."
"The camera would be the perfect tool for snatching these moments that are sliding by us all the time out of obscurity into a kind of heartfelt collection of my own."
"The Micro Four Thirds camera let me capture something that in this instance the film camera wouldn't have given me."
"I just love capturing everything."
"He's always been in the moment and capturing the moment."