
Space Opera Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Mass Effect is one of the few space opera style experiences that actually provides a sense of scale."
"Admiral Holdo then aims her plan to jump to hyperspace through the Supremacy in order to protect the transport ships."
"Mike nearly died again to make sure the colony could escape the lost galaxy."
"The rebels have been chased off for now, that doesn't mean we're gonna have a lot of time here, so we're gonna move the fleet blockade Ithor so they can't get through."
"Small forces braved the churning warp to reconnect to the nearest systems, returning to fighting strength."
"Lorgar Aurelia was the prime arc of the Word Bearers."
"My hand will reach out into the stars reshaping the galaxy into a place of order and unity under my reign."
"In the depths of the galactic east, the fury of the lion and his dark angels would immediately arise and pivot towards absolute vengeance."
"Naomi figures out that Marco's rocks are being guided by a spotter ship called the Azure Dragon."
"The great crusade saw worlds across the lengths and breadths of the galaxy brought under the emperor's mighty rule."
"If you're into those modern space operas, give this one a whirl because it has that same feeling but it's so much more inventive and concise."
"Gundam is a Space Opera like no other, easily surpassing Star Wars in scope and it is definitely better written."
"A classic Space Opera setting of maybe a few million sparsely inhabited planets in a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars would seem like an ideal place for piracy, so big and empty."
"His is the space opera that I probably spent the longest amount of my life reading."
"This is a good looking, sharp-edged, entertaining space opera."
"Which is a good reminder that you never need FTL to have some good space opera or military scifi, the solar system is beyond immense and able to support civilizations dwarfing any of the galactic empire sci-fi shows us."
"A Coming of Age Space Opera, it had me when I read the synopsis."
"Star Wars still has the samurai Wild West and wartime element which once made it Thrive the Space Opera lives on"
"The modern Green Lantern is a space opera in the books and that's where they're pulling most of their material for from this."
"This is where the film needs to make the most with its sci-fi elements and truly make this feel like a space opera where danger is around every corner."
"It's pure drama, space opera high drama."
"It's about unconventional parenting that happens to be caught in the space opera about warring races and badass bounty hunters."
"He's a freedom fighter, the evil Lord Darth Vader obsessed with finding young Skywalker has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of space."
"I know where my son is. That's incredible. No. How did you find it? I asked Fred to help me find Philip a while ago. I have to go there now. Then we'll do whatever it takes to get the Rossi ready to roll. Phillip's father is Marco Inaros."
"Naomi blew up the Donager, she sacrificed the ship and her crew to destroy whoever attacked the Donager, the Canterbury and apparently Phoebe."
"The new space opera first began in 1975 with M. John Harrison's 'The Century Device'."
"I couldn't make a video on new space opera without mentioning Peter F. Hamilton."
"'Nova' is a space opera, a race against time, a quest, and a tale of two frenemies."
"If you love space operas, you love good dialogue and characters, you're gonna love it."
"'An Unkindness of Ghosts' is a space opera tackling tough themes like race, gender identity, and various types of abuse, perfect for fans of Octavia E. Butler and N.K. Jemisin."
"It was absolutely heartwarming and emotional to see Naomi actually not be in space, not be on the belt."
"The great crusade, as the Emperor's crusading fleets sweep across the galaxy, uniting humanity's scattered worlds one by one."
"The traitors' due, after Horus's defeat at the Siege of Terra, the surviving loyalists hound the traitor forces across the galaxy."
"Star Wars is famous for aerial battles in space; they're really good."
"It has the mystery, it has the intrigue, it has the action, it has the Space Marines, it has void battles."
"Dune is the story of warring noble houses operating in a space fiefdom society."
"Shadow Squadron was making a run on Grievous' ship."
"It's a space opera; it's a fictional world. It doesn't bother me, it doesn't offend me one bit."
"By joining this corporation, you will become an agent responsible for tracking uncontrolled psionics throughout the galaxy."
"This is still some of the best space opera I have ever read."
"Dark Age by Pierce Brown, Space Opera in all the ways that I love."
"This is more than a ship now, it's hope for the oppressed," Nathan turned from the stars.
"Find Julie Mao if she's still here on Ceres, detain her, and ship her home."
"It's giving me very strong like Red Rising vibes so I think that if you liked Red Rising as a space opera kind of situation, you're gonna like The First Sister."
"This is just the beginning of a really epic space opera that has some of the best character work that I have ever read in science fiction."
"When people hear Star Wars, they think big sweeping space epic with lots of characters and huge stakes."
"Star Wars has been a soap opera, or space opera, since The Empire Strikes Back."
"Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff."