
System Reliability Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Layers of security, redundancies, always a great thing to have."
"Linux correctly administered will just go on forever."
"Reliability in a system is super important to whether or not it's good or bad."
"Just because 5e was hugely successful does not mean it was successful because it was a reliable durable system."
"The more we put in the hands of these systems, the more important it is they're fair, reliable, and safe."
"Bitcoin's uptime: 3,651 days since the last downtime, the most stable network on the planet."
"Once we understand crossovers and where we should have them in our system, we're going to get better performance and our system is going to be more reliable."
"This kind of tests the end-to-end workflow of the system and it gives you a lot of confidence that all your core APIs and your core logic is working as expected."
"We are one of the safest food supply systems."
"Best of both worlds... much faster, much more reliable, still very decentralized."
"Mainframes come equipped with robust security features ensuring that data remains protected and that system disruptions due to security breaches are minimized."
"I'm pleased about that because essentially the company is paying me to progress my open source project while getting a friendly, reliable system for me to use at work."
"By having a diverse energy network it makes the system overall more resilient in the case of something going wrong."
"The whole system is much more robust with a unified system and auto failover."
"Building reliability into the queue: Ack/Nack and retry mechanisms."
"Linux distro OpenSUSE: Stability, reliability, ease of installation, and configuration."
"So if something goes wrong, you can push the pause button, everything stops working, and then you're able to kind of address whatever the problem may be."
"Bitcoiners don't need to trust me, they just need to trust the system."
"Durability is the most important characteristic for a database. If you lose customer data, you would not be in the business of running a system."
"Crossfire is the most mature of any of the long-range control links."
"None of these calls relate to faults which would have had an effect on the Integrity of the information held on the system."
"Increased digital immune approaches will reduce system downtime by up to 80 percent."
"System safety is extremely important to us."
"What sets Mac apart from PC is robustness and reliability."
"The system worked, so to speak, and of course, we hope that we won't see a repeat of such testing times anytime soon."
"This approach... installs user trust in the system, allowing users to confirm the reliability of the information that is being presented to them."
"Fault tolerance is the ability for a system to remain in operation even if some of the components used to fail."
"Not only can we build a reliable system, we can prove with math that it is actually doing the right thing."
"Availability is essentially ensuring that systems remain online and accessible to those who need them."
"High dependability is a crucial thing for many of these systems."
"In all cases, the system is designed to identify such failures and handle them."
"It's the weakest link which is going to make or break your system."
"For failover to work, there has to be a majority vote on the Sentinels to elect a new master."
"High availability, always your system should be up and running."
"This is a reliability and security issue in modern systems."
"You know you have a problem when a single server going down in production can start a stampede in your system."
"Our people are quite trusting of our systems."
"These are laws of physics, and they are what they are, and if we follow them, you're going to have a great sounding system that's going to be reliable."
"Atomicity is where your transaction should either complete fully or should roll back."
"It's incredibly reliable and robust; it won't build up backlogs, it won't build up queues, it'll just work."
"If you lose V Center for any reason, your switch will continue to function."
"The system is actually very very good, it's not perfect so please exercise a lot of caution when using it."
"Sequential consistency is powerful!"
"If we want to be able to understand how to make our systems reliable, how to make them safe, we need to understand the dynamics of complex adaptive systems on short timescales."
"If these terms are the same, we can guarantee actually that the logs are consistent up to this point."
"If something goes wrong, by default, you're going to lose all your work unless you add some sort of checkpointing."
"If for any reason one of them just dies or the server crashes or whatever, it will be restarted automatically by Kubernetes, which is very nice. That's the whole point."
"This is probably one of the highest ranking ways to assure system success."
"The heart, the lifeblood of your system, will stop working at some point."
"So many of the systems we depend on as a modern society need highly reliable and available computer systems to work."
"With the PI system in place, we like to provide you with one version of the truth."
"We have a fully redundant system."
"It's really nice to have this invariant as a binary property: they either know that either all actors in this subsection of the tree are dead or all are alive; there are no zombies, nothing in between."
"For a system which can have such a dramatic, significant, and catastrophic effect on the aircraft to take its input from one source runs contrary to everything in aircraft design."
"Increased availability and reliability of your system because auto scaling does health checks."
"We're going to talk a lot about proper Node shutdown so that you make sure that your containers can be replaced in a zero-downtime type of situation."
"Fault tolerance means that if something fails, then the system behaves in a predictable way."
"A satisfactory operating condition is ensured by allowing sufficient power margin."
"The goal really is to make sure your application and your system continues to function."