
Searching Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"I've heard Tommy, what Tommy, Tommy where did you, where are you?"
"Hope is like car keys, easy to lose if you dig around. It's usually close by."
"Somebody is really searching for answers, trying hard to figure out how to get out of a very stressful situation."
"I thoroughly searched the house. It's not here."
"Pirate ship where you at, where are you at pirate ship?"
"I look for you everywhere I see you everywhere I go I look for you even in other people."
"Because there's so little representation, people will constantly look for something, anything, that is similar or close enough."
"Wally wants to find his kids, and it's a perfect thing. It's exactly what any parent would do."
"I tried so hard to find the form that best suited you."
"Looking for love is also an act of self-care."
"When you're looking for something that's hard to find and when you spread the word far and wide that you're looking for this thing, more often than not what you're looking for seems to find you."
"The remnant church is really looking for answers right now, and for hope."
"People are looking for an answer, people are looking for a Direction."
"One of these years, Denver will find a quarterback."
"After an hour of searching, Spivey drove into a parking lot above the downtown area."
"She's just angry! Where's Speedy? Freaking out?"
"The horror of the void is this unmoored wandering in hopes of finding something to cling to."
"These are supposed to be great computer hackers and they won in looking for something."
"Yu-Gi-Oh boxes are addictive because there's always that one card you could really search for."
"What you're looking for is more important than where you're looking."
"Like, there's someone out there still trying."
"Okay, let me see if I can find those... looking, looking, looking... there they are!"
"I'm really sweating here I have no idea where they could be I have to find something."
"Where the forts at? Anybody seen the forty forts?"
"Oh, you can't find nothing at all if there was nothing there all along."
"You've just got to look in the right places because you are loved."
"I'm constantly looking on Facebook Marketplace for like a glass hutch that goes up taller I feel like we have the floor space for it barely just barely."
"It's like they've been searching for someone like you."
"They've really been looking for someone they can share that type of love with."
"If you don't look for something, you will never find it."
"Someone might recognize one of these barns or the unique features in them."
"I have to go inside and try and find people."
"Because I'm not where was this let me see if I can find this super quick."
"Those who have lost or worse never found their purpose can feel so adrift at life trying desperately to fill that hole with anything they can find."
"We're in his closet, it doesn't look promising."
"We just walked along the train looking for something that said 14 31."
"Whenever you see a hummingbird flying from flower to flower, they're looking for their loved ones."
"Someone looks for you in other people."
"Even now as an adult, I sometimes go there, looking for it, wanting to see it once again."
"I regret lying to you, I look for you everywhere, I want you, it's time for me to heal now."
"That resulted in a life of searching, originating in a deep desire to want to know more, to connect to something more meaningful."
"I've definitely had times where I was looking for love and times where I wasn't."
"I was looking for love in all these places... I was looking for something that would last like family."
"Trash picking isn't about what you find, it's about the adventure of searching."
"The loss of Liz left everyone devastated and searching for answers."
"Where the heck are my AirPods? Aha, nope not here."
"I'm gonna move around and try and find a good post here."
"I'm sure you'd be able to relate, but I'm still searching."
"There's a lot of darkness and a lot of what's the word I'm looking for?"
"They want to feel justified in their bloodlust. And see, they're looking for it all the time."
"I didn't like being in the dark and wanted to find a light switch or something."
"If you're constantly looking, bro, you're not going to be happy till you find something, so it's like a level of disrespect you're going to take it 'cause you need, you need to find, you need something."
"Spends 45 minutes finding a key, the next locked door five seconds later there is another."
"It’s always searching to answer this question of how to live."
"He's obviously looking for somebody and pleading with them."
"and I think a lot of people are going to the wrong places looking for the right person and you got to start going to the right places to find the right person"
"I'm looking for it here, I'm looking for it there."
"I ended up going through every single one of the jackets."
"You know, there's not much I don't like. So, and yeah, so I was just always looking, looking for that thing that's gonna give me the life I dreamed about, you know, since I was a kid."
"My whole life I felt like there had to be something more."
"The most important thing is that you all keep searching for your own answers."
"You're searching, yeah, so in your time of searching, something comes to you which is the truth."
"All those things you've been trying to find a way out of, where your life doesn't feel empty and meaningless."
"I think anyone who already is searching for God in any way would be able to read it."
"Do you put things in a safe place and then spend half an hour looking for them like I just have?"
"Finding the pony, looking for the meaning in things that happen."
"What you're looking for is in your heart."
"...I think for many years I was searching and I was striving, I just didn't really know the right path."
"Those were so stressful so many things that you're looking for."
"...hope that one day you'll get the answers that you're looking for."
"Having that restlessness, where you're still kind of looking for something, is important."
"If you're buying the car again, looking at all those things, and you're trying to get one with all those parts on it, you're just probably going to do a lot of searching and you probably won't find what you're looking for."
"they are literally looking up there for me"
"Also sometimes cities are just cities and you're like you walk around you're like you're kind of looking for something but but you don't know what you're looking for and like there's nothing there you have it in New York or La you have everything you're going to find here."
"...even for myself who honestly sees a lot of fashion items even for me it takes a long time to find the right one..."
"He's saying, 'God, where are you?' He's saying, 'I'm searching, I'm looking, I'm going forward, backwards, left and right, and I cannot find, perceive, or see you at all. You seem unconcerned, absent, and silent when I need you the most.'"
"You can also use AutoTempest to search at classified sites like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist nationwide."
"Everyone is searching for God. Now, please watch your mind, don't react. I'm not being a weird Buddhist monk. I am a Buddhist. But then, I respected what he said."
"Don't fall into the trap of searching for the next best thing."
"He doesn't know much much of anything anymore and he may never find what he's seeking because the truth is he's lost his way, but you can be sure he'll continue looking for."
"This game gives you the ability to look for levels that have the tag or tags you desire and not only does this heavily rely on the level creators being accurate in how they tag their levels but the game does not give you the ability to exclude tags from your search."
"You have got to know what you're looking for."
"I was always searching for my daughter. I didn't work for half a year, all I did was look for her. You can't even begin to imagine what it's like if you've never been through it."
"It will look for events with the same message key."
"Do I have the key? Where did I put the key?"
"If any of you can find the clip I'm struggling I don't do the right keywords."
"I'm just Aggy because I can't find it I don't clean my whole house I done moved everything looked in every bag I can't find it."
"It truly is the question of is it that unreasonable or ridiculous that they would use a dog to search?"
"Are you still looking? No, I just wanted, you said smoke."
"Everybody is searching, everybody's asking some of the same questions. Everybody is buried someone and wondered, will I see them again? This is the human race on a quest, and there is eternity in our hearts."
"I've just spent too much time like rummaging through bushes and hedges and leaves on the ground and I still can't find it."
"Stop calling people's names when you're looking for them. Just look for them."
"Scanning surroundings. Searching for Sugar. Sugar detected."
"That void in your heart, the void that's in your life is not going to go anywhere because just like I said as soon as you fill it with something that's not going to be good enough and it will be the void will show back up you will be empty again."
"I looked around but they were nowhere to be seen."
"They’re like people without homes, restless, unable to settle down without any kind of peace until they find a body to enter into."
"If you pray 20 Mysteries I promise you God will uplift that burden because you are truly searching you're knocking on the door and God will absolutely respond."
"...June pup and I can't find him anywhere. Well, I guess I should say I can't find him anywhere, June pup didn't have too much trouble. She can smell him."
"...that's what like that's what you want to look for when you're looking for a house like when you're looking for a house you're looking for apartments or rent you want it to feel like it's home..."
"Where are you?" she whispered. "Speak to me."
"...for the spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
"I know it's out there. I know there's someone that's right for me, but right now, I'm just looking out for me."
"Meet the woman of my dreams right there. She's out there, Harris. I just got to find her."
"We got lost, but we are so blessed that there is someone always searching for us."
"You want to find love in a hopeless place."
"I was really trying to find a maxi dress and I felt like this one was very kind of like 90s floral maxi dress."
"Everyone is looking for love, but not always the right person."
"I'm trying to find someone the organic way."
"It's dark. Pretty soon I couldn't find my way back."
"We lost it. We put it someplace and we couldn't find it."
"Won't he leave the 99 others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?"
"I just remember feeling this deep emptiness and this feeling like something was missing, but I didn't know what that something was."
"I've been every place I thought you'd be. Why have I just gone on drifting on and on when baby you're the one who's lost at sea?"
"Everyone who asks receives; everyone who searches finds; everyone who knocks will have the door opened."
"That is my version of the Walt's worm; this is an excellent fly to fish, it makes for a good searching pattern."
"Behold your father and I have been searching for you in great distress."
"He's looking for some sort of connection in this lonely world of his."
"Each one of us is looking for our missing half."
"Now I'm looking to the sky to save me, looking for a sign of life."
"Hello, hello, is it me you're looking for?"
"Find me somebody to love, find me somebody to love."
"I've been walking around aimlessly searching."
"Take care and happy treasure hunting."
"Because they have taken away my Lord, and I don't know where they have put Him."
"Good morning, good morning. Can anybody see any elves anywhere? Me neither."
"There's someone for everybody out there if you look hard enough."
"There's always a light somewhere, you just gotta find it."
"You want a dog that enjoys looking for things."
"You can often find exactly what you're looking for if you just do a little bit of digging."
"I've been searching for this card literally since the release back in 2021."
"Like a sneakerhead, I just keep soul searching."
"I might have a bottle of wine somewhere."
"I've been searching for answers for a long time, and I know that God is in control."
"Do you know what you're looking for? I don't think anyone does, do they?"
"Shouldn't they at all just tell me where you are, send a prayer?"
"I'm a wife. My husband just has to find me."
"There are millions of us looking for that special someone."
"I was in a nightmare, searching in the dark, but I couldn't find you."
"They have been looking for somebody that they can trust."
"Sometimes it feels like you'll go through spurts that for twenty or thirty minutes you can't find anything, and then after that, you'll hit a hot streak and find a few different opportunities in a row."
"It's these expressions I never give that keep me searching for a heart of gold."
"I genuinely want to find someone, you know, and I don't necessarily like dating around."
"Everybody has a right to search for the right person."
"Everybody has a right to be able to search for the right person."
"It felt wonderful to be alive to hear it; I've gone looking for that feeling everywhere."
"If you're going to look for something, you got to have some kind of a game plan."
"It's a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack."
"I'm looking for answers, slipping through the ocean sand."
"You're gonna get love, the love that you've been waiting for, the love that you've been searching for."
"The search command is used to parse input coming in and pass it across as a search across 'n' number of columns that you want to search for."
"Shouldn't be this hard to find somebody, shouldn't be this difficult to fall in love."
"It's always in the last place you look. Well, I hope so, 'cause if you keep looking, you're crazy."
"She wandered the woods looking for lost souls, dead or alive, with the intention of bringing them to wherever they belonged and soothing them along the way."
"I'm pretty sure we've all had the experience of searching for something that's not actually lost."
"If there's supposed to be someone for everyone, there's no one for me."
"How does it feel to be on your own, with no direction home, a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?"
"And they shall wander from sea to sea."
"She's innocent like the steam off a puppy's nose searching for him in the snow."
"What I am looking for is looking for me."
"You're the one that I've been searching for."
"Her eyes danced around the room seeking a target for her mirth."
"He was a man that was constantly searching, always curious, always learning."
"Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something."
"People are really out here trying to find love."
"I was feeling a bit lost, you know, because my father had just passed away."
"Rain crashing down all around this empty town, I'm searching for the lost and found."
"I am actively looking for someone new."
"I'm literally always googling recipes."
"Men are terrible at looking for things, right? Like, objectively."
"Hey Mama, what are you looking for? I'm looking for the top in my pot. I can find it for you."
"I could even find you with my eyes closed."
"I wonder if she's out there somewhere, my soulmate."
"It's always the last place you look for it."
"Good morning, no Maverick and Goose still. I keep looking."
"I'm always looking for stuff; I'm always sourcing things."
"The eyes of the Lord go all over the Earth looking for somebody that God can show himself strong in."
"If it's true love that you're looking for, then I know the place."
"They're just trying to find love like anyone else."
"Running and gunning, man, pack of birds to pack of birds, one after the next, hoping for the pot of gold."
"I'm really just looking for things that I love."
"Wish I could find the right words to comfort you."
"Where are you now, where are you now?"
"Been around the world and I can't find my baby."
"Child, why have you treated us like this? Look, your father and I have been searching for you in great anxiety."
"If we can't find it here, it doesn't exist."
"If a man have a hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?"
"I've been looking for the signs, but all I can find is a sign of the times."
"And I still wonder where you are, and if you found a way out from the dark."
"Search your library for a creature card, reveal it, and put it into your hand, then shuffle."
"Hello, is it me you're looking for? I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile."
"I am so very glad that I found you because for a long, long time I looked for you and I just didn't know where you were."
"Thank God I've been looking for you."
"I don't get angry, I get... what's the word you're looking for?"
"We just vibing right now, trying to find a way."
"I've been searching for someone like you my whole life."
"We're called the finders; what we do is find the things that no one in their right mind wants to look for."
"There's got to be somebody out there looking for what I'm looking for, and that's love."
"Where's my wife? Important thing."
"In the crowd, once and again, I look for her in vain. When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed."
"He stood frozen in fear, praying the ship would not come searching for him."