
Manual Work Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"I just find making things by hand, the craft of it, it forces you to slow down and to think and to explore in different ways."
"There's honor and virtue in working with your hands."
"This is by far the most screws I've had to screw in."
"I like working with my hands, they're the best tools you have."
"There's something really nice about building a giant huge thing and working with your hands."
"If you're up for a little bit of manual labor, you too can reach financial security."
"When you're doing the hammering, it's a real Zen moment, a lot of time with your thoughts."
"For me, some of my most contemplative moments are doing simple manual work. And frankly, building things is my play."
"This required a lot of hand work, a lot of sanding, and well, more sanding."
"We need a certain percentage of this country problem-solving and doing something of a physical mechanical nature."
"It's good to work with your hands in this technologically saturated world."
"I find doing it manually, while it takes longer, is more accurate, especially when you don't have a good reference data set to map it to."
"So at the end of the day, if you are somebody who is getting started, this is a great way to get started. Few things I'd like to mention as well: if you are doing the things manually, obviously it's gonna take time."
"You just take this and you just work the whole piece across until when you touch it, it's just buttery smooth."
"Let's peel this up as gently as possible."
"I was so proud of myself and I was so happy that I was able to go out and do that with no machinery whatsoever, just a little bit of elbow grease."
"We work better by doing with our own two hands."
"I can't change your mind about that, but what I can tell you is that I reap the benefits of doing it manually."
"Working with your hands is always incredibly therapeutic."
"Never be tempted just to go and get the windy gun and whack them down, always do it by hand."
"You got to take care of your body, you got to keep your hands working, that's how you make money."
"As long as there are people who don't take kindly to having their life consist of pushing buttons and watching blinking lights, there will always be people drawn to craft."
"There's nothing wrong with working with your hands. Especially in 2023 and 2024, people are looking down on tradesmen."
"We take great pride in doing everything here by hand."
"I find I get better control doing these by hand, and it doesn't take that long."
"If you can weld, you're going to be just fine, if you can build stuff, you can change tires, fix flats, that part is never going away."
"We all need to start doing more things with our hands."
"Smart people might use a paper cutter to do this; I like the idea of ripping it."
"Everything on this project can be done with hand tools."
"If you're looking for something a little bit different, then I would definitely try out the manual."
"Everything was just more manual, so going back and watching it is even more fulfilling."
"I always did like working with my hands."
"So many people lost touch with that relationship with working with their hands, and that's important to me."
"Everything is built by hand in that shop."
"Seen something come to life via a hand-carved process is often more satisfying than a printer spitting out plastic."
"Why use a machine if you can use yourself?"
"Sometimes doing something manual is a better bet."
"Manual sourcing is the best way to source once you 100% know what you're doing."
"You work with your hands and you stimulate your senses."
"I like splitting by hand, huh, it's good fun, I love it."
"Once you've done that kind of manual labor, you can never underestimate the amount of labor that goes into it."
"Using your own hands, you shape this object into existence."
"I enjoy tracing it with a pen or a marker and then cutting it out with scissors."
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing it by hand, doing it manually, sometimes that's the best option."
"We've both got all of our fingers, thankfully."
"I definitely recommend doing this by hand to start."
"The tiny squiggly looking details were traced from the template and then cut out painstakingly by hand."
"I like wrenching on things without power tools; I think it's therapeutic."
"I always enjoy working on these cane mills; they're always a lot of fun."
"I'm a big fan of manual setups; they're just a lot more fun."
"Sometimes doing things manually is faster."
"For smoothing things out, nothing beats just a hand sandpaper, you know, just sanding by hand."
"I want to show you how to do it all by hand so you've got confidence to do it without machines."
"So I prefer to do it by hand. You get a better feel for it. You don't cross-thread a lug nut or something stupid like that."
"These don't need to be super tight, you just put them down with your fingers just until they're snug."
"You've got that really nice shape and your hands can do a lot of the work."
"Take pride in working with their hands."
"In a vanilla JavaScript application, you're going to end up writing most of the code that you want to implement manually."
"There's something satisfying about actually working with your hands."
"This tool is absolutely wonderful but it's about 80 percent accurate, so there is still some manual classification that you're going to have to do."
"The final design is all by hand, so it comes from here through here and out through here."
"Doing something with our hands that is craft-based makes us feel good."
"The only tool you actually need, essentially to a certain degree, is your own two hands."
"I truly do love working with my hands."
"Anyone who works with his hand, whether you are a cabinet maker, whether you are a surgeon for that matter, a sculptor, a painter and all that, you first have to become a craftsman in my book."
"A little manual labor does not hurt anybody."
"It's just like nice to do things with hand tools sometimes, you feel more connected."