
Continuous Delivery Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"In a hybrid work environment, the expectations around speed have skyrocketed, pushing leaders to focus on developer experience and continuous delivery." - James Waters, VMware
"DevOps is not just a single product, it's the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users." - Donovan Brown
"What I've just described here is how continuous delivery works in many companies all around the world using all sorts of technologies, all sorts of industries, and at every scale."
"Extreme programming and continuous delivery are deeply rooted in this idea of making progress incrementally in tiny steps."
"Continuous delivery happens in such a way that changes like new features, configuration changes, bug fixes, and experiments get to the users in a safe, quick, and sustainable manner."
"We define DevOps as the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to end users."
"Continuous delivery, in his words, is ensuring you are able to release but not actually deploying those changes to production. After pushing, you still decide whether to deploy them to production environments."
"So how can we tell where and how they are wrong and what should we sensibly do next when we find the mistake this is by far more the more effective more efficient way of making progress and is ultimately while continuous delivery really works and really matters."
"Continuous delivery happens during your QA or your pre-production environment stages."
"Understanding of continuous integration and continuous delivery is key."
"Continuous Delivery bridges the gap between development and operations teams."
"All of those make, in my view, Spinnaker a pretty great platform for continuous delivery."
"Continuous delivery or continuous deployment is usually about updating applications automatically."
"Continuous delivery is a mindset more than a technical approach."
"Continuous delivery gives us the clearest, most definitive feedback on our changes that we can possibly get."
"Continuous delivery is fantastic for developers and dev teams but it's also fantastic for the organizations that create software because it gives them the chance to work experimentally and to learn what works for their users."
"Continuous integration is a foundation of continuous delivery."
"Automated testing is at the heart of continuous delivery."
"These 14 markers of continuous delivery represent extremely useful guide rails helping organizations to steer their path towards continuous delivery adoption."
"Delivering frequently is releasing to the customer every few hours or at most every day or two."
"I call it continuous delivery, and it's deeply applicable to writing games."
"My advice is read the team topologies book on platform teams, practice continuous delivery, and good engineering practices to manage the complexity of your systems."
"That ability to release at any time is really the freedom that continuous delivery gives to us."
"It's a really powerful tool to do continuous delivery pieces and have different environments."
"At Datadog, we ship software all year round: new features, new functionality, new products."
"Continuous delivery works fantastically well."
"Deployment pipelines are central to the idea of the technical practices of continuous delivery."
"DevOps is an approach to delivering software solutions in a continuous manner."
"You should always have a working application during the whole refactoring phase."
"We build and optimize a single fast, efficient deployment pipeline that can determine the releasability of our system quickly enough to sustain continuous delivery."
"Argo CD is basically a GitOps based tool and it is very, very popular in the continuous delivery space at this point of time."
"For continuous delivery, we made the decision to run the continuous delivery logic inside the cluster."
"Code pipeline itself enables continuous delivery for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates."
"We have a service called Code Pipeline, this is our continuous delivery service."
"Rather than having very large development teams... what you want to do is break up your engineering organization into small, autonomous, agile teams who are delivering continuously."
"You should be able to continuously deliver your software, you can keep adding more and more features to the software."