
Stand Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Leadership requires taking a stand. I have a message to all the white supremacists and the Nazis who came into Charlottesville today: go home, you are not wanted in this great commonwealth."
"An unlikely hero, an ordinary man who simply took a stand."
"This is so wrong, so tyrannical, there needs to be a hill that you're willing to die on."
"There will be occasions when we will have to take a stand, even if it is contrary to one or more powers on the basis of principles as we are doing now."
"You've got to speak up, you've got to take a stand."
"Men need to stand up and revolt against the status quo."
"There are times to stand up and be counted, there are times when we have to fight."
"For such a time as this, I will stand with my God."
"Having a conviction is being so thoroughly convinced that something is absolutely true that you will take a stand for it regardless of the consequences."
"I will never bow to a racist xenophobic dictator."
"Take a little stand in your life in any way. Just take a stand."
"Christians, you are going to have to get comfortable with the idea of I'm going to have to stand up for my faith no matter what."
"Han will not stand for his prejudices."
"...the entire world is simply taking a stand and beginning to say this is not acceptable."
"By God, or there will be trouble. We're not budging. If you want to get in there, you're gonna have to shoot through us."
"I'm not afraid. I'm going to stand here, I'm going to stand my ground."
"The only thing I really wish would change would be that stand. That's the one thing that's like making me be like 'h'."
"We must stand against the wickedness of rejecting God's truth, even in the face of cultural challenges."
"He was an ordinary human being but he took his stand."
"Your person feels it's time for them to make a stand in life for the things that are really important to them."
"No one can dodge the emerald splash, except for...well, when I did my stand science, I had a whole list of stands that could actually deflect it."
"The world. It's a tier which with star platinum, it's twins. Damn, of course it's a tier."
"We must make a stand for truth, we must make a stand for the kingdom of God."
"Through some miracle, a stand was taken by the other house guests causing the glorious downfall of these dominating forces."
"Jesus made a decision. He took a stand."
"I firmly believe that if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything."
"Make a stand for the children, make a stand for the coming generation."
"I think it's important for our sport that we took a stand."
"We decided we needed to take a stand."
"We're never going to be able to get sites built. We're never going to be able to buy a piece of ground and move in as be our own. So we're going to have to make a stand somewhere, and it's going to be here."
"Stand on that promise. What is the promise of God that he's given you in his word? Stand on that promise."
"Don't let them shut you down. You take a stand for God and God will stand with you."
"We must take a firm stand for truth and righteousness. We must look ever to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."
"I'm through being the messenger. It is time to take a stand."
"Stand for the truth thereof, then I want to take a stand for the truth."
"We are beginning to have the setup for Christians to be persecuted because you take a stand for what the Bible teaches."
"I rather die than apologize like Socrates, you feel me, because the truth is something that you got to stand on if it's the truth."
"I seriously think it's so cool and very brave of you to step forward and be like no enough is enough I'm not dealing with this for another second."
"He stood up for what he believed in."
"Are you gonna rise up for Him when you see evil? Are you gonna stand up for Him against the evildoers?"
"Here is a man who would not take it anymore. Here is someone who stood up."
"That bell rings, I'll still stand."
"What are you committed to experiencing this year, and what are you willing to take a stand for?"
"There comes a point when the only thing to do is to stand up to this behavior because it destroys people and it destroys lives."
"Let's stand together; I'm not afraid to take a stand."
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for just about anything."
"You got to stand up for what you believe in, and you tell the other person, no, you move."
"I think this stand is really cool."
"If you believe in something, stand up and face it."
"We had to take a stand; this is a threat to our existence."
"Sometimes the greatest courage is to stand up, even when you're standing alone."
"The boy had stood his ground, and that was all that could be expected of him."
"Gandalf atop Shadowfax stands firm in the courtyard of Minas Tirith and defies the Witch King."
"Maybe we should stand and be the generation."
"Nothing changes if people don't stand up."
"If you allow the fear, the evil will win, and that's not going to happen. We have to stand for our voice proudly."
"Standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis or Klansmen or terrorists."
"There has to come a point where somebody needs to make a stand."
"You are brave for what you stand for."
"It is America's last stand, what was formerly one of the busiest airports in the world."
"Now is not the time just to be silent, now is the time to make a stand."
"This is your last chance to make a stand."
"He's got to make a stand for what he thinks is right."
"I had been pegged as a lackluster employee, I decided to take a stand."
"This is our home; this is where we make our stand."
"I will die in this stand. This is where we live now."
"We must stand up for the constitution."
"A man's gotta take a stand sometime, somewhere."
"You can take a stand no matter what conditions you are in."
"While others just talk about quality, we're willing to take a stand."
"Too many people have been threatened, too many people have been bullied, too many people have been intimidated, and it stops now."
"What Jesus is showing us here is an extremely profound way to take a stand."
"I believe in them, and I'm going to make my stand right here."
"Resist, resist, resist, and having done all, you're going to stand and resist."
"At what point do we stand up and say, 'You know what, this is not right. This is not the way it should be.'"
"Every man that ever has any vision is looking into the wind and saying, 'No, don't give up to the trend of the times, stand for God.'"
"We're not going to put up with bullies anymore."
"We make a stand, or we lose everything."
"We're taking a moral and spiritual stand for justice."
"If you don't stand for purity, you will fall for temptation."
"You have to make a stand for right and wrong in life."
"The symphony was where he made his stand."
"Injustice can never be stood for. It always must be fought against."
"Y'all come on, take a stand against violence."
"Live your life and do whatever you do, but at the end of the day, stand on what you stand on."
"I was hoping to make a stand by showing how defiant I was."
"This was a really important moment for me to like stand up to a bunch of people including a bunch of like powerful men in the industry and be like no, I'm not, I don't stand behind this video, I don't feel good about this video."
"Sometimes you gotta stand your ground."
"He was not going to be bullied out of his home."
"If you don't stand up for what's yours, you're gonna fall for anything."
"If you can answer me, set your words in order before me, take your stand."
"We were antagonized to the point, our backs against the wall, we had to make a stand."
"If you don't stand up to bullies, nothing will ever change."
"Generals can stand; having done all, stand."
"We're gonna draw this line now and we're gonna go stand on this side because we've had enough of trying to get everyone on the same side."
"Phineas... took a hard stand for righteousness despite what the popular opinion might be."
"The Black Lives Matter movement is why I chose to take a knee."
"This is your last chance, we have to make a statement, we have to stay put no matter what."
"Who are you?" I demanded, ignoring the feelings of nausea and dread, and I stood my ground.
"I'm not afraid to take this stand."
"I stood my ground. I mean I have integrity for myself."
"The defense of Brest Fortress represented a heroic stand at a point when the rest of the front was in near total collapse."
"Every man eventually is backed up to the wall of faith, and there he must make his stand."
"I encourage every resident to take a stand for our community against their continued hatred."
"The child of Athena's final stand."
"You stand your ground and you do what you believe is right."
"It is sometimes surprising that for which a person will or won't stand and the rights for which someone is willing to risk all."
"Believers are in a stand up, and I love it personally."
"Decide whether this is a hill you want to die on, and you die on it."
"Having the ability to stand up for what you believe in no matter the consequences."
"They choose to be counted among those who take a stand to preserve the testimony of God in the Earth."
"She's going to stand up against sumin's bullies."
"Stand for something, stand for something, stand for something."
"We have to stand for those Democratic Values."
"She came back and she made a stand, got moved for it, she fought for the crystal gems."
"You took a stand against a whole bunch of people."
"If they don't go in, I don't go in. I'm sure Prince Maxon will appreciate knowing that my absence is your doing."
"We must stand up against injustice."
"You actually took your power back and you're standing your ground."