
Strong Bond Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"You're ready for a strong relationship; you want to commit."
"2023, you're going to be in a marriage or a strong relationship."
"They feel there's a very strong bond connection between you, a lot of strong commonalities."
"What they sense and feel that you guys will have in the future is definitely a very strong union."
"Every reason to believe you two will be reconnecting. It has reconnection written all over it."
"This is an unbreakable bond, destined and powerful. Your connection shifts their perspective on life, leading to a metamorphosis into their true selves."
"Once they're in and committed, they're in and committed. You both are very compatible and have a high potential for a strong relationship and connection."
"Someone might start a rumor. You feel an unbreakable bond between you and Yukari."
"This connection is so deep and strong, it's like nothing can come in between."
"This person recognizes that there's a very strong bond between you because this person is like obsessed, they've got the devil card energy."
"The turtles and splinter are a strong family unit."
"Robin knows that she is 100 safe with the crew she could have a 10 billion berry bounty on her head and still not feel threatened"
"The connection between you and this person is spiritually strong. It's going to lead to being unbreakable."
"Wow, you're a true ride or die and I appreciate you."
"It's a tag team with a bond stronger than that of the four horsemen, the Rock and Roll Express, the Hardy Boys, and the young bucks put together."
"Pod could die protecting Brienne because of the strong relationship they built."
"I had the strongest relationship with him; he was like the best part, best person."
"Their relationship is probably the strongest out of any in this movie."
"You're woven into the fabric of each other's lives really, really strongly. I feel like this is a past life connection."
"This is a very strong Soul connection. It feels like you really recognized this person's soul as soon as you met them."
"It's not a sexual attraction that I have to you, but there's this real strong connection that I have with you."
"Their relationship will be a friendship forged in fire."
"It's a bit of a hoarder mentality when it comes to you because two of cups coupled with the wheel of fortune is a very strong energy of a reunion of souls."
"It's such a strong connection that you can feel with a total stranger sometimes more than people you've known for years."
"A bond like ours can't be tossed aside lightly."
"Their powerful bond is impenetrable."
"The chemistry between these two, 10 out of 10."
"Because our bond is too strong, I mean, can you imagine?"
"I appreciate y'all man, I love y'all most definitely for sure."
"When you rescue a street dog... it really becomes a kind of companion and the bond is super strong."
"Their chemistry? Oh, that was a nuclear reaction."
"That bond that they have with him is just extraordinary."
"It's an amazing feeling to be with those brothers, man, and I love those guys to death."
"What makes Michiko so great as a mother is that even though every aspect of her personality conflicts with Hachin's, their bond holds strong."
"It's you and I together, this feeling is so strong."
"Because the connection is so powerful, it is their source of life for them."
"The enemy does not want you and this person to see eye to eye because the love between the two of you is too strong."
"She loved her daughter, you couldn't ask for a better mother-daughter relationship."
"All I can tell you is the strength of his dog, and he and I somehow established a bond that is unexplainable."
"Elephant-human bond is a lifelong bond, strong bond, and if it falls apart, it becomes a real problem."
"It creates a very strong bond between porous and non-porous objects."
"We are now a family unit that has a very strong bond."
"Sasha and Anne have a very strong friendship, Sasha and Anne are BFFs."
"The root of our relationship is deep."
"The strong bond and support system surrounding V as he embarks on this significant phase of his life."
"They will do anything for each other."
"You should know that they loved each other very much, that you were born out of a strong love."
"I love them to death; they're literally my family."
"She continued to have a really strong relationship with both of her parents."
"You share a very strong soul connection with one of these individuals."
"We were inseparable, like two magnets."
"You will have such a strong bond with these people."
"The mother-child bond is something I never cease to be amazed at how strong that is."
"There is no bond stronger than brotherly love."
"The love was so strong because only we had was each other."
"I love you all so freaking much, thank y'all for literally everything."
"What bond is there that's stronger than that of brothers?"
"This connection is a rope like they used to pull up the anchors on big ships."
"This relationship, this bond, this connection is a great big blessing."
"This connection here is one of great power."
"The bond is not only just incredibly cemented but both of you kind of take pride in this relationship."
"This strong, incredibly strong bond that you share between the two of you, they want reconciliation, they want to rekindle this connection."
"They really feel like the two of you have something really strong, almost too good to be true."
"Your bond is so strong, you guys can truly weather any storm."
"What you guys have for each other is strong, passionate, and I feel both of you are determined to be in this together."
"Yes, mom and I have a really cool, great relationship; we have just kind of been through a lot with my health, so our bond is very, very strong."