
Garden Quotes

There are 366 quotes

"Through tragedy, Vincenzo's garden was born, a beautiful space of healing and love that I needed in my life."
"I want to move my pig, so I've had a lot of animals in my 2020 garden area before. I've had ducks in there, I've had chickens rotate through there, I've had goats in there, and so now, since May, I've had pigs in there."
"We wanted a drama-free, peaceful place, and that's what our gardens are."
"Dubai Miracle Garden: the world's largest natural flower garden, with more than 60 million flowers blooming at any given moment, featuring life-size floral installations."
"Imagine your garden smelling like you hid a dead body in there."
"It is one of the rare gardens which is at the same time of historic interest and very contemporary in spirit."
"One of my favorite features at Wooliton is the astonishing topiary."
"My mind is like a garden, and that whatever I plant in the garden will come forth like seeds after their kind."
"My husband and I designed our garden to be a paradise for butterflies, birds, and bees."
"It's a secret garden getaway for us."
"Jardin Majorelle is a beautiful botanical garden located in the heart of Marrakesh, Morocco."
"Dubai Miracle Garden is a stunning botanical garden located in the heart of Dubai."
"Butchart Gardens is a stunningly beautiful garden located in Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada."
"It reminds me of a lovely garden on a hot summer day."
"I decided to use the shell as a greenhouse and created a garden within it using roses."
"The International Rose Test Garden is an unbelievable sight to see."
"A good life to me is having a garden and your friends and eating food that you want to eat."
"I love the garden, it's so cool, so nice, like a little Zen space inside your home makes all the difference."
"I find the garden looks really just stunning under the dappled light."
"If you are looking for cheap, affordable, budget-friendly Garden Planters and like DIY vases, I've got you covered."
"There are so many elements of surprise in this garden."
"Welcome to the garden, which is so much fun."
"Life just beginning in the garden, it's nice to have something welcoming."
"The impact of a beautiful garden can be overwhelming."
"Thanks for a great year here in the garden. Good luck in the garden and keep on growing."
"This garlic is freshly pulled out of the ground."
"We've got sheep in the garden, sheep."
"...when we lived in a house, we spent most of our time and meals sitting in our garden..."
"Every time she was reunited with Hades, the two would lay in their own garden for hours."
"Alright, welcome to the Roof Garden in springtime!"
"Matrix plants perform a supporting role in the garden, where the more showy plants are set off against the matrix plant background."
"I love a garden and it's definitely lacking here the views are gorgeous but when the gardens are finished it's going to be even better and I can't wait."
"Is this the garden that you dreamed of? Absolutely."
"...kind of gives you that Enchanted Garden feel."
"Unbelievable, this Garden is just beyond."
"Even a tiny garden will have space for the compact clematis Avalanche. Doesn't it look wonderful?"
"Now the garden just feels more grown up. It's unapologetically urban and I really like that."
"The tranquil sound of the water goes a long way in making this perfect self-contained natural garden stream."
"They've really created a really nice protected, peaceful, calm place inside the garden area there."
"There's just so much in the garden to be proud of."
"Give everything away except your garden, your worry, your fear, your small-mindedness. Your garden can never be taken from you."
"Going out and looking for statuary at a discount is a great way to make an interesting difference in your garden."
"Giardino dea Ro tucked away just beneath Piaza Michelangelo offers a tranquil escape with its enchanting Rose Garden."
"But it's the garden that has proved to be Cote's greatest asset."
"Small houses and yards need small gardens, big houses and big Lawns need big Gardens."
"...just enjoy the magical qualities of being outside in your own garden, in your own little piece of paradise."
"The garden really does pick up my spirits."
"Every garden tells a story of resilience, growth, and the beauty of embracing imperfection."
"The cherry blossoms bloom throughout the entire Garden in the spring."
"Every garden should have a water feature, not because they're beautiful, they're soothing, sound, the reflection of the water, but also for the wildlife."
"Absolutely gorgeous Garden in Charlottesville Virginia."
"These just make you smile they're great to put in your garden and they just bring a little smile on your face when you see them."
"Beautiful details in this garden."
"One of our favorite parts of the garden here we have the group of invincible we white hydrangeas."
"This is your rather cute south facing Garden surrounded by stunning views."
"The last little birdhouse in, and with that, our tropical-style sensory garden for the Tui family is finally complete."
"It does feel as if the garden and the interior all part of a journey."
"A lot of the plants here in the garden have stories and we'll tell you those stories as those plants come about."
"Did you know we're calling it the poet's garden, Ruth? The poet's garden, that's terribly romantic."
"...it's just been such a pleasure walking around the garden with you guys today."
"This gardens amazing already though."
"Isn't that gorgeous? Like, this is one of my favorite colors in the garden."
"This isn't just a garden; it's a metaphor for certain aspects of my life. A leader must also tend his garden here, to sow seeds, and then watch as they grow and harvest."
"Its beautiful garden transports you to a distant land."
"Alfred Nicholas Gardens in Kalista is definitely worth considering for a day trip from Melbourne with its fairy tale-like atmosphere."
"Possums are good for garbage. They keep out the smaller rodents. They destroy the things that destroy the gardens."
"Arriving at the Garden, they spotted kaix gazing at flowers."
"...it's amazing to see all of the life already coming to this garden."
"What a beautiful place to walk around here to the Sanan Garden."
"Well, you may think this is rather a small area of rather a large garden but it's a most charming place to sit uh lovely bench which um came from minster stone in the 1920s and this glorious rose i'm afraid nearly over."
"What could be better than doing a little bit of a tour to show you what is currently growing on in the garden so you can see how it's going to transition and develop into summer when we get gluts of harvests?"
"This is one of my favorite places in the garden I shouldn't say that but it is golly me it is so so beautiful."
"Naps in the garden are very, very good."
"You could look at this garden as a sort of a timeline of what Californians, Angelenos, have thought about themselves over time."
"The garden is starting to look like something."
"Well most people would consider a garden a place of rest and repose."
"Thank you for showing us your amazing garden."
"The three C's: choice, curiosity, and curves, create an inviting feeling in the garden."
"A beautiful rose is as lovely as anything the garden can offer."
"I love this Garden. I've filmed in here before and it's a church that's right in the heart of Soho."
"Hibiscus can be one of the showiest flowers in the garden."
"my garden is my getaway my relaxation if I was worried about it being perfect for people to see it would just totally rob me of my joy in it"
"Tulips are harbingers of joy. I love the choice, the versatility, and the sheer exuberance of flower that they bring to the garden."
"I absolutely love how immersive this garden is."
"With the right approach, the right methods, and the right plants, you can create an amazing garden almost anywhere."
"The garden is the most used place of the house. Everyone always comes out and chills."
"...you guys haven't seen this Garden since the day we planted it."
"The garden is looking absolutely glorious."
"Ultimately this doesn't really matter, when that's fine and a lot of things tend to go that way in the garden."
"This small intimate Garden features beautiful Pavilions, winding shaded walkways, a jade green pond with koi fish, a collection of 150-year-old miniature trees, and best of all, it's free entry."
"I love a light fixture in the garden because it adds so much sparkle and so much personality."
"You're gonna have a beautiful garden with this person. You guys actually might plant a garden together."
"Seeing the community come together like this, it is clear the garden provides an indispensable service."
"It's the garden," said Roger, "and loads of people."
"They say if you have a nice Garden you'll sit outside more this Garden is definitely the best Garden."
"I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries."
"A garden of misery needs room to grow"
"This place looks like a real Paradise in her hands, the garden is flourishing."
"I'm gonna wash these up real good you want to peel them we're gonna fry them just because it's Garden season we're going to be making some fried green tomatoes with this as well and of course homemade cornbread."
"Oh, look at this, the rose bush has climbed up this Olive Tree, and the roses are all in amongst it. How fab is that?"
"So these small meals and these small moments and these small days in the garden end up feeling like a massive victory."
"It feels like you're in that person's space, it's more hospitable in the garden."
"Wake it up all right come out to the garden cuz that's where the Magic's actually happening."
"The front yard is really well developed."
"The garden that God created was not the home of God it was the place God met with Adam"
"The San Francisco Botanical Garden: go early in the morning when it's foggy and you'll feel like you're in a whole other world."
"Nobody tendered the garden, so weeds grew up."
"Rhubarb is a beautiful big patch in your garden, it's perennial, it comes back every year and it's really fun to use."
"God planted a garden and put the man whom He has formed in the center."
"A fresh cucumber out of the garden is just, it's pretty special."
"Art in the garden can act as a focal point."
"There's nothing like spring in the perennial flower garden."
"Bees can be really important for keeping our garden healthy and growing."
"I'm really excited about the way the garden pulls together after mulch, it's just really cool."
"Another time we were in the garden late at night with a friend and as usual I could feel something there."
"The outdoor kitchen is the luxury element in gardens."
"God planted a garden Eastward in Eden. This is your heart."
"If I want a tiny garden to feel larger then I use soft pastel colors."
"By bringing a bit of the architecture into the garden you create a more harmonious landscape."
"...Berkeley's 10 acres of formal Terrace Gardens include the largest boxwood Garden in Virginia."
"This 15-acre garden was planted more than 100 years ago and offers a close-up look at the rich local flora and fauna."
"This is a really beautiful specimen in the garden right here."
"This area of the garden is also one of my favorite and it's one of my oldest."
"This is Sun King Aurelia and it's almost like a shrub now."
"Everyone I think should have in their Garden."
"The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed."
"Every aspect of what they do is led by the ever-changing tapestry and botanical diversity of their incredible garden."
"We are just about to go to Babylonstoren, a very special place, one of the best gardens in South Africa."
"So this is the garden right here, everything in it is edible."
"One of the highlights of our visit to the garden was the healing garden, home to a wide array of medicinal plants from all over the world."
"The centerpiece of this garden was a spruce tree."
"When your garden is BalancED, with just as many Blue as rED, we shall call it a flowerBED."
"It smells like a garden tea party if you're outside having tea in a garden with roses."
"It's got a really nice big garden; I remember playing out there with my brothers and sisters and cousins and friends."
"That is probably one of the most stunning pictures in the garden right now."
"When you have flowers in a garden, all of the flowers have their purpose."
"Every time we walk past this part of the garden, just the smell of these gorgeous peonies, it's just incredible."
"We loved our day at Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden."
"I love these bricked, a little closed-in Courtyard; you have your own private Gardens."
"The back garden has a one-of-a-kind water park complete with flumes and even a waterfall."
"I do like adding vintage pieces wherever I can in my garden; it just makes it seem a little bit whimsical and fun."
"I wish you guys could smell these limes from the garden, oh this smells fabulous."
"What a fun garden, definitely quirky or should I say beautifully eccentric."
"Gardens aren't just about plants, trees, patios, lawns; it's actually about getting your inner quirkiness into your garden."
"I feel like a rabbit; I could eat this entire garden in one sitting."
"They loved that garden and it meant so much to them."
"Fresh strawberries picked off the plant and eaten in the garden when they're all warm and juicy is literally one of life's greatest pleasures."
"The back garden is huge and gorgeous."
"Each type of gnome represents something else, some kind of power or some kind of thing in your garden."
"Understanding your microbes is a bit like understanding an English Country Garden."
"The Chinese Garden of friendship is a tranquil oasis located in the heart of Darling Harbor."
"She found something of herself in the calmness of her garden."
"I've got a hedgehog house in my garden and some of you have already seen that on my Instagram where they use it as like a stopover place every so often."
"Build a little hedgehog highway, basically a hole in your fence just above the surface so they can burrow so they can go through it."
"It's not the biggest pond in the world, but it's for what it is in the garden, it's just superb."
"The pond looks great, the fish are great."
"Isn't this an amazing garden, guys?"
"It almost smells like a garden, like a fresh garden."
"These interior gardens were associated with images of paradise in Islam."
"It makes me so happy looking back at the house now, I feel like it's actually looking like a garden home."
"You don't need a huge space but you do need a really strong connection with the garden."
"Twenty years ago is the most beautiful garden in the world."
"I want a garden, I want a backyard to plant your little trees and flowers, and I want a dog."
"That's what makes it look like a real true wild garden, an English garden, almost a Cottage Garden."
"It's beautiful which at the moment is featuring lots of our asters, the aster is incredible."
"The garden looked like it was rocking."
"That is quite satisfying because this is a zen garden to the max."
"The soul of the garden, the kind of atmosphere that encapsulates the feeling and the spirit and the essence of the place."
"We had lots of big monarch butterflies in here yesterday throughout the garden, just swooping around, and it was really cool."
"This is my favorite spot in the morning here in the Garden Room."
"I really loved that garden; it led you into different areas."
"I love how this turns out and I feel like it has such a good spring and garden vibe."
"This townhouse has the ultimate rear garden, walled for privacy, green, lush, and serene."
"It's really beautiful and adds a lot of dynamic beauty to a garden."
"It's an incredible place, this garden."
"You could be here in this place of perfect repose, admiring the garden, but you could be surveilling the landscape."
"It's such a special Garden here, I call this a zen garden."
"Just sit back, relax, enjoy a nice beverage in the garden and the fruits of your labor. You deserve it."
"Welcome to the June garden tour; we're so thankful that you decided to join us here in the garden today."
"This is what I like to call the main garden walk or the main flower walk."
"The special thing about Ryoanji is the zen garden with rocks and gravel that they rake patterns in."
"The bright pops of color are starting on the end of this garden bed."
"Just look at that row of yummy luscious lettuce."
"It's such a tapestry of color in the long border that I really like to have."
"Gather them in the one garden you may call your own."
"It's so nice to be able to hang out in the garden eating our lunch on a Sunday."
"I kept seeing tiny flashes of light out of the corner of my eye, darting around the garden, and I'm pretty sure it was fairies."
"It was an absolutely manic week and one I'd never want to do again, but had all the ingredients to create an exotic jungle garden."
"I'm really excited to see it evolve over time and I think it looks fantastic against this stone wall."
"I'm really excited to see how this border develops over time."
"You'll get a bedroom of your own and a bigger garden. Hey, you could even get a swing each, you know, twin swings."
"I love that old English looking cottagey garden flower look."
"This terrace and this little garden is like an extension of my living space."
"It's been sat under a red maple in the garden, so it's got two autumn shades of red maple leaves on the juniper."
"Oh wow, look at this nice little garden. Fantastic, outstanding, marvelous."
"Hello and welcome back to the secret garden."
"You're getting color in every direction."
"Truly adding some sunshine to our backyard space, just a little sunflower."
"The Japan Pavilion features a beautiful Japanese garden surrounding the temple."
"The Map Stone is a massive block of marble that protrudes three feet from the earth in one end of the Seer Spring Garden."