
Standalone Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"This series as a whole, every installment is a standalone adventure."
"Kenshi really stands on its own with regards to uniqueness."
"this game is the beginning of when yoshi started to stand out on his own as a character."
"The story is self-contained and it's the perfect place to jump into the franchise."
"Not only is this a great movie, but it works far better as a standalone film rather than being connected to any specific Universe."
"Sanderson has written the cosmere so that each book or series can be enjoyed without the context of the other."
"If I didn't know number one was a standalone and they didn't already plan to have two and three, I would have completely believed that everything was planned out since the beginning. It just flowed so nicely."
"Despite 1978 being the second part in the series, to me, it was the most effective in feeling like its own part. It feels like its own movie and it could be kind of a standalone movie."
"It doesn't necessarily have to be connected to anything or set up a new universe. I think it works well on its own."
"There is something uniquely satisfying about a standalone fantasy novel."
"Elantris is a really great standalone."
"There was something that was refreshing about this feeling like such a standalone experience that I enjoyed this more than most of the comic book films this year."
"When you come on board a film like this... it becomes its own standalone film."
"This has to be the best standalone film, hands down."
"I think these films really stand well on their own."
"Despite the issues it brings up in the broader context of the MCU, as a standalone film, this is one of my absolute favorites."
"This is a standalone product that can really work for you."
"These are all in one and done stories you don't need to read anything else to enjoy these particular stories."
"I just wish they'd done some standalone in there, it's been stretched a little bit."
"Does a standalone as a movie and how much does it work as universe building? Standalone absolutely and universe building, duh."
"This feels like a standalone movie that you could recommend to people."
"It stands on its own and you can watch it without having seen the other films."
"Five Nights at Freddy's 1 has so much going for it as a standalone horror game."
"Tolkien did intend it to be a standalone volume with no further threads going beyond it"
"You don't have to have read any of those to enjoy this because this is a standalone story."
"R1 is a fully standalone device primarily driven by natural language."
"Make sure that you can enjoy part two without having seen part one."
"It stands on its own two feet as a great film."
"Dune itself is a standalone story and a standalone book, and then became a series."
"All hail is an entirely new standalone thrilling story about the glow cloud."
"As a sequel Fright Night part 2 does not hold up, however, if you look at it as its own entity I actually really enjoy it."
"Love the movie as a whole, just as a standalone movie, as a horror movie."
"If you're not matching anything, these are obviously a really cool standalone piece."
"Every once in a while, you just want that standalone adventure."
"It's a great sequel as a great standalone movie."
"That's why Spaceballs is good, you can watch it without ever having watched Star Wars and still find it incredibly hilarious."
"I mean, that Loki is just good on its own."
"Here's what everybody should do: recast Batman, make a standalone non-canonical Batman movie."
"It's a perfect movie; it doesn't require you to see anything before."
"It's just a really wonderful book but it is a standalone."
"The processor for a standalone device is incredible."
"It's a beautiful Tanto on its own."
"It's a standalone book, it's not connected... it's a closed loop once the story is done."
"You can read all these series standalone and be like, 'Wow, that's like one of the best fantasy novels or series I've ever read.'"
"At the end of the day, the ensemble learner itself is a model that can be used as a standalone model."
"...aside from the Akai Force, this box is really the most powerful standalone box that I'm aware of."
"It's a standalone romance and it's so freaking cute and wholesome."
"It's a brand that stands on its quality alone."
"The thing about this book and about this series is they are all like Penelope Douglas advertises them as being standalone novels, but they are a part of an overarching series."
"Dracula is a phenomenal film in its own right."
"Would the Mandalorian truly stand on its own if it wasn't set in the already established Star Wars universe?"
"I love not having to commit to a series, and we need more fantasy standalones."
"As a standalone adventure, it was nearly perfect."
"I was left standing alone against the other side, but I persisted."
"Let's write standalone programs in Lua."
"One of the best standalone fantasy novels I've ever read."
"Blue Beetle stands alone as a movie that does not necessarily need to connect into the DCU."
"It's amazing as a highlight on its own."