
Aggregation Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"It could be anyone's game, and then at the end, we will add them all together."
"Isn't it incredible to see this many crabs moving together? Truly shocking, you wouldn't see this anywhere else."
"Aggregating independent opinions is a good way to introduce decision hygiene."
"Aggregation of independent observations is always good."
"Every bit of data starts as an anecdote until you aggregate them into a mass of data."
"It doesn't matter if you're doing group by in SQL, a pivot table, sum ifs, or Dax, the concept is the same: unique list, aggregate calculation."
"Group by does two simple things: it will take a column and extract a unique list of items and then based on that unique list of items we can say hey look at the sales column and make aggregate calculations like total sales or standard deviation."
"What other things can you do with arrays? You could do cool array aggregation."
"Aggregate results from your query with the summarize operator."
"Putting a number of different accounts in one place is fantastic."
"An aggregate is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes."
"When you start aggregating even a few hundred cells, you end up with very clean data."
"Reduction, as the name implies, you can take every element in an array and reduce it into an aggregate value of some sort."
"Smart news aggregates trustworthy news from over a thousand publishers so no more clickbait."
"Collector Car Feed aggregates Facebook Marketplace listings to spare you the headache of actually having to use Facebook Marketplace."
"One of the best approaches to get good predictions is that of combining many sub-predictions into one overall prediction."
"I took the bits and pieces that I liked about each one and really aggregated it into one table that was what I felt was the perfect table for me."
"You'll take those ten different 100 Gig carriers and you'll cram them together into a super channel."
"Resources is a website that aggregates materials for learning various languages."
"If you could aggregate people with like interests, that in itself has value."
"The miracle of aggregation... relies on the idea that the errors always cancel out or the errors are not systematically biased."
"This tier list is sort of a meta-study, or really just an average of the most reputable financial publications."
"I could create a change stream that monitors the listings and review collection and use an aggregation pipeline to match on the listings I'm interested in."
"Link aggregation groups mean you can now group together several physical connections and treat them as one managed single connection."
"A counterfactual for a single instance is a great local explanation, but if you would like to globally understand how our model works, we would like to generate multiple counterfactuals for multiple instances and be able to aggregate over them all."
"Calculated and roll-up fields allow you to do real-time aggregation within a record with calculated fields and summarization across records with roll-up fields."
"Ground News... they're fantastic for me because they're not a news publisher, they're an aggregator."
"They bring stories from all around the world and put them all in one place."
"So, this query starts with the table name. Then we filter by a certain timeframe and generate an aggregation."
"Bagging is also called bootstrap aggregation."
"There's a cheat sheet put together by SANS that aggregates all of this information nicely."
"Table calculations are a second pass aggregation, things like running totals, percent of totals, things like that."
"The final prediction is the sign of the sum over all predictions, weighted by the performance of the classifier."
"We can do aggregations very easily with high precision using ontologies."
"It was one place to read all the stories instead of Twitter and blog posts."
"This request is saying get search results from produce index, I'm interested in the aggregations results only."
"The quantity demanded in the market is the sum of the quantities demanded by all buyers at each price."
"It improves statistical power by aggregating data and reducing the number of statistical tests."
"The distribution layer allows the aggregation of multiple access layer devices."
"In Ana plan, you build hierarchies and structures that allow for instant aggregations and business logic."
"Aggregation sites are websites that collect information about farms so that when folks go to those websites, they're looking for a farm within 50 miles of their address."
"Aggregator of other humans' talents, perfect."
"It's a site that aggregates all of your social presence into one place."
"Aggregations are just that, they're summarized values."
"And aggregate means to combine, to bring together."
"The level of aggregation is one of the game changers within the IFRS 17 world."
"Online analytical processing (OLAP) is designed to aggregate data in columns to answer analytical questions."
"So what's cool about the pivot table function is if there are duplicates that happen when you do this pivot, it allows you to specify an aggregation function."
"Here's all the information about this part of my data structure, a student, a class, a dorm, all the information being aggregated together into one unit."
"In tabular modeling, you create a measure by selecting a column, then specifying the aggregate function."
"Aggregated forecasts are more accurate than individual product forecasts."
"So this is my MapReduce and basically what it has done has it has aggregated and pulled out the information for your different listeners based on the data what we have provided."
"An aggregation is a function that takes any number of values and compresses them down to a single informative value."
"The reduce function is called once for each distinct key in the map output."
"They cling together, forming giant tumble monsters that reach 10 or 20 feet tall."