
Fluctuation Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"Last week's FUD can quickly become this week's FOMO."
"Whatever goes up has a tendency to come down."
"We live in a time today brothers and sisters in Islam tells us these people who wake up in the morning Believers and by the end of the night they are disbelievers."
"You're gonna have dumb values during this period of time."
"Courage isn't a tap you can turn on or off; courage isn't permanent, it's a tenuous and fickle thing."
"You're hoping that someone will come out of this stalling and really go for it."
"It's always gonna be this up and down. It's always gonna be this on and off."
"There's a fluidity going on here that this is fluctuating energy."
"The life of an entrepreneur: I'm winning, everything's collapsing, I'm winning again, it all falls apart again."
"Fluctuating is important to me because all a lot of this stuff is everybody left with you is like this they love you hate you love you again."
"I waffle David I go pessimistic and optimistic back and forth."
"I think that you should be expecting that eventually it might reject, maybe come down one more time then you break that downstroking chain and probably oscillates around you and do that sideways price action for a while."
"One minute you're up a car, the next minute you're down a car."
"They come and go, you know, you have waves of wow I love what I do and waves of why did I do this."
"I felt like he doesn't try enough. Some days it's good days, and then it just goes downhill."
"Too bad we got too many out up here at 80 but wow there goes Google extension long right now."
"Bitcoin turns around at 35 and then goes back to 60, then we all know the bull market continues."
"Sometimes your skin can be poppin', but sometimes it be like this."
"People are either angels or demons, saviors or torturers, and this viewpoint tends to vacillate a lot."
"The show has been like humming; there's been times when it's dipped, but it just goes in waves."
"You're the best ever and devaluation you're the worst ever."
"Everybody's going from up and down and up and down, and so are the houses."
"Life really is a roller coaster; you have highs and you have lows."
"Your interest payments are changing all the time, your principal payments are changing all the time, but your total payment is fixed."
"Disney like any large company has these periods of highs and lows not permanent decline."
"There's nothing I like outright dislike there; I kind of just fluctuate between I really like this too I kind of don't feel much for this."
"Disney's fluctuating ticket prices start climbing down instead of creeping up."
"You have to look at this as almost like a portfolio. Some are going to go up, some are going to go down, and you just have to be willing to ride the wave."
"Nobody has 100% bad days and nobody has 100% good days."
"One day you're on top, the next you're a clown."
"The boat goes up, the boat goes down."
"Growth is not linear and it goes like this and sometimes you're going to be at a low point sometimes it's going to be a high point."
"I just hit refresh and it's $465 now. Prices right now during the holiday period, they do keep changing pretty rapidly."
"With every new high, there comes a new low."
"Your Baseline of Happiness can shift upward or downward."
"Abundance comes and goes the Harvest is Big some years and it's slow other years."
"The moment that price changes character, that's our value discrepancy again."
"Nothing goes up or down in a straight line."
"How could you go from loving me so much to loving me 80% of the time?"
"American history is full of highs and lows."
"Emotions work to your benefit during upswings."
"Money is a mindset. It comes and goes."
"Yesterday I wanted to kill him, today I want to hug him."
"Some years are just going to be like that."
"She'll boost you at one moment and tear you down the next."
"For some of us feelings of attractiveness ebb and flow. Sometimes they're up high and sometimes they're kind of low."
"When you on top of the world, it's a celebration. When you're on the bottom, it's a denial. The same people you see going up, you going to see coming down."
"Lots of hard work for little reward until suddenly lots of reward."
"...it's a roller coaster like people can go from loving you to hating you or hating you to loving you."
"...a duality between a wildly fluctuating thing and a non-fluctuating thing."
"The reality kicked in that you can get to this all-time high, something that you can't compare to, and then have it go to an all-time low."
"But it's not forever; it's worth that forever, but it won't be the same price forever."
"I have my moments, and today I'm having a moment."
"I mean it's a double-edged sword of being active right sometimes you're on sometimes you're off but hey he's always ready."
"Historically, there does tend to be a little bit of a pendulum swing effect."
"Every single person is on this roller coaster ride and one day you feel like you're on top of the world and the next you feel like the world is on top of you."
"The pendulum swings very quickly."
"Their feelings are going back and forth."
"I feel even though things are kind of a little bit bumpy, it's almost like a seesaw, and I'm, you know, up and down, but it's not like really extreme."
"Something that goes up and down a lot is not necessarily risky, it's just volatile."
"We were a little messed up baby, kind of up and down."
"It's miserable and the fans are angry at you. Yeah, you get relegated and all of a sudden you win three out of three, the fan base is happy again."
"All that to say is, you know, as quickly as you can go up, as quickly as you can go down, and to stay humble."
"Now, that comes just under seven thousand dollars done and dusted."
"Everything went down, yeah, and then everyone was freaking out because Amazon was down and they're like, 'Oh wait, it was down like 18 or something, and then they're like, 'Oh, but in aftermarkets, uh, it jumped so now it's up five percent.'"
"We're all human, we all gain weight, we all lose weight, we all fluctuate."
"I think it's really important to talk about weight fluctuations because it happened to all of us."
"...I now believe that happiness is not a constant state you don't get too happy and stay happy like you don't get angry and then stay."
"It feels just like this constant head pain that I always feel. It's just like sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse."
"You will see a resolution and then the roller coaster goes up. It may drop again and then it may go up again and drop again, but you will."
"Did we jump up and it fell back down?"
"The truth will rise and fall, that's just how it goes."
"I think it's a good lesson in something adds value one day and then the next day it doesn't."
"Happiness depends on situations and circumstances, your health, your financial state, the way your husband or your wife is treating you, all sorts of things. It fluctuates."
"You've got to be brave and be prepared to, you know, not always make money as well. Yeah, yeah, days where you kill it and you have other days. I've had days where I probably would have made more work in like, you know, in a supermarket."
"...your body is meant to fluctuate."
"But when you have something like currencies that do change throughout the day, you can actually have a refresh built in."
"Life is always between good times and hard times."
"Life is a battle, it's not always going to be like this all the time, it's like up and down constantly, and that's what everyone needs to just come to terms with."
"My line will look like overall going down but you'll see it kind of little jumps little little little peaks little valleys all the way."
"It's like the emotional roller coaster."
"How can it be 10° 12° 16° and then all of a sudden go back to 70 the next week?"
"The music business has its real ups and downs."
"...every team has their highs and every team has their lows..."
"Grief can come and go for a lot of us."
"Value fluctuates based on what someone will pay for it."
"The pain always seems to come back and seems to come and go as it pleases."
"They have times where they want to pursue things with you and then pull it back."
"Chronic pain may not improve and it may get worse with time. It often fluctuates with flare-ups where the pain gets worse."
"Life is like this, it's a wave. When you're feeling down, there's gonna be an up, one way or another. And you're gonna get to that point. When you're at the highest point in your life, there's going to be a down. And you also have to prepare for that."
"Since he won the big one in 1998, we've seen Scotty at his princely best and Scotty at his prickly worst of late."
"It was truly a roller coaster, and I really enjoyed it."
"I've really been enjoying it. The money's been going up and then it's been going down."
"Why is it that one day we can just get everything done and then the next we turn around and we just don't have the energy to complete things?"
"Remember Market values can fluctuate, so it's essential to stay informed."
"Productivity varies year to year depending on cap stick."
"I mean, it always changes. You have bad stretches, you have good stretches. That's life."
"Here's the secret about confidence: it's not unwavering."
"it's been a real roller coaster ride up and down"
"Nothing stays the same forever. Things are always going up and down."
"The balance takes place by overshooting and undershooting, constant overshooting and undershooting."
"Your earnings change every single month."
"Emotions are energy because emotions fluctuate."
"I loved him then I hat it like what the [ __ ] are you doing then I just kind of like I don't even want to like don't even make no more music came back."
"Momentum is either beautiful or it's cruel."
"When things are good, they are good."
"Up and down, back and forth, up and down."
"In terms of anxiety and postpartum, I would say that I'm kind of all over the place still right now."
"Societies go up and societies go down."
"The last 24 hours had been a roller coaster."
"Sometimes we'll be flying high, never fear, Cursed is here."
"It was up during COVID, but it's back down to $2,000."
"It's always been a double-edged sword for me. I've said it many times that when I'm running bad, I want to race more to try to figure out why I'm running bad. But when you're running really good, it can also go away just as fast as it comes to you."
"Feelings can change throughout the process."
"Sometimes some of the cards go like back and forth up and down."
"The pendulum swings in ebbs and flows."
"A rooftop tent that has become increasingly popular and then not and then it kind of goes in waves."
"I've gained and lost weight from 135 to 300 back down to 220 back up to 300 back down to 230 back up to 300 back down to 240."
"Confidence and motivation is not like this, nah, it's like this, it's not linear, right? We go through these seasons."
"This team has teetered for three weeks."
"I was so powerful and now I'm just regular me again"
"The highs and lows, you know, somebody's going to be on a big high at the end of another couple of hours of racing."
"Everybody is sweating even though we are right at that level that just about a couple of weeks ago people were freaking out."
"I do like and then I don't like and I'll tell you what."
"It's like most people's income. It goes up for a bit and then it's flat, and at the end of life, it actually goes down."
"...this was like the greatest thing I've ever heard but then the bar is now and then and then the following moment where I was just like I'll never get there like who is you know like it just seemed so..."
"Motivation goes up and down over time."
"Bitcoin started the year at $166,000 ending the year at $43,000, that's almost a 3X."
"I've actually really enjoyed vlogging today even though it was like a bit up and down."
"If you have been following along, the last few months have just been filled with lots of ups and downs."
"I do feel like for people in the beauty industry or entrepreneurs period there's always going to be high months low months good months bad months."
"It's gotten to the point where right now I'm not doing as financially well as I normally do."
"One minute you're on top of the world nothing can touch you and then the next you're off the back."
"It's like you're either up or down."
"The movie is making a profit, the following year he gets a notice saying they're back in the red."
"It's like, every day is 50/50, to be honest. Like, some days, I just be great, feeling great, and [expletive], and then other days, sometimes, like, the whole overthinking gets the best of me and [expletive]."
"Anxiety is something that has always been kind of in and out of my life."
"She's doing good. I mean, that's today though, like tomorrow could be completely different. Her pain varies on a day-to-day basis."
"She would try to hide it and I don't know if Dr. Chopra is the one that mentioned it but there's ups and downs with that where it could be extreme for some time and then there's times where it's not as severe."
"Your self-esteem and your sense of self will come and go like the rising tides, just like how people enter and exit stage left of your life."
"The market always fluctuates. That's right."
"It's been a bit like up and down hasn't it roller coaster Ed like we've had some come out and it's bang it's game on and others it's just been like an amble through the forest."
"The wave comes in and out, that's what I was referring to."
"You could hate something and then you end up loving it or you love it and then you get over it."
"It's been a roller coaster of emotions today."
"It definitely is a roller coaster."
"Life is like a roller coaster, it has ups and down."
"There will always be ups and downs."
"When we're on the perimeter of the wheel, sometimes we'll be at the bottom, sometimes we'll be back on top."
"This was why I told you this was a borderline thing. I mean this car, I don't really know the exact market value for it at the moment, because the market has been all over the place."
"Life goes up and down like the NASDAQ."
"One day you feel like you're good, you're full of energy and ambition and you're focused and working hard and then the next day you might be like hey why don't I step up a little here and you take on something new or you put yourself out there in a new way and then bam!"
"It's okay if you're not feeling 100 right now and tomorrow you might feel great."
"They're all in there, I mean, they're all in there. I don't know which one. It kind of changes, but there always is some sort of kernel of something floating around."
"I feel like we all have ups and downs and I feel like that's just part of being Saint."
"What I'm feeling is there was a lot of ups and downs in your relationship with this person."
"My life is more stable. It's more like a five or six out of 10 every single day. Before it was like a nine followed by a one. It's not sustainable. It's too chaotic."
"Relationships ebb and flow, they'll be stronger for it."
"Your rating can fluctuate wildly and it doesn't necessarily reflect where you are as a chess player. It's a little bit like the stock market."
"...love isn't ever fluctuating thing one that Shakespeare shows perfectly in Romeo and Juliet."
"So long as our mind is active, it is constantly fluctuating between the peaks of its desire or dissatisfaction and the troughs of its contentment or satisfaction."
"Some days I feel very successful and happy and some days I feel like a nobody."
"I'm a high six, okay? You know, it's a little hot and cold at times, just like yesterday. Yesterday was very hot and cold. We considered taking up a new hobby on the front nine, and then we rallied on the back nine to go home with some dignity."
"If you read my book, which I know you did like four times, I have this really big philosophy about not spending money on designer clothes because my weight fluctuates so much, but jewelry, shoes, and handbags are really timeless."
"That's the reality of being a Trader, there are ups and there are Downs."
"Love is not a constant thing. It's like an EKG thing that goes under the influence."
"Relationships with parents, they're high, they're low, but they're always your parents, and you never know where you could be at your relationship with your mom in 20 years."
"Life goes up and down like a spinning wheel."
"The brain systems that generate hedonic states are there but they're not operating at their fullest all the time."
"You don't get the ups like we've been having for the last two years without expecting some volatility."
"...relationship Dynamic that could oscillate between closeness and intense Strife..."
"Life is cyclic, sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down."
"...the risk you run is that the value of your capital investment could be higher or lower than what you had initially put in."
"The rise and fall of internet celebrities."
"He achieved fame and infamy, wealth and destitution, military command and court marshal."
"There's an ebb and flow in the business cycle, and sometimes that's out of a person's control."
"A woman is like a wave. When she feels loved, her self-esteem rises and falls in a wave motion."
"It's like any job, you have the ebbs and flows."
"It's amazing and then immediately not amazing."
"Prices in any market are always just moving from supply to demand and back again until the orders are gone."
"I never got my happiness from when it was going up, so why would I get my sadness from when it's going down?"
"Fitness is not linear; it's peaks and valleys, peaks and valleys."
"Life is a roller coaster, it comes and goes in waves."
"I alternate personally between low energy and very high energy."
"This feeling of stuck comes and goes."
"It's normal to experience periods where you feel like you have no motivation."
"There is little recognition in the system of the person who has a long-term fluctuating health condition and the adverse effects that this has on their person's ability to work, undertake education, and maintain their physical and mental health."
"Markets go up and down, look at them now, they're going down."
"Sometimes in life, it's like an elevator goes up, sometimes it goes down."
"He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again."
"It kind of sucks to be honest, there are these rare moments that are so wonderful where I just have tons of idea and inspiration."
"I like to show transparency, so there's moments of doubt, there's moments of belief, they come and go, they fly like butterflies in the wind."
"Markets were actually up earlier in the day and then did a 180."
"Being an entrepreneur for the first time... it's like you feel up one day, you feel super down another day."
"Life's ups and downs they come and go."
"Do not be so hard on yourself; know that your body does fluctuate."
"How do you stay confident? I feel like you have to understand that you're not always gonna feel confident."
"Sometimes relationships have highs and lows, sometimes you have good days, sometimes you have bad days."
"It's so fine, sometimes people forget that when you struggle with weight your whole life and how it fluctuates, it drives you on this roller coaster."
"It's like with YouTube, it's like peaks and valleys."