
Rewatch Value Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The discussion has just made me wanna watch it again."
"The twist should enhance the second viewing..."
"I genuinely do and I'm not ashamed to say this, go back and forth between this and the original film almost every single time that I rewatch."
"Wow, I did not have big expectations when I was watching that movie. I want to watch this twice."
"Rewatching bad movies gives us a sense of control."
"I highly suggest rewatching the Battle Frontier arc—it's definitely worth revisiting this vital part of Ash's Pokémon master journey."
"Tower of God benefits from re-watching for a deeper understanding."
"These movies are driven on emotion and heart by how they make us feel and it's why years later when I've sat down to watch them again for the first time in a long while I was still reduced to tears."
"What is more rewatchable than Vanjie's exit?"
"This admission drastically changes how everything and everyone in the film is perceived and definitely warrants a second watch."
"After watching the end, you won't be able to watch it the same way again. It becomes a different movie, one much spookier but also more poignant."
"It's a great movie and I think it's totally worth it and I enjoyed it and I'm gonna watch it again."
"This is a film that lends itself to being rewatched, it rewards you for re-watching it."
"It definitely feels like a movie to watch again... satisfying to capture all the things that we missed."
"It is the perfect parody on Heist shows and in my opinion it's one of the best re-watches in the entire Rick and Morty franchise."
"It's a movie on repeated viewing you find more and more subtle details."
"Love all of those films and I would rewatch them again any time."
"I walked out of the movie theater being like man I felt so satisfied and this is a trilogy that I will rewatch way more often."
"It's a thumbs up this match was fantastic and one that's worth a rewatch."
"This is a movie that bears re-watching a lot."
"This is the kind of movie that was made to be re-watched."
"I gotta re-watch that movie, that's a great movie."
"This movie begs to be rewatched for sure to catch all the neat little details."
"The twist is mind-blowing and encourages viewers to watch the entire film again to catch the clues they missed."
"...the better ones become practically transformative the next time you watch them..."
"It's just like a comfy watch and I could definitely see myself rewatching this every year around Halloween."
"There were so many you could watch the movie a bunch more times and still find new stuff."
"You're watching it for probably multiple the third or fourth time and I'm excited to watch it again in the future to pick up on those little behind the surface moments."
"Besides what we've already talked about is that its re-watch abilities got to be extremely high."
"The overall experience was really enjoyable; I'd watch this again just for kicking it with my friend."
"It was a lot of fun going back and watching this."
"Movies that generate healthy discussions are typically worthwhile to revisit."
"It's the kind of movie that you want to watch a few times to really appreciate it."
"It's my favorite season, it is the most rewatchable season, it has everything."
"It's just so fun and so good to have around that re-watching it always makes me happy."
"The beauty of Garden of Sinners strongly lies in its rewatch potential."
"That is a sign of a fantastic show when you can watch a second time and see all the things you missed."
"It's the definition of rewatchable."
"I think Sixth Sense is the best twist, and I re-watched it recently, I loved it, and I think it's a perfect twist."
"It's definitely worth rewatching if you have Disney Plus."
"Most great movies you haven't seen till that second watch."
"...it's all about perspectives in multiple watches, every time the right new theory is in your mind."
"It's one of my favorites, I like it, yeah absolutely, especially after a rewatch."
"I would watch this movie again, yeah, it was good."
"Big Trouble in Little China, one of those films I would happily rewatch any time."
"The show being so short made it easily digestible and rewatchable."
"That's my mark of a good TV show, rewatchability."
"Every time you watch it, you notice something new."
"It's a movie that is better the second time you see it."