
Macros Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It's really all about the macros, right? And learning how to and when to adjust those macros based on the feedback that you get."
"So there we go, success with running our macro."
"Let's get off with macros: 3,100 calories, 194 protein, 69 fat."
"Efficiency: Macros are an excellent way to save time on predictable, repetitive tasks."
"I am trying to roughly track my macros and calories again just for the next 3 weeks to see where I'm at."
"These macros are still not the best. I want the fat to be more around 50 or 60."
"Macros are these incredible powerful tools."
"I've created a little macro that I call fix phone and I'm gonna show you how to create that one."
"Sometimes it seems like magic when you're doing macros but it's not so."
"What a macro basically is, it creates a series of steps for you to carry out making your life easier rather than you know repeat commands all the time."
"You can't undo the macro. So if you're going to run a macro and it's going to be destructive to your data, use extra caution because once again, you can't undo the changes."
"Recording a macro: Must begin with a letter, be alphanumeric, and contain the underscore character."
"Macro names must begin with a letter, be alphanumeric, and contain the underscore character."
"Recording a macro: Description box - describe what the macro is going to do."
"Recording a macro: Assign a shortcut key and choose where to store the macro."
"I'd love to hear from you guys what ideas are you implementing with this new macros feature in ProPresenter 7."
"A macro is not just about assigning or adding string values to cells we can apply formatting as well."
"So as we can see we can use macros to sort as well."
"Petite fat burning macros you do want to stay in this phase for a minimum of four weeks."
"Here's the breakdown: 487 carbs, 113 fats, 229 protein."
"Variadic function-like macros can have a variable number of arguments."
"Macros when you see the kinds of things that are implemented enclosure as macros you realize the kind of power you have as a developer."
"Enjoying what you put in your body is so important that's why macros has been successful for me because I enjoy fruit I enjoy bread I enjoy things so I learned how to incorporate it all and lost 36 pounds."
"Use your macros, they're a really really good shortcut to kind of play your synth a little bit more musically."
"Macros are just a way of creating abstractions."
"Macros let me have what I say be what I want."
"VBA can give you the ability to run macros automatically."
"They can also be used with formula fields to do calculations with macros."
"The source code for the language is a data structure, and that's the key to macros and syntactic extension."
"If you want to take your Rust game to the next level, getting proficient in macros is one surefire way to do that."
"On the more involved side of things, you can create a macro that takes a completely custom domain-specific language as input and produces Rust code as output."
"I'm a huge fan of saying macros matter."
"I love being able to go in and set my calories and my macros for the day."
"A lot of things that would have to be built into the language in another language don't have to in Julia because you can actually implement using macros."
"Tracking macros can be incredibly educational."
"A lot of these macros could solve your problem."
"Macros are like templates on steroids."
"Keyboard macros are pretty simple: Alt + open bracket to begin recording, Alt + close bracket to end recording, and Alt + apostrophe to replay the keyboard macro."
"We'll work through those and if there's specific issues, we can get people in the community who understand macros a bit better to help out."
"I really like the iterative capability in the macro facility because I oftentimes want to do things repetitively against groups of data or a series of files."
"Macros are additional features that are sort of analogous to a macro in Excel."
"The real rare feature of Common Lisp is... there's macros."
"If you have some boilerplate, just boilerplate it away in a macro; you're not accruing that much technical debt as you would with other languages."
"We've been working on what we call macros 2.0, which is basically an improved version of the macro system."